What do you want to see from Kingdom Hearts?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    The official Facebook page for Kingdom Hearts has posted a player survey, courtesy of Square Enix. The post contains to a link to a survey that takes no longer than 10-15 minutes. For people not in North America, the post can be seen below, along with the survey link. So if you've ever wanted to have your voice heard, here's an opportunity!

    Survey Link

    Credit for the find goes to @Ryuko Matoi
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Mar 7, 2014.

    1. Hayabusa
      Took it yesterday. It's interesting that they actually asked what people find challenging as well as what they find in Kingdom Hearts games. I hope that means they'll actually design around fixing the issues I've had with the games.
    2. Krowley
      I noticed in the Disney worlds questions, they excluded all the KH3D worlds as well as Wonderland (Guess even they know that it's been done to death)
    3. Karuta
      Filled this out earlier. Some of the questions were pretty cool. It's nice to see Square taking an interest in the opinions of fans.
    4. Hayabusa
      Along with Deep Jungle, but that one I can understand due to the whole licensing issue regarding Tarzan.

      Maybe they ought try this more often. Let people outside of Japan be heard (*cough nobody else really likes Lightning that much cough*
    5. libregkd
    6. Calxiyn
      This was the highlight of my day XD Some of the stuff they asked I just found hilarious
    7. Ienzo
      Completed, I was sad by the lack of questions regarding what we didn't like about the games, I think they had one but I didn't feel I had to chance to say what I disliked in the titles. Oh well, not overly fussed : D it makes me happy that they are surveying the fanbase and hopefully we will see some interesting changes.

      I do wonder what they will do with the "what is your favourite band" etc. information...
    8. DualBladeRoxas
      Interesting survey. Just finished it. Wished they would've asked "How do you think the games could be better?" though. Even though it is my absolute favorite series of all time, it's not absolutely perfect. The one thing that annoys me the most about the games is
      1. the censorship for the US versions
      2. the cheesiness of some story line *cough* end of re: coded *cough*. Gets kinda annoying...

      4. Roxas gif.gif
    9. Twero
      I really enjoyed to fill the survey! Although I needed to pass by some tough decisions, like who is my favorite character and which company I'm more fan: Square or Disney.

      And I put a suggestion for KHIII, at least I feel they'll read it.
    10. Loxare
      Question about Question 5. Is 1 what we want to play or what we want to avoid?


      Never mind. I skipped it.
      Last edited: Mar 8, 2014
    11. Railos
      Hardest parts for me were choosing my favorite worlds, and games. I found it kinda funny that they asked how challenging is KH.
    12. Shiki

      Ah yes...
    13. Ienzo
      Is it bad that for that question I literally put "Kingdom hearts 1" because it is the game I find the most challenging O.o
    14. DualBladeRoxas
      Yes I agree. Kingdom Hearts 1 was definitely the hardest one of them all. Hated fighting Riku on Destiny Islands and in Hollow Bastion...

      4. Roxas gif.gif
    15. Ars Nova
      Ars Nova
      I think I went overboard

      by which I mean I'm pretty sure I typed a two-page essay in the challenges/frustrations fields I CAN'T HELP IT I'M VERBOSE AND OPINIONATED

      Which is funny because I would've picked it if it was there. :L
    16. DualBladeRoxas
      They didn't have Twilight Town either. Probably cause it was used more as a gateway to TWTNW for Sora, yet Roxas's full story was there... So I don't know.

      4. Roxas gif.gif
    17. Krowley
      Twilight Town isn't a Disney world :/
    18. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      I hope they're not trying to find someone new to do the KHIII theme. D:
    19. DualBladeRoxas
      Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I totally knew they were talking only about Disney. I was uhhhh.... testing you. Right. And you passed! Congrats! *backs away slowly*

      1. Roxas gif.gif