What do you think of Gay Marriages?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by RoxasNoxas, Jun 18, 2007.

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  1. Xemnas7355 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 23, 2007
  2. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ Banned

    Jul 19, 2007
    Code Vault
    is it true fox made that avatar cause i really need a good one
  3. Xemnas7355 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 23, 2007
    Yeah he made my avatar! If you're talking to me!!! I love it it looks just like Link!!!!
  4. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    Yeah. Those avs he makes are amazing!
  5. Gritz Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 25, 2007
    I could be wrong, but I for one, believe that homosexuality is a sin. Why? Not from personal experience, but because the bible say that it is a sin. Everywhere homosexuality is mentioned in the bible, it is condemned. For people who are christians but try to say that God made them this way seem to forget the fall of man. In the beginning. When Satan tempted Eve in the garden. When she and Adam sinned, that is when sin began its existence. Before, there was no imperfection. NOTHING God creates can be imperfect. If it can, then he is not a God. Now, from the way I see things and the way some people see things, A man and a woman together is normal. The way it should be, if you will. As for homosexuality, that is not considered normal. A man and a man or vice versa. If God is perfect, then nothing he makes can be imperfect. When sin entered the world, man became imperfect. So, I assume that Homosexuality came from the devil. As for people who believe that Jesus died on the cross and forgave us so now the old laws are irrelevent, they completely disregard what Jesus said.

    Matt 5:17: KJV: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."

    It goes on to explain further.

    Matt 5:18 :KJV: "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."

    Matt 5:19 :KJV: "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

    The laws of God and Moses or the prophets were not abolished in any way. While it is true that the sacrifice of Jesus was the ultimate fulfillment of the sacrificial law, this does not mean that it is now A-ok to disregard the laws that were set in the "Old Testament".

    Though I could be wrong, I do believe that homosexuality is ultimately a choice and not something that is uncontrollable and genetic. Though I do believe that people can have a predisposition or feelings that lead to becoming gay. The reason I believe this is because that If being gay is genetic like, being black, then you could not change the fact that you are gay. But there have been many, many cases of former homosexuals leaving that lifestyle and becoming straight. I can't change the fact that I'm black(unless you do some real drastic **** like Michael Jackson. Is he even human anymore?). But there are alot of cases of Former Homosexuals. You can have homosexual feelings, but whether you reject them or accept them is up to you. I believe that following your heart and feelings no matter what they are is a fool's way.

    Jeremiah 17:9 :KJV: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

    Now, I don't believe that you feelings are completely evil. But I believe that they are amoral. Not good or evil. But they need to be subjected by the holy spirit and what is right morally and good for your health. Which is another reason I don't believe that Homosexuality is right.

    I can't explain it as well as this guy. Dr. John R. Digg, JR. M.D.


    There is my points. I could be wrong, but this Is what I believe based on my knowledge, observation, and faith.
  6. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    I respect your points and your views, however one must question, what "drives" someone to be homosexual? As mentioned somewhere previously, it has been found that a specific hormone found in the brain (typcically found in what designates "sexuality") are the OPPOSITE hormones occupying the brain tissue. (ie: A hormone typically found in female brains is in a much larger quantity in the male's brain and vice-versa.)

    Given that many times, homosexuals are not treated kindly, why would they volunteer to show who they are? Same for your "former homosexuals" comment, some people will sacrifice a part of themselves so that they won't be hated constantly. So really, what is the greater evil here?

    This "taboo" attraction or lying to the world and your soul? And what is so wrong with this kind of love anyway? I thought love was a univesal, intangible thing? Love comes from the soul not the body doesn't it? Why should something as boundless as that ultimate of love be restricted just because of a mere chromosone of difference?
  7. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I would like to point out that this BOOK {and yes it is a BOOK. } has been completely MISTRANSLATED from the original text. Anywhere aside from Leviticus, and I will continue on that subject quickly enough, that mentions Homosexuals is a mistranslation of the Aramaic word for 'Temple Prostitutes'. As ridiculous as it sounds to you there were such things in history. You could go worship your select dieity or dieties and then pick up some companionship for the evening. {Coincidently, the funds buying these prostitutes would fund the temple.}

    Back to the Leviticus, I love how Biblethumpers can just pick out one select verse and completely IGNORE WHAT THE REST OF THE VERSES SAY. Look at the tag on your shirt. Does it say something like '80% cotton 20% Polyester'? If so, then you are sinning by wearing that shirt. Do you enjoy playing football? You are commiting a sin by handling the football. Do you enjoy eating lobster or shrimp? That's a sin too according to Leviticus.

