What do you think of Gay Marriages?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by RoxasNoxas, Jun 18, 2007.

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  1. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Young teens talking about how premarital sex is bad makes me laugh.
  2. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I agree. Call me crazy, but doesn't Catholicism teach abstinence or am I showing my age again?

    I do agree with Repliku's point of how people are obsessed with what goes on in other people's bedrooms besides their own. It sort of goes into my own outlook a little on this subject.

    Which is:

    Who cares if a person is gay or not? That's the path they have taken in life and shouldn't affect anyone else's, aside from the people they want to get married to and their families of course.

    So it shouldn't matter if it's 'gross' or 'it creeps you out'. YOU don't have any say in the way ANOTHER PERSON chooses to life THEIR life.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    I'm not a young teen, or a teenager.
  4. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    You also didn't say premarital sex was bad either.
  5. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
    I feel they can do it but keep it to themselves thank ya
  6. Repliku Chaser

    Ya, know, I read that wrong. No more staying up for 22 hours and looking on the forums, or at least responding to them.
  7. Archer of Oblivion Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 10, 2006
    Wherever I want
    I don't mind gay couples, I mean, love it's love, but I do not agree with gay people to have a marriage ceremony, why? simple like this: God made them Man and Woman.

    And I see marriage as a Christian/catholic ceremony, so seeing a couple of men (or women) having the formal marriage, just go against the whole religion.

    Maybe that's just me, but that's what I believe.
  8. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    Gay marriages stink. There wrong. Go make out with you opposite gender and see what it is like. Its stupid and wrong. If you think that then your wrong.
  9. Archer of Oblivion Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 10, 2006
    Wherever I want

    Am I wrong? is love stupid? Honestly, I may not approve their union trough marriage, but treating gay people like ****, it's just not the answer. I can totally assure you I'm not gay, I don't like to see gay couples working out in my face, but I respect others. Perhaps you should do the same.
  10. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    I loose respect for gay people because it is not possible to fall inlove with the say gender... If someone is so stupid to think they do when they really don't, then there brain is too messed up to know anything. I don't want to give respect to someone that is so messed up to think they love the same gender
  11. Repliku Chaser

    Marriage was around before Christianity and is performed all over the world in various ways for various reasons with different rules. There are marriages of assorted types. There are marriages where men have married more than one woman, marriages of convenience for business or nobility purposes, marriages to support someone who has gotten pregnant, marriages done for procreation purposes, marriages with one spouse having concubines or courtesans or servants as well, polygamous arrangement marriages, etc. Marriage has evolved over the years in what it means and what is implied in it through different cultures, beliefs and ideals that fit the society and wants of the people.

    In simple terms, marriage is defined by what a culture wants it to mean and to say that marriage only happens under the Christian God is ludicrous. Jews, Christians and Islamic people did not invent marriage. People can be married through court and totally bypass the religious way if they feel like it. The government recognizes a marriage. If you are married in a church and do not file your marriage with the court, you are not officially married, no matter what. Anyone who has a marriage under any religious service (this means not just Christian), out in their backyards or whatever, so long as they go to the court house and report it or do their vows there are considered married. This is part of freedom of religion as well as separation of church and state.

    It is beneficial to a gay couple to have the same rights as entitled to a man and a woman who get married. They do not have visitation rights at hospitals when someone says only 'immediate family' may see the individual, rights to see someone in jail if it is said that only direct family can see the person, rights in funerals and they lose things in inheritance issues because they are not recognized as closest family or anything at all. They cannot file joint tax returns as married people can or get the discounts for taxes by being married. If someone is straight and with another person for a while but not married, they face these same issues.

