What do you think of Gay Marriages?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by RoxasNoxas, Jun 18, 2007.

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  1. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    LOL! I am not insulting religion - I don't know where you got that impression from. If you must know, I'm no athiest either, I'm actually a very big believer in God - I am a christian. I am a christian that supports gay marriage. As long as they love each other - which is what God wants, for us to love and not have war/hate - I don't see the problem.

    NO, you are NOT allowed to use the Bible as a Sword to try and kill the happily ever after of a Loving Couple. If you do that, then you are a HYPOCRITE. A HYPOCRITE who at that is comitting MURDER by KILLING the happiness of Loving Couple. You are not doing good, in terms of God's follower. You're actually doing JUST the opposite. Did you even get to the last part of my post?

    Anyway, that was my point of my argument.

    EDIT: WAAAAH why does everyone always beat me into posting ARGHBLAH.
  2. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    I'm leaving the debate corner for a while. I don't know when I'll come back. Yeah I know nobody here cares about me but I thought I'll announce it here. Hope that I'll be able to come back later.*waves to friends* Wait I don't have any. Gay marriage is wrong.
  3. RiKuIsMiNeSoBaCkOfF Moogle Assistant

    Jun 19, 2007
    I think that Gay Marriage should legalized, I'm Bisexual and I have a girlfriend, we are pretty much in love and we wish that we can get married, that's not gonna happen for a while, but I: really hope it gets legalized:p
  4. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    I guess you're admitting yourself to defeat? Face it, you have no reason to hold a grudge against gay marriages.
  5. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    I knew somebody was gonna say that. If you knew me you would know I'm not one to admit defeat even if I myself know I've been defeated. I go until the enemy gives up. I in no way have given up. And hey you if didn't notice I'm leaving the entire section not just this thread. This may be a victory for you but I promise this thread and my voice will not die. I'm just resting. I was getting a bit too mad at some of those people saying you can't use the Bible as a reason for not wanting gay marriage to be legal. You know what I'm staying! HAHAHAHAHA! I'm not done for. I am never wrong!
  6. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Ok,you know what?This thing has gotten way out of hand,now.Just shut up,and don't go on this thread.I'm talking to StupidAquarius,Roxma and Alice.I won't even go on this thread anymore.Let the more civil people give their opinions in a more proper way.Because,apparently,none of us can do that.
  7. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    Um I don't know where I went un-civil. I was simply trying to prove Roxma wrong, which is the point of a debate. :/
  8. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    ^That's a good idea. I did get a bit out of hand. Oh and Alice no I didn't read that post I replied to. HA!

    Please just do what he says. S_B knows what he's talking about. You should trust him.
  9. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement
    It's a debate. You are aware of that, yet? Unlike other things in the forum, it isn't going to be completely sugar coated.

    Um, that's mature of you?

    Serious, Roxma, you're not even trying to converse anymore. You're becoming one of those ignorant people who just say "I'm right, end of discussion." You can't have anything remotely 'civil' if you don't even listen to the other's opinion. :\
  10. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    We have gone way off topic. I'll just stay now since nobody listened to S_B.(including myself) And no I just stick to my guns no matter what. Okay so I can't even remember what was going on any more so I'll start out by saying I am against gay marriage since the Bible defines marriage between a man and a woman. Now respond as you please. And I promise to be "civil". And I'm truly sorry Alice. I hope you accept my apology. I really mean it. I don't wanna be one of those people.
  11. Dracoslythe Destiny Islands Resident

    May 9, 2007
    Winter Haven, FL
    Why is this always a discussion? If gays wanna get married let them be married! Is it really ANYONE'S business? Who cares? Why is it so bad? it's not like they are trying to be gay with you....As long as it's with the one they love then LET THEM BE. If it's a sin then let them do the sinning and you sit and watch. It's so annoying to see all these people criticise and cause a ruccus whenever gays get married just because THEY don't think it's right. Oh well! Get over it! I'm not gay but I still believe in gay marriages. If you love someone and they love you it doesn't matter. There are no rules. You should be allowed to be with the one you love whether they are the same gender as you or not. It's all these stereotypes that complain and say it isn't right when it's none of their business in the first place. If a man can get married to an animal (Yes, I've seen it.) they can get married to another man. Sheesh...
  12. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    See that?This guy knows what he's talking about!
  13. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    Roxma, if you plan to stay, the least you could do is construct a proper argument.

    You're in a DEBATE corner here. And in debates you define your reasons as to WHY you think that way. You also REBUT other people's points to prove why yours is RIGHT.

    Other than bringing up the Bible - quoteless, mind you - I haven't seem much else of an argument from your part.
  14. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Comparing homosexuals to animals is just wrong. And that is just disgusting. That really wasn't needed. But anyways I have nothing wrong with homosexuals living together and doing what ever they want. And really if they loved each other so much they could just go up to Canada where it is legal. I'm fine with it if they go to Canada. But never in the US. And it would be a major victory for Satan if gay marriage. There is no way God can be in a homosexual marriage. And the reason people get a divorce is they have let Satan take over their relationship. They don't know it but that is what happened. So if you say marriage has become not sacred then I'll say because there is so much more filth and sin in our nation's culture than there has ever been. And with that there are more chances for Satan to climb into the sacred marriage.
  15. Dracoslythe Destiny Islands Resident

    May 9, 2007
    Winter Haven, FL
    I see your point Roxma. And the animals marriage thing isn't wrong. It's real and can open your eyes to what's actually going on in the world nowadays. Also, I think God was the one who told us to love EVERYONE. Ok, so the bible says gay marriage is wrong....Care to tell me WHO wrote the bible? Isn't the bible MAN MADE? God didn't put his hand down and write it himself. We don't know what God told us thousands of years ago. Guys like you probably just made it up so gay people wouldn't get married because they thought it was wrong. Sorry if that sounds a little mean but it's true. Open your eyes. Look around you. Almost EVERYTHING is a sin now days. Just deal with it and let people do what they wana do and you worry about yourself and whether you are sinning or not.

    EDIT: I'm not trying to turn this into a discussion of religion. If it goes too far I will not say another word about it.
  16. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement
    I don't think he was comparing homosexuals to animals, as much as he was saying that it's rather illogical that a someone can marry an animal but not another of the same sex.

    Not everyone agrees with your opinion on religion. Other people have their own vision on Christianity, hence it's sub beliefs. They don't have to conform to your perspective on it to still believe in a god.
  17. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Open my eyes?!!!???!!!! Does anybody not see what's wrong with that?! I mean I know this stuff goes on but I don't support it. It is just wrong. So should we just change to fit the times? NO! never. Never change to fit what's going on. If you do that nothing will ever get done. Nothing has ever been done by just watching time pass by. And hey God told the people way back when what to write and they did. And really who would do something like that? I know for sure God didn't tell people what to write just so gay marriage would be wrong. The Bible is the truth. I'm sorry for going a bit too religious there. Now I know what you mean it's hard to stay on topic when you bring in religion.

    EDIT: I have decided to leave this thread. I don't know whats wrong with me today. I will say sorry to those I hurt today when I was getting off topic and not debating. Those I hurt while debating I can't really say much but it happens.
  18. Dracoslythe Destiny Islands Resident

    May 9, 2007
    Winter Haven, FL
    Um..I think you missunderstood me. I wasn't saying WE have to change to fit the times. I'm saying that the world around you changes and there is nothing you can do about it. Even if you were to be president people all over would still break the rules and do things their own way regardless of what you, or other people think. Even if it is a law and gay marriage is illegal, gays will still date gays and live together. So what's the point in trying to stop it? That's what I'm trying to say. If you have your beliefs then you go on and do things your own way. But gays getting married has nothing to do with you. So why does it harm or bother you? If you think it's wrong then just know that you are right under God's rule, but just let them do what they want.

    One last question: How exactly do you know that God told the people what to write in the bible? Is that what the bible says? Or is it what the priests tell you that read FROM the bible?
  19. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    This is my last post on this thread: Yes, God told them what to write. And that's why in the Bible it says it's his word. Good bye yall. I'll miss ya.:(:(:(

    EDIT: YAY!!!! POST NUMBER 400!
  20. Dracoslythe Destiny Islands Resident

    May 9, 2007
    Winter Haven, FL
    sigh....back to square one....

    he missed the whole point. oh well...:rolleyes:
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