What happens after Kh2?

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Larxene~Miss Antenne2~, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. kingdomhearts4eva Moogle Assistant

    Jan 17, 2007
    not like u care
    Ok Namine lets go Sora said
  2. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Kairi screamed. "OH MY GOD HE GOT ME!" She screamed, twirling dramaticly and falling to the floor, faking a death. Larxene screamed with laughter, kicking her legs wildley.
  3. Anase Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 8, 2007
    Somewhere close yet somewhere far...
    Namine titled her head to the side. "Umm... where exactly? oh hold on a moment." Namine walked over to Aeris and brought out a piece of chalk, she then began tracing Aeris' body outline like it was a murder scene or something. Aeris wasn't dead, but she might as well be with all the laughing she did. she's only exhausted. She did the same for Kairi. Namine finished and put the chalk away. "Okay, now where?"
  4. kingdomhearts4eva Moogle Assistant

    Jan 17, 2007
    not like u care
    how about we take a walk or something Sora told Namine
  5. Anase Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 8, 2007
    Somewhere close yet somewhere far...
    "Sounds nice. Let's go!" Namine was feeling much better now. At first, she was so nervous at seeing Marluxia and the others but after meeting Aeris and Sora and the rest, it eased her. Aeris got up from the floor, whiping a tear from her eye. "Oh Seph... that was amazing." She glanced at Saix, wondering if she should ask him for copies of the pics he had taken of Seph being loony.
  6. kingdomhearts4eva Moogle Assistant

    Jan 17, 2007
    not like u care
    So Namine you feel more relaxed now and more free Sora asked Namine with curiosety
  7. Anase Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 8, 2007
    Somewhere close yet somewhere far...
    Namine nodded, smiling a little. "Yeah. I guess you can put it that way. I mean... it's been so long since... um... that thing..." She looked down and twiddled her fingers. 'I'm so sorry... I still feel guilty for rearranging your memories Sora.' She thought to herself, frowning a little.
  8. kingdomhearts4eva Moogle Assistant

    Jan 17, 2007
    not like u care
    What thing ohh right dont worry Namine you were being forced to and you were alone but ur not anymore you have me Roxas and the others
  9. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    (( Charecter: Xigbar
    Un-employed or employed?: Employed
    (if employed) what job: Teacher! (8th grade)

    I am now teh newest person of dis here RP. W3LC0M3 M3 N0A, N00BZ! LOL! XD ))

    Xigbar dragged himself through his little apartment, untying the uncomfortable tie around his neck and dropping all of his teacher-suplies on the floor as he went. He was dressed in a rather... Unconforfortable-looking tuxedo with even more uncomfortable-looking shoes on. He still had his old familiar eye-patch on, but he also had on a pair of glasses in front of his eyes. He slamed the front door shut with one of his legs, threw his jacket on the floor, and collasped on the lumpy couch plopped up against the wall. He buried his face in his arms, not moving for a while. He gave a slow groan.

    "Another day, another nightmare..." he sighed. "It's a wonder those imps don't have my head on top of a pole yet..."

    He gave another sigh, and looked up. "I hate my job..." he grumbled. "But what else am I supposed to do?! I'm broke..." He blinked.

    Bleh... Whatever... I need time to relax... he thought. Maybe I should go out tonight... All work and no play makes Xiggy go insane... He snickered, taking off the glasses. "Hah, that rhymed..."

    He went to his room to get dressed in more "freestylin" clothes, trying to figure out where he would go for the night. Huh... What about that new place I heard about called "Gothic Roses"...?

    ((Long, I know, but my first 2 posts usually are. XD; ))
  10. Anase Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 8, 2007
    Somewhere close yet somewhere far...
    Namine smiled. "Thank you Sora."


    Back at the terrorized BK.

    Aeris was enjoying her last whopper before the entire place is completely obliterated. "I'll miss you whopper... whopper whop whop... I love whopper. Whoppy whop whop. Going down my mouth, into my belly. Mmm, mm, mm." she laughed at herself. 'That was from Anchorman... I gotta stop watching those movies.'
  11. kingdomhearts4eva Moogle Assistant

    Jan 17, 2007
    not like u care
    your welcome Namine
  12. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Ooc: *claps* Good introduction for you're character, Foxxie!

    Bic: Larxene looked at her watch. 6:50. "Shoot... I got my overtime shift in 10 minutes.." She hissed, looking at the tables. The lounge was where the dance club was at night, the front was the restruant itself. She sighed and tugged her waitress headband out of her pocket and slid it back over her head, heading for the bathrooms to switch to her work clothes.

    Within minutes she was back at the main part of Gothic Roses, scurrying around and looking for her notepad. Within minutes customers will be rushing in for dinner. It happend all the time.
  13. kingdomhearts4eva Moogle Assistant

    Jan 17, 2007
    not like u care
    OCC;sorry people got to go I'll come back tomorrow bye bye ^_^
  14. Anase Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 8, 2007
    Somewhere close yet somewhere far...
    ((( Same. Gosh, I've been babysitting my nephews like crazy! =_= I don't like them, they rule my life! XD j/k)))

    Aeris looked at her watch and spit out her whopper. Very un-ladylike."Ho snaps! I've got to get home. and Namine! Oh geez, I better get her."

    Aeris ran out of the bk and caught up with Namine. "Hey Namine, I'm headin home. Would you like to stay the night?" Namine nodded. "Yeah... I... kinda don't have a place to live... I've been wandering." Aeris frowned. "Well that's not good. Tell ya what, You can crash with me and help me out sometimes with my gardening and flowerselling. That okay?" Namined nodded again. "Sweet. Well Sora, it's been nice seeing you. But we gotta scoot." The two walked off. Namine looked back and waved at Sora. "See you later Sora!"

    They made it to Aeris' house. A small cozy cottage with a lovely garden on top of a plateau next to it. Namine gaped at the sight. "Wow!" "Yeah, This is the part where Big Pimpin' plays." All of a sudden Jay-Z's Big Pimpin plays. The two girls look around confused. "Umm... yeah... Welp, let's go."

    They entered the house and Aeris went up stairs to change into a pink top and pink pants, pjs of course. She brought namine a light green nighty. "This should fit you. Now like I said, we're going shopping tomorrow. Okay?" Namine smiled, taking the nighty. "Okay... and... thanks again Aeris." "It's no prob. Your room is upstairs to the left. We've got tons to do tomorrow so sleep well!" She ran upstairs. Namine followed after though she slowly walked up the stairs. But while she was walking, she grasped the railing tightly.

    '...No...' she shook her head, recalling her time in the castle. walking up these stairs reminded her of the castles endless white stairs and 13 floors... she was only confined in one most of the time. Nothing but her sketchbook for company, drawing up friends. She hugged the sketchbook close to her chest as if it was her heart. 'I have friends now... but... I just can't seem to part with this sketchbook.' She smiled to herself as she entered her room and closed the door.

    ((( g'night all. -_- zzzZZZZZ )))
  15. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    (( Thanks, Larxene! ^-^ *gets distracted too easily* >.>; ))

    Xigbar walked out of his room a few minutes later, now wearing a pair of dark blue jeans with waaaaay too many pockets on it (but that was why he liked it), a black T-shirt that seemed to go all the way to his knees that had the "G-Unit" logo on the front, pure white Nikes, and a jacket that was completely black, except one word on the back writting in scratchy letters. It read, "Gangsta." He also had on a ring with his birthstone in the middle. Well, actually, it was Braig's birthstone, but, as Hades would say, details: who needs 'em?

    He grinned at himself in the mirror. "It's been a while since I've seen myself like this!" he said, grinning. He got a pair of cool, wrap-around shades, his keys, and headed out the door. "WHOOOOOOO!!! PAR-TAY!!!!!" he screamed, running toward the resturant. Sure, he mightof seemed a little... over-enthusiastic, but it had been a while since he'd had a moment to enjoy being alive. He wanted to savor every minute of it.


    ((Okay, I promise... No more big ones like that for now on. XD;


    Hopefully... >.>; ))
  16. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Larxene smiled as customers began to fill the chairs at the tableds. She began to go around taking orders from them, then bringing them to the kitchen where the chef would make it, then put it on a platter for her to carry to the customers. Then she was the one to pick up the dirty plates and stuff and bring them to the kitchen to be washed. It was a daily routine for her.
  17. Sora XIII Moogle Assistant

    Apr 9, 2007

    DEMYX xD
    i wan't demyx :rolleyes:
  18. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    can i be cloud??
  19. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: 3 pages X.x and welcome all the new peoples.

    Lexaeus went home now. He was exausted, his stone wall had just made it worse as Seph went all crazy. "Idiots" He murmured as he saw Xigbar running down the street screaming party.
  20. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix suddenly darted forward and snagged Xigbar's ponytail.
    "Xigbar?" he asked, and poked the eyepatch. Behind him, Sephiroth shook his head and growled something that sounded like, "Damn Elixir."