What do you think of Gay Marriages?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by RoxasNoxas, Jun 18, 2007.

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  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Like you said yourself, its only a way to show your opinion, if The_King showed his opinion then I do not see cause for Joseki to pick on him.

    I still do not see how starting a fight is helpful or 'civillzed'.

    Why would allow such a thing?!
    You laugh that someone is trying to start a fight?!
    You don't even warn him, not even trying to stop the offence, instead you join in!
  2. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    My intend was to offend him to be totally honest with you, so if anyone was here defending me I'd slowly back away.

    Furthermore, everyone has prejudices, but some are more acceptable than others. Hating another human being without knowing anything about them just because they like the same gender is purely sick and horrible, you cannot slice it any other way.

    FYI, you cannot intelligently argue with a Christian, because ultimately, their only argument is "the bible says it is true" and therefore, all you have is facts vs fiction and you already know who wins the "argument"

    I made King angry to prove that he is a blind Christian who will get absurdly upset and offended with a blind intent offering no critical evidence to support anything.

    Furthermore, God must have created the gays, because they were born that way, so I bring up the new topic for discussion - If man was created in God's image, can that mean...GOD IS GAY?!?! =DDDD
  3. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    God is gay?? Heh... hah...
    *is not really laughing*
  4. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    Its strange, I actually like gay people more than regular people. They are generally a lot more down-to-earth.

    What I REALLY don't like is when straight guys don't acknowledge when another guy looks hot/attractive. like that somehow makes them gay. Hell, I know when a guy is hot, and I say it most of the time =P

    Anyway, back on topic,

    Gay marrage rules, woot!
  5. TwilightDragon Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 16, 2007
    The Twilight
    It's only a choice. I agree that it's ok. I mean... people don't need to criticize on it. It's one persons opinion against many other ones. I don't think that saying that you shouldn't be gay is really bad. I mean, people get choices that no one else can change. I have absolutely nothing against gay people... but criticizing them because of that is sorta... well... mean I guess
  6. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    It's not a choice. Just ask RoxasNoxas. Would YOU choose to be hated by people?

    Those that think love can be controled have never truly been in love.
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    . . . .

    1. I didn't join. I stated my OWN opinions on this.
    2. Yes. I do laugh when people start fights. Why? Because it's funny. Loosen up a little. <_<
    3. Of course I didn't. He's completely entitled to his opinion. On the case that he doesn't intentionally attack someone using capital letters (like several people we know here). lol
  8. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I never encourage fights, I know people who do, they are called bullies, who attack someone for their beliefs, looks, skin colour. Violence only creates more violence. I can never loosen up on an intelligent discussion thread, in RPs and the spam zone, I act more care-free. But not here.

    Is it true that people believe that you only have a choice of being gay or not? What about Bisexuals?
  9. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I myself am bisexual (woo first time mentioning on the site, and if you see this Christopher YOU AREN'T TO SAY ANYTHING D: ) and again it's not a matter of choice. I have feelings for girls and for guys. I can't help either. It just means I have to choice of having a boyfriend or a girlfriend. But I suppose in a way you are kind of right. If I wanted to I could ignore my feelings for guys and just go out with girls. But that would be turning away from what I am, and what's the point in that? I want to be who I am, not what society thinks I should be.

    And anyway, who would choose to be gay/bisexual? I can't do anything with my boyfriend in public for fear of bullying or hate from strangers. This means I can only see him at weekends and in private. I can't tell anyone, I can't get relationship (except for the few that I've told that I'm bi, but my bf hasn't come out to anyone but me yet T__T). Life is hard, being gay just makes it harder. And it's all society and the few idiots out there >_>
  10. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    Heh, fights are hilarious, wtf are you talking about. Its entertainment when people are fighting. Watching the war in iraq on tv is like watching a live action movie. Doesn't get much better than that. =_=

    Your sexuality isn't chosen by you, you are born a certain way. There are *some* people who just are bi for attention, etc, and thats just ****ty teenage girls anyway, but w/e =P
  11. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I'm bisexual for the fact I like male and females, but I chose to be this way, I wasn't chosen at birth to be Bisexual, I realised that choosing a person because of their gender or age or looks was not something I should care about, I love everyone, everyone is loved by me, not because they are a guy or girl, but because they are themselves, not because of their body, or because of their face, but for them and why should I care what others think? People who judge me by my sex orentation are not worth my time, they believe what they believe, as long as they leave me alone and the people I care for and even strangers, then I don't care.
    And just holding back what you feel for someone because they are the same gender as yourself is not something you should do, why be with someone you don't love?
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I didnt say I'd be with someone I didn't love, just avoid those of the same sex and only go out with those of the opposite sex. Also, I'm not doing that, I've already had two bfs (well still with one of them). I am happy, and anyone who says I'm wrong for being happy and feeling love doesn't really deserve much in the way of rights (like a certain Ian Paisley Jr. *cough* >_>).

    As was said at the Gay Pride in Belfast that I went to, love is a human right, in any form.
  13. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I didn't mean you yourself, i just meant generally everyone should love someone for being themselves. I never thought of going to a gay pride festival, but thats probably because of my parents, I mean they asked me once and I said i was Bi and they din't take it the best way, I feel a little threatened by them, I know I shouldn't but I do.
  14. Xemnas7355 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 23, 2007
    O my God!!!
    One guy in my class freaked out today because someone mentioned the word gay...
    It just sickens me when people are that homophobic....
    My friend and I were insulting each other (nicely) and he called me gay so this guy freaks out and says "Gays!!! I Hate them they need to go die!!! I mean who the **** likes them....?!?!?!"
    And I just sat there like....."WTF Man?!?!?!?!?!"
    I really just wanted to throw up after that....
  15. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    *cough* nice to see that the unneccesary bashing stopped...(sarcasm). And by the way, I'm reporting the next person who sends me a message like THIS one:

    "Go to hell you mindless bigot!"

    And here I got threatened with a temp banned, and people are STILL flaming me A WEEK LATER. It's OVER. The entire conversation ENDED. Why I'm posting this here, when I really don't care for this discussion? It's obvious. IT'S BEEN A WEEK AND I'M STILL GETTING THESE MESSAGES. I'm not going to just sit there and take it, you guys. If anyone-I don't care who-sends me a message like that again, Sara's gonna find out, trust me. So, keep flaming me all you please. Clearly you(you know who you are)enjoy ganging up on a single member, even when he's not online. That's just LOW, okay?

    ...Well I'm feeling a tad better after getting that out. I think I'll go visit my friends at the Nsiders' Lounge. If you'll all excuse me, good day.
  16. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Homophobics make me sick. They should learn that this is the way some people are.
  17. Repliku Chaser

    I get kind of bothered by two things when it comes to homosexuality and heterosexuality. Both though come down to simple prejudice.

    Heterosexual extremists: People that are determined to be homophobic, or haters that get to the point where joking is not really joking anymore. These people have it in their heads that homosexuality is evil, horrible, and not something that is seen in nature, tolerated in some religions or whatever. They will come together, pick on gay people as if they are something alien and even sometimes cause violence or try to get a gay person so frustrated some have committed suicide. These people make me sick. Also, they are so extreme that they often outline how men and women -should- act, making themselves and offspring more than conservative and putting fear into them that they are rotten beings to be otherwise.

    Homosexual extremists: These are people that are homosexual and feel the need to pronounce out loud to the universe that they are flaming gay and that they are here to stay. They also get in groups, attack straight people, -any- straight people mind you, and say that if you are straight, you are against them. They also have caused fights and scenes and the gay parades...I'm sorry, I just don't see the reason why you -need- a gay parade. Maybe at first, sure, to show how many gays would come together for such an event to awaken the world to the fact there are many more gays than what would just show up for a parade event. However, it is time to me to stop this. You won't see any 'straight' parades. Why? Because that would be called a prejudiced deed. Prejudice works both ways.

    Extremists do some great things in getting our attention to matters but they also, when their purpose has been served, are obsolete tools that need to be put away. Being gay shouldn't be a fad. Being straight shouldn't be a demand. People will be and do as they feel compelled to and just about anyone that isn't forced to marry at the age of puberty is going to explore sexuality. Also, it bothers me when people say "I didn't -choose- to be this way and can't help it!" I find it disturbing. You are attracted to the same gender or not, or both or neither. There are people out there that abhor sex and find it nasty no matter what. There are sex fiends out there, whether straight or gay. There are people with the most bizarre fetishes and some really disgusting ones such as 'eaters'. There are a lot of things out there and I don't think anyone should be down on the fact they like something as long as it isn't hurting someone else or themselves.

    In the end of my tirade rant here...I'd just like to say that I fully support gay marriage and see no reason for it to be banned at all. There are child abusers, molesters, aggressive men, hostile women, etc found in gay or straight people. There is no way to say one group is better than another or statistics show blah blah because there aren't enough -gay married people- to determine these things. When people tell me annoying stuff like 'gay men are more likely to be child molesters or rapists because they are gay and already doing something nasty' I laugh. It makes no sense.

    One last note, The_King, perhaps if you had not said some of the ridiculous things you had in posts arguing to the point of defaming others and saying you 'hate' people, no one would PM you. I don't agree with them PM'ing you really, but I can see why they might feel inclined to. After saying some of the racy things you had, there are repercussions for that sort of behavior and you never answered people in the topics after posting so nastily. However, if I had a true problem with someone I probably would just say it out here because I'm much too lazy to PM people I have an issue with.

    </end rant>
  18. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I agree with many of the things you've just said Repliku, but I don't think I've ever heard of an instance where a group of gay people have attacked a straight person just for being straight without provcation. Perhaps some evidence is in order?

    Also, gay parades happen because gay people are still pretty much in the minority and I went to one recently. It was to celebrate 40 years of homosexuality being legal in NI. There was no violence, from either side.

    Also, some people just crave attention. As you said before, just because they also happen to be gay doesn't mean there is any correlation. But I do agree that some people do take it too far, but again they are a minority. With any group there is a minority that is wrong in their actions.

    The reason it is still such a big deal is because when something has to be fought over, the fight never truely ends. Like with women's rights, now the problem is that men are starting to lose out to women. A healthy and equal balance generally never exists =/.

    Argh, I think I have more to say on this issue, but I can't think :S.

    On-topic (LOL) - I think gay marriage is competely fine in everyway, and I have evidence that gay marriage will not destroy the earth here, it's near the bottom :P. I think that making a fuss over it in ANY way, either positive or negative, is wrong. People shouldn't even bat an eyelash. It is normal, there should be no extra reaction than "Isn't this a nice wedding?" and people being happy for the couple, whatever their gender.
  19. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    Whoah. What was with that link?
  20. Repliku Chaser

    I've actually witnessed some gay people picking on straight people and a couple fights breaking out just because the guys said they were 'straight' and so they were insulted, told that they were prejudiced and fights broke out about it. It does happen sadly though most of the time I believe it's the other way around where people are homophobic. Sometimes I've also read small reports in the news about it. People can fight over -anything- and when you get a group of people together that are angry at the way things are going, some do lash out, whether straight, gay, black, white, purple, female, male, religious or not etc. I've had gay people tell -me- I was prejudiced for not saying that -everyone- is 'bi' secretly and people are in denial and that's why hate spreads. I get along with nearly anyone really but sometimes people can be extremists on subjects that make me wince and I just try to stay neutral and keep an open mind. Many people like to make blanket statements thinking it can cover humanity at large or genders, ethnicities etc, and to me, those blanket statements simply are sometimes true, but definitely not always, if you get what I mean.

    I liked that link you posted Bunterx. =:)
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