What do you think of Gay Marriages?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by RoxasNoxas, Jun 18, 2007.

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  1. Jest Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 26, 2007
    Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
    As far as I'm concerned, God doesn't like sex period. So we're all going to hell. You heteros, too XD

    Like, really, the way people talk about it's like people are only getting married to have sex. And I thought marriage was more spiritual than that. =\

    People are looking at marriage in a physical aspect. I think it's more holy to look at it as the uniting of two souls, not two bodies.

    Oh, and I'm quite certain God is okay with it. It was God that made me tell my father even though I swore I never would. b^_^d
  2. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    That's culture and the first two things were about health.
  3. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    It doesn't matter if it's culture or health. Using the Bible to right wrongs is very hypocritical.

    EDIT: Can someone PLEASE tell me ONE reason besides religion to disagree with homosexualty? Saying it's gross doesn't, because sneezing is gross too, but we still do it.
  4. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    Im just saying it in that religion's point of view thats all.
    Oh well,whatever.
  5. Jest Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 26, 2007
    Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
    As far as I'm concerned, the bible was written by a bunch of religious people and not God himself. And I'm not gonna answer to any human.

    And don't pull the whole "the words of the bible are the breath of God" because that only works if all members of the party believe it.
  6. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Yes. you're right. The Bible was written by God's witnesses, not God himself.

    Just to get on topic, if you're defining "marriage" on Christian or Jewish terms, homosexual marriages don't exist. The Christian and Jewish religions define marriage as the holy union of a man and a woman. Currently, homosexuals can't have an "official" Christian or Jewish marriage. But homosexuals getting "married" doesn't bother me. I am not homosexual myself, but I will not try to shove my beliefs down their throats.
  7. Xigbar The Freeshooter

    Nov 24, 2006
    In a house.
    Personally I'm against gay marraige because I'm religious and it goes against my religion. That and it's wrong to have sexual feelings towards someone of the same gender, but that's just my view on this subject and I'm not stopping anyone from saying different.
  8. Jest Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 26, 2007
    Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
    See, I would TOTALLY accept your opinion. It's fine. But you did one wrong thing: you said it was wrong for someone to have sexual feelings for someone of the same gender. And I, as a homosexual, am insulted when hearing that. So you failed at getting your point across by adding that one detail.

    They're asking about gay marriage. Not homosexuality in general.
  9. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I don't have any problems with it. If two guys want to get married, let them.
  10. Mikuro Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 9, 2007
    In your face
    I say let them, as long as it doesn't change the way I live I'm ok with it. But, you see if you look back at human history, when you give anyone anything, they will want more, or find a way to complain; so if this is the case, then no. I say if you want something don't complain or abuse it. with gay marriage I am 100% positive they will find a way to complain about it, now the first time its legalized, they will be like woot!, but as time passes by theres going to be some friction between the religious groups and the homosexuals. Given more time, I predict that violence towards these groups will get out of hand, America has a history of it, discrimination is a HUGE thing today, you'd be surprised, I've felt it first hand after 9/11. Now, if none of that happens (which it will) then I'll be ok, but theres got to be some restrictions on it, because technically sexual confusion is a mental sickness, (until mankind evolves again, its abnormal), we can't let just ANYONE get married. I am worried about them getting hurt really is all I am trying to say, because if a law passes to allow, there will be a HUGE uproar, Politics vs Religion, and you know theres always the religious fanatics.
  11. Jest Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 26, 2007
    Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
    Hey, it's not our problem if society refuses to acknowledge us as people. They say homosexuals have just as many rights as heterosexuals: WRONG. Cause unless they can do EVERYTHING a heterosexual can do, it's not equal.

    I think it's kinda sickening when we have to limit a homosexuals rights. I mean, there are a bunch of IDIOTIC GAY ACTIVISTS who want more rights than they're entitled to. But the standard marriage right...come on. Why not? That's just unfair.
  12. Repliku Chaser

    My apologies for offending people but there is enough proof to me that those who 'need' religion and preach it and use it as their way of living actually seem to be the mentally sick people and our leaders use them by saying they too follow the religion but in the end, religious followers are seen as cattle because they are easy to manipulate. There has been nothing proven scientifically that shows someone who likes to be with the same sex or either gender has some 'sickness'. This is not to say some gays, same as straights, do not have mental illnesses, but this isn't because of their sexual preferences. The persons just aren't drawn to what straight people are. People who are straight don't get drawn and attracted to the same things. Would I rather have a couple of gays living next to me that are married or would I want two zealot religious couple there? I'd move to a neighborhood of gays and be the loneliest straight person around and yet happier because if anything in this world is insane, it's those religious fanatics.
  13. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Marriage is no longer sacred, it's as special snorting cocaine-- some people choose to do it and others don't.
  14. Mikuro Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 9, 2007
    In your face
    I didn't say limit homosexual rights, I was talking about marriage, look this is now politics, I say when introducing something this big, bring it in slowly and let people adapt to it; then open the horizons more and more gradually. If you were to introduce gay marriage all and one people would freak out. Plus, you seem very biased, so... yeh lol.
  15. Jest Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 26, 2007
    Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
    Not so much biased, as I CAN see where people who disagree with it are coming from...I just don't agree with it. I have a feeling if you were, you may have the same viewpoints as well. And they already have introduced gay marriage anyway. The thing is, I don't see ANY reasn WHATSOEVER that I shouldn't be able to get married, because to put it bluntly, it's just not fair. Imagine if some sort of right that meant alot to you was taking away from you for whatever reason.
  16. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I have to agree with this.

    Of course, I don't go to church, and I don't bow at Bible every chance I get. But if I'm right, the Bible does claim that people who like the same sex are instantly sent to Hell. (Do correct me if I'm wrong, I've only been to church twice in my life)

    I think people are too set on religion in these circumstances...maybe it's time to stop doing what the Bible says, and think about the rights...
  17. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    Homosexuality in the Bible is apparently a MISINTERPRETATION. From what I read, anyway. But I'm not going to go into that, look it up for yourselves.

    So let's say that's true, the thing about going to hell if you love someone of your same sex. But you will ALSO go to hell IF...

    - You wear make-up. ('make yourself look beautiful' with artificial elements would be the better term)
    - You eat Shrimps (according to Mirai)
    - If you do adultery. Rather, lusting.
    - and the list goes on.

    There is so much SH!T that is acknowledged NORMAL in this world (and that we do), but yet in terms of what is written in the Bible, we should ALL be sent to hell for doing said sh!t. So it's just, hypocritical for people to use the Bible as an excuse when THEY THEMSELVES SIN AGAINST IT. It seriously doesn't make any sense for a christian to use the Bible as a Weapon to destroy the Love. Isn't that what God wants? For us to love each other?

    It would make a whole lot more sense in terms of what God wants if christians accepted loving homosexuals (+1, God's all in for the idea of love) and gay marriages just to keep the idea of peace (+1, God wants us to live in peace). Than, of course, going against homosexuals and gay marriages in a resentful way, (-1, Sin. Anger) and worse still, using the Bible in their defense. (-1, Sin. Hypocrisy.) :/ :/ :/ NOOOOO???

    I can't count how many times this has been brought up over here. It's like a never ending circle.
  18. Broken_Vow Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 28, 2007
    A box in Colorado.
    I have absolutely nothing against gay marriages.

    Love is love; it has no limits.
  19. Jest Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 26, 2007
    Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
    I don't see why we would be sent to hell--we can't really choose what we're attracted to...that's completely out of our ability. So why would God make us like this just to send us to hell? =\
  20. Mikuro Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 9, 2007
    In your face
    Yeh they introduced it, horribly, look I am for it, hell why not? In a culture where Emos are adored by mass media, why not? I say to successfully integrate it into society, slowly weave it in, if you throw it in blindly (like we did in California) people will panic, and you will get a bunch of religious-o-philes complaining. Also, you have to look at it this way; as long as theres a race called Humans, there will be racists, biased, and all the others, life ain't fair, people don't sympathize with people just because, theres always a reason. My reason for sympathizing with you, is that I believe in equality for all, now I am not saying everyone is equal, I am saying EVERYONE; gay, lesbians, black, white, they should all have the same rights and equalities. Hell with Genetics, race are not created equal, if you disagree, do some study on Genetics. OK enough mumbling about Genetics, as I was saying, whats not " fair " is to you, you also have to think of others, the MASS of people are " afraid " of things they don't understand. If gay/lesbian marriages are to succeed, you must slowly introduce it to them for them to accept, its like teaching a baby how to walk. Which basically means introduce it with restrictions, and then slowly unrestrict it, technically gay/lesbian marriage is forbidden, and majority of people are religious; I am Muslim, I would normally condone what I am saying, but hey, when it come to somethings, religious beliefs just go to far, I am the rare Religious, yet- not - so - Religious person.
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