What do you think is too young of an age for sex?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Deathsight44, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. Desi Banned

    Mar 31, 2007
    Down on that huge island people call Australia
    I have thought on the topic before, I used to think sex before marridge was a bad thing but the persons choice,now I say if it happens alright although I rather wait. Any age the person is ready i'd say.
  2. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    This thread makes me laugh.
  3. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Wow, I never would have thought that the legal age would be 12 in some countries. o.O

    I can't decide my opinion on this. It depends on how mature the person is, but I guess I would expect that maturity at around the age of 18?
  4. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥

    ??? Why?
  5. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    i dont think people should have sex until they are absolutely sure that they are ready, although i do think that having it when your around 14 or 15 is a bit too young ( i've heard of some people 2 years younger than myself that have already had children.).
    i cant exactly totally disagree on this subject because well, my mum had me just after she finished high school and my grandmother had her when she was 17.
  6. *dancewaterdance* King's Apprentice

    Mar 8, 2007
    The Alter of Naught
    There is no "right" age to have sex, except that you should be an adult. Sex is something that should be reserved for married couples who truly love each other, not teenagers who have been going out for 2 or 3 years and feel like they're really "in love". Often times when unmarried couples (especially teens) have sex, they end up really regretting it, not only because of the possibility of pregnancy and STDs, but also simply the emotional turmoil. If a teen couple has sex and ends up breaking up later on down the road, it can be devastating to both partners. And by no means should anyone have sex when they feel "ready", because many times teens feel "ready" when they are not, and "in love" when they are not.

    But, let's pretend that by some miracle, a couple really does love each other. What if the girl gets pregnant? A baby is a blessing, no doubt about that, but a baby can also change lives completely. A teenage girl is not ready to take care of a baby by herself, and usually the father will not stick around to help take care of it, even if he does care about the girl he had sex with. Now, love and pregnancy aside... what about STDs? Those are completely devastating to the person who gets it (and maybe even the person that gave it to their partner, if they didn't know they had it before). And as for condoms, those are *extremely* unreliable. They break all the time. Although birth control pills do work much better, they aren't any use for preventing STDs, and even they don't work perfectly 100% of the time.

    But what it really boils down to is that God created sex for married couples to share as way of expressing their love for each other. It is a gift from Him, not something to be taken or done lightly. He wants us to wait for marriage to have sex, to wait for someone we truly care about and are committed to. It hurts Him for us to abuse the gift he created for us.
  7. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    I really think that there isnt really an "Age" that is right, but if i would have to say above 18, Teens think that they "Mature" enough to have the dirty deed done, but really...it might have emotional effects on them that would hurt them in the long run, maybe regretting that they lost something precouis to someone they might've not loved.I really think that it should be with married couples, or if you REALLY REALLY ready for it.

    Im a virgin, btw, if you might tell XD

    Also..some people need to take sex ed QUICK, the pulling out method is the worst! I've seen to many friends rely on this and get preggers...DO NOT DO IT AT ALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!! just use a condom or abstinace is the way to go.
  8. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Eh, to each his/her own. If you've been with someone since you were 13, and you're now 15 or 16, surely you might decide to have sex... and in that case, the reasons are likely to be well enough.

    Usually I'll say any age under 16 isn't a smart time to have sex... but it really depends on the reasons.
  9. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    I say the youngest age is about,maybe 16 in my opinion.People 13 and under are even doing it though,News,internet,anywhere you can hear about it.But still,don't do it,unless you have thought hard,and is ready for the chance to have kids.
  10. Senbonzakura Kageoshi Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 11, 2008
    Kyoto, Tsuzuki-gun, Ujitawara.
    i say people