why is the internet so stupid suddenly i have to have a google account to use youtube and nothing makes sense anymore then editing anything about that profile is the most unintuitive thing ever (which is weird since google is literally a white screen with a search bar) now i can somehow have multiple email accounts attached to one in yahoo. i think. but for some reason im not allowed to change my profile picture. i dont understand anything anymore. technology should have stopped progressing once we hit 2006. everything was pretty perfect for a couple years, now i feel like an old man trying to make sense of a scary new world. one of the things i learned in creative writing is that at some point you have to stop editing and step away because you keep seeing things that you think need to be fixed, and whether or not they actually do is beside the point because what you'll end up doing is losing sight of what's best for the story and connection with the reader. now i know technology is a little different from creative writing, but i cant help but think the same principle should be applied here. i mean do we really need all of the technological wonders we have in 2016. nah. ipod nano's got the job done just fine. i aint need no touch screen and i dont give a shit fuck about your twitters and youtube money. christ. stress ventilated, everything back to normal. whew.