Freud's theories. When you can legally talk about the science of pedophillia. On a side note, still no cure for cancer.
And they left out the science of necrophilia and bestiality? Now that's just wrong. We're not teaching the kids anything useful these days.
Fun Fact: Shift the letters in "Freud" up the alphabet by three. You get the word "Cobra", which can itself be viewed as a euphemism for a penis. Your mind is now blown.
You're in college? I've seen you're YouTube videos, you look and sound nothing like a college student.
Yes, I'm in college. I'm 18. I have numerous things wrong with me: a heart problem, a growing problem, and a strange voice for an adult. I think I can make a living off of my voice though if I do voice acting. I mean, look at Monica Rial; she has a...different voice in real life but she uses it for her advantage.
Freud is discussed in the introduction to many Psychology textbooks. His theories were just that. Theories. The field has made leaps and bound since. I took pretty much every psychology course my campus offered. Except for Intro to Counseling 2. I'd had enough with the first one.
Oh I'm sorry. I forgot the quotes over "theories". They were accepted as fact back in Victorian times. So derp on me.
Tsubaki from Soul Eater Renge from OHSHC It's actually a course that you have to take to become a Secondary teacher; we're looking at human growth and developement. Yay; I learn who/why kids play with themselves. -_-;
Indeed it is... everything can be related to sex somehow. All I learnt today was binary... I want to discuss Freud and his strange yet somehow logical theories O.o