This thing kids are doing lately is this thing where they make a peace sign and put it front of their face where each finger meats with each eye. Their eyes get really big and they say "Quit looking at daddy." I don't know whether to look at them are at something else. So what is it KHV?
It is a political allegory. The licking of the peace sign represent how humanity is defiled by profit driven pllaned war and peace periods, the saying "stop looking at daddy" refers to how the governments of the world try to look as though they are the good guys, when they are aware of the fact it is all profiteering, and are trying to shift the blame.
Or they're about to use some sort of eye beam attack, but if that is the case it'll take them a while with all the filler.
To be honest this sounds more fun plus will kids really use a dign like that knowing it's deep meaning? Or did they just see adults so it and copy them... I don't know, kids are very smart.