No, this is actually a false statement. If you blowtorch water, it will get hot so long as it is in a container such as a pot. I have no idea why someone would want to blowtorch the sea but who am I to criticize random grudges. Don't ever try to thaw frozen water pipes with a blowtorch though or you will most likely, as Amaury put it, go Boom! This is one of the quickest methods to catch your home on fire. ~Nights
Depends on what is in the water some. Just like water doesn't conduct electricity well but things frequently dissolved in it do, you can dissolve things in water that can make it flammable. And like Nights just stated above it depends on the quantity and such as well, If you have a thimble or a glass it will superheat and start boiling at an explosive rate. If you are trying to blowtorch any significant body of water the heat will diffuse far faster than anything cool happening. It would take a hell of a blowtorch to even get some water to boil.
Can you, like, explain that to me? Like, blowtorching water. How does that "Go boom" am I missing something here?
Youd be surprised at how many answers I found when I looked just for What happens if you blowtorch water
Well "you" won't go boom, but like I said before the water will superheat. Superheating is essentially when you turn the boiling of water (or anything, but usually discussed with water) from a gradual process to an instantaneous one. Since hotter things almost always have a lower density and thus require more room, all that gas we created needs to go somewhere fast. Hence boom.
And here we have learned a valuable lesson. Never listen to Amaury. ...Or that he wants us all to go 'boom'. I suppose that would work too.