    The reasons to have rights to get married aren't about religion in any society. Religion dresses it up, but in the end it comes down to the fact that two people are joining together to live their lives out and they are affected by legal government, not religion, when it comes to doing this and being recognized. Marriage through a court house secures that couple their rights. If churches don't want to allow gay marriages to be performed, big deal! It does not stop the fact that anyone can set an appointment with the court house and walk in and do their thing, which is what most gay couples do now where it is permitted they get married. They have their own ceremonies elsewhere. Allowing gay marriages does not affect churches at all, nor their marriage ceremonies.
  12. AxelsNyxie Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 16, 2007
    In your pants O.o
    I honestly dont mind gay marriage... After all, its a free country.. we should be able to marry who we want, no matter the gender. I honestly dont see why it is such a problem...

    and besides, gay boy couples make me giggle :D

    Repliku, do you REALLY expect me to read that?? XD
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Yes!!! Don't make me puppy dog eye you again.

    If you want the gist it's this. Christianity did not create the ideal of marriage. Also, marriages by churches or any religious institution are not recognized until that marriage is noted by the court house. Marriages in a court house without ceremonies are auto-recognized, of course. This is one of the reasons why there is separation of church and state, as well as freedom of religion. Gays deserve the benefits others receive in marriage that are governmental, not religious.

    Short enough? =:p
  14. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    Before I become seriousness on something as serious as a debate on a serious problem, I must say...


    I dun know why, but for some reason that's like, one of the funniest things I've heard, in like, forever.

    Now, for those of you who have thus far without falling asleep *applauds*, must think I am a gay hater, or something like that. Maybe one of those guys who attends gay rallies holding a sign saying "GOD HATES GAYS!!!". Well, *laughs* I'm Catholic. The reason why so many people think I'm odd, maybe even a little gay myself, within my church, is that I have several friends who are gay, emo, lesbians, and some others who don't even fall into a category. I completely support gay marriages, although I'm not gay.

    Now, earlier, I said that I'm Catholic. But I've kinda sorta had a falling out with the church in general (meaning, not just the Catholic church). I don't support some of the rules/guidelines/beliefs that they have.

    1. Why, is sex, a sin. Even for married couples? Some say, its not. Only for unmarried couples, is it considered a sin. Then why, when the baby is born, does it carry the original sin? Even though sex is a bad thing, people are normally ecstatic when you have a baby. WTF? Did I dose off during a Sunday School lesson?

    2. God wants us all to be peacefull. To love, and cherish one another. Except people who are different from others... I guess. I could take this as far back as African Americans, but I skim my text above, and notice I'm already off topic. I am talking of religions faults/flaws.. Not gay marriage. Although, the two are linked... Hmm. Wutev. If you've taken this religious thingy far back enough, and read some of the stuff from Mary Magdalene, some of the Lost Scrolls, that aren't so lost anymore, and such, you might know of this. In one account, Peter, a disciple asks something close to the following: Why do you kiss her on the mouth (he's speaking to Jesus about Magdalene)? Do you love her, more than us? I mean, come on. That should make anyone say WTFHAX!!!

    Now. I'll stop badgering religion for a mo', and go back strictly to gay marriage. Like I said, it should be legalized. Whether a gay/lesbian couple get married or not, they could always go to one of the "priests" who will wed anyone, whether its legal or not, and kinda look the other way. There's a name or these people, but I can't remember what it was... Wish I did. My mom has a co-worker who is married to her wife illegally. They loved each other so much, it didn't matter to them. If marriage isn't legalized, gay couples will still be together. And, from a view from a straight person (the following might be rude, but is true), why not let them get married? Let them go through the struggles of marriage, fights, cheating, and divorce... xD

    Repliku... How old are you? You're way to smart and well informed for a teenager, who thinks Megadeth is the ****.
  15. AxelsNyxie Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 16, 2007
    In your pants O.o
    yes... but you have to use SMALL word with me.....

    S-M-A-L-L. ((time for obnoxious saying!!))GOT IT MEMORIZED???
  16. Aurora Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 18, 2007
    Central New York
    The 'it's not natural' argument is a powerful statement that hits right at our deeply ingrained perceptions about the world and how it works. I do remember the first time I saw a guy kiss another guy in public, and wow. I was shocked, and, I am ashamed to say, horrified. It's one thing to be raised in this American society and say to yourself 'I don't hate gay people'. But it's a whole other ball of wax to see it happening right in front of you, with nowhere to run.
    I have good news, though. I got over it. As it turns out, the shock wore off the way it wears off after the first time you are forced by your mom to eat spinach, or when you touch your friend's python and realize it's not going to bite or strangle you to death.
    And by the time Madonna and Christina Aguilera locked lips at their nationally televised New Year's Eve show, my reactions had completely switched around. I gasped and laughed, and my mother gasped and said "Sick!". I asked her why she felt it was more sick to see two girls kiss than all the guys and girls kissing and practically having sex on prime time television every night.
    And her answer was that she didn't really like that either. But she didn't say it was sick. And she really didn't have much to say about it after, either. So I think I got my point home to her, or at least made her think about it.
    My answer to your question is this then: Be free. Don't be a slave to others' phobias. Love and compassion have no boundaries that we do not impose on them, and therefore the only thing unnatural about gay marriage/relationships is the blind hatred people have for what they do not understand.
    Yes, there is a political issue. Personal IS political. Especially when we are talking about marriage, which is sanctioned by the government. Married people in the U.S. get tax breaks and when one spouse dies, the survivor is eligible for social security pension benefits and all sorts of other money. This, to me, is what the real issue is. Our Congressmen know this, and they keep denying the rights of an individual to pursue happiness because it will very quickly start infringing on the rights of others to pursue money. Meaning, there just isn't enough money for us to have to start paying those benefits to both straight and married couples.
    I say, too bad. Change the laws. Change the way the money flows. It's not like we don't have to do that anyway with Social Security ready to collapse when the baby boomers reach retirement age. Our generation is screwed by theirs, and it's time they moved the hell out of the way and let the people who are going to have to clean up their messes start making the rules.
    That includes close-minded, bigoted, right-wing Christian Bible thumpers that oppose gay rights of any sort. Your time is over, you rich, white, old men that think you're going to leave some kind of important legacy for the future. You begat the sons and daughters who will clean up the disasters you visited on this world, your so-called legacy of oil spills, slash and burn farming, and chemical wastes in our waters. And they're going to work their butts off to do it while they have the power to vote, while they're having sex before marriage, or sex with another person of the same gender, or both, and while they're paying taxes that pay for your retirement, not theirs!!
  17. Repliku Chaser

    That is pretty much what it comes down to in the end is a political thing. It's easy for people to harbor disgust towards it but in the end it also has to do with their livelihood and how two people being married get more benefits than two people just living together. In some states, if a man and a woman live together for a year or two, they are considered to be somewhat 'married' but if two men live together or two women, nope. I am glad that right now at least in some states gays can get married. However, when it comes to federal law, it's not recognized, so if they leave, they are screwed.

    Also, I can say I went through my period too of 'ew, they are kissing in public' but years ago I got over it and realized that it was just 'strange' to see. I can say now though in fairness, I really don't like when people are publicly making out whether straight or gay because most of the time it's a show off ploy. A kiss or hugs are fine, but it annoys me when people are just making out to the point where you could imagine them having coitus in the next few minutes, and they feel they have to do this right on a street corner or in a public bathroom or at a diner etc.

    Usually, though, it's not 'married' people who do this behavior. It's normally people that are going out for a small amount of time, less than 6 months, and they feel they have to show off and make their relationship public.
  18. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    Heh... Well, I guess if I saw a straight couple making out really publicly, I would grab my boyfriend and start making out with him! LOL.
  19. Xemnas7355 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 23, 2007
    Thats interesting....thanks for that image......But I have nothing against homosexuals. Sometimes they seem to Love each other more than a heterosexual couple.
  20. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    Hell yeah.
    We understand each other much better.
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