    Read more carefully.

    Assumptions can be a dangerous thing. I would caution you to not make assumptions in this case. You 'ASSUME' that Homosexuality comes from the devil because the BIBLE tells you it is a sin. The logic is flawed there.

    But what of the belief of a "all-forgiving God"? The belief that God loves you no matter what you believe? Have you taken that into consideration? And if God is infallible, wouldn't he have KNOWN about the Homosexuals before they came into existance? If God did not mean for people to be gay, then he would have prevented the thought from entering ours, or Lucifer's in your belief, mind.
  8. Jest Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 26, 2007
    Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
    ^Thaaaaank you.

    Also, I read that article the other member posted. Errr I don't sexualize human waste XD that's what stuck out the most when I read it. Seems as though they are VERY ignorant.

    Plus, I know that people believe it's wrong to act on your feelings and not your morals (as if staying away from relations with the same sex is a moral..), but ask yourself this:

    Would it be more fair of me to marry a woman and lie to her every time I said I loved her or said I was attracted to her, or every time we had sex? I think not. That was one of the reasons I denied myself woman in the first place, because I respected them enough to not lie to their faces.
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    People want to marry, fine with me, their choice, whatever their age, race, sex, etc, whatever. Its a persons choice, they have thought it to be a good thing then no point in stopping them.
  10. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    That's a very good point.
    God, I'm still confused now on whether this is a sin or not. The Bible can be viewed many different ways, and has been.
    I doubt it's been translated any different, though.
    By the way, I am a homosexual Christian.
    And if being who I am is a sin, then I know Jesus can forgive it.
  11. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Well technically Jesus loved everyone, man or waome, so TECHNICALLY, Jesus showed love for the same gender was a positive thing.
  12. Repliku Chaser

    I'd just say listen to your intuition and heart, and the person's you love. That is love and if you are condemned to Hell because you love someone wholeheartedly, there are problems that extend past this world. Love is hard to come by. It's real and beautiful. I can't see how something like that merits torture.
  13. Aurora Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 18, 2007
    Central New York
    Following your heart and feelings no matter what they are is certainly foolish. No question about it. Your heart can tell you you hate someone and every emotion you experience for a while may be tainted with the impulse to crack that person's skull open with a crowbar. Is it wise or moral to follow these impulses? Of course not, or humanity would have eaten itself alive and into extinction millennia ago.

    Yet neither is it wise to stomp down on those emotions and pretend they do not exist. The more we pretend that there wasn't at least one moment where we wanted to bash someone's head in, the more we lie to ourselves and others around us. Admitting we want something is one of the things we are told as Catholics not to do. The thought is as good as the deed, it is said, which is why confessing impure thoughts to a priest and doing penance was necessary before one could accept communion.

    No-one wants to go back to the old days where merely thinking someone had a nice *** would get you a night on your knees saying Hail Marys on the Rosary, do they? So let's move on to what people are actually doing because of these feelings.

    Do some people have sex with anything that moves, just because they feel they want to? Yes. Is it wise? Hell, no. Does it really matter which gender it is or what they are doing, in particular, when it comes to it being a bad idea? No, it really doesn't. You can get hurt and ruin lives just the same whether you're sleeping with a ton of men or women or both.

    Do some people suddenly decide mid-life that homosexuality is wrong and they want to be straight? Yes. I have an Aunt who did that and is married now with a stepson. But I bet there's at least an equal number that live their lives straight until suddenly one day they realize they don't need to LIE anymore about who they are and what they want.
  14. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    Y'know, I saw a great movie today that reminded me of this topic, and I highly suggest you all watch it some time.

    It's called saved, and in the beginning a christian teen tells his girlfriend he's gay.
    He gets sent to a place called mercy house where they try to 'de-homo-fy' him.

    And there's a quote sad by the main character at the end that I think sums everything up.

    "So everything that doesn't fit into some stupid idea of what you think God wants, you just try to hide, or fix, or get rid of? It's just all too much to live up to. No one fits in 100% of the time, not even you. Why would God make us all so different....

    ...if he wanted us to be the same?"
  15. Repliku Chaser


    Homosexuality to me is kind of an attraction thing that goes deeper than choice. Sure, you have a choice to do it or not, but you also have a choice to have sex at all. I believe it's more on a level of attraction versus being repulsed and disgusted and is not just a 'I think I'll have sex with a chick or a guy today'. People are sexually attracted to different behaviors and fetishes, desires etc. Hence why there are so many varying things out there. Also, people get grossed out by some people's sexual behaviors. Homosexuality is also found in animals, so it is not unheard of or that unnatural in nature. Homosexuality is not genetic but it is a matter of what a person is drawn to if he/she is homosexual.

    You mention that some homosexuals later decide to change to becoming straight, and this also applies vice versa. People's sexual desires in life don't always remain the same. Neither does what we like to eat or wear or favorite colors etc. What people like to eat as a kid also can change and as an adult they can think it's really gross. Something that made you gross out when you were a kid may be really delicious when you grow older. I tend to think it's more a hormonal thing and just that we change. So all in all, I tend to believe homosexuality is a bit more than just a preference.

    However, you do, as mentioned, have a choice whether to have sex with someone else at all, even if the drive is there. You can control sexual urges, but if you don't find some alleviation, it's an agitation that builds up. Should people though who are attracted to the same sex though be denied it at all? I think that's pretty lame. Also, if they want to get married, why should anyone judge? I'd much rather have two gay people marry and be happy together than to see a gay person marry a straight person and hide the fact he/she is gay and then be going out to some place else to deal with the attraction he/she has to someone else and hiding it. I see no reason for people to be cheating on someone else. That to me is more of a crime by far than letting two people in love tie the knot. I don't consider homosexuality a crime, but do feel that had people not had to hide homosexuality, probably Aids would not have been passed on so ridiculously because the infected and others went and mingled secretly, then passed it on to their significant others etc and it went from there. Imagine if the guy who came from Africa after screwing monkeys had only had one sexual partner? Aids wouldn't be an epidemic like it is today.

    Homosexuality is a sin, sure. So being Christian is pretty hard for a homosexual to do. However, if they believe that 'all sins' are cleansed by believing in Jesus and he died for the sins of others, then worry more about life here on the world. Why Christians are in other people's bedrooms and not their own is kind of disturbing. I would think that while we are on this earth living, cheating would be a worse sin than someone having consensual mutual sex with the same gender. Lying to someone about cheating, and leading a false life would be a worse sin than same sex relationships. At least with the same-sex relationship known and there, no one else is going to get dragged down and hurt and those two people can live their lives being truthful and honest. In the end, if I was a Christian, I'd rather see that than know of all the pain caused otherwise. To live life being true and honest to yourself and those around you means you aren't living a lie, and if that doesn't get you to Heaven along with the belief in Jesus and God, nothing else is going to.
  16. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    That was an amazing post! Especially the last paragraph!
  17. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    To be honest I believe that every one should have the chance to marry who
    ever they want. It is like racialism if you say, "Oh you cant get married that would be just offal for a man to be married to a man or a woman be married to women."
    I do believe they should be able to marry who they want to marry.
  18. Xemnas7355 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 23, 2007
    Wow.....Just wow!
    You roasted him!
    And I agree anything you do is a sin!!!
    At least according to the bible!
    So I decide to omit the parts like that and just look at the good morals of it!!!
    Like Love thy neighbor!!!!
    If you comit a hate crime to a gay person well you just commited a sin!!!
    I agree with the all forgiving thing too!! If God Is truely benevolent then it shouldn't matter!!!!
    If you ask me killing someone is a worse sin than liking the same sex!!!!
    Some things people say just contradict everything else!

    Oh and none of these comments are regarding you Laurence Fox!!!
    They are more for those that you mentioned!
  19. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    Actually, I believe that all sins are equal.
  20. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
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