Well,i just ordered my psp from ebay and it comes wtih 2 new free games(random),all the accesories for the psp.But i dont know what games to buy for it.The ones i know i want to purchase are Metal Gear Solid:Portable Ops,Megaman Powered Up and thinking about Ultimate Ghoul's n Goblins.Any other games you guys think i should get?
What about Killzone:Liberation???? Get ratchet and clank:Size Matters and yes get mgs:POrtable ops Get ratchet and clank:Size Matters and yes get mgs:POrtable ops
hot shot's golf open tee. it's pretty fun and there's a character that reminds of kairi from kingdom hearts 1
If you are a fan of the Bleach manga/anime, I'd recommend importing Bleach: Heat the Soul 3 & 4. They follow the manga storyline and it's a hella fun fighting game. If not those, then definitely Need for Speed Carbon (if your a racing fan) and Tekken: DR like libregkd said.
Killzone: Liberation is a third person shooter. A First person shooter is when it feels like you are looking through the eyes of the soldier, while a third person shooter is when you have a view of the character at an angle.
MGS:PO!!!! It's so much fun. and I love how you can either go all stealth in a mission or run and gun it =D Plus it's got a great story line, and great replay value because you can play as boss characters once you meet certain criteria and beat the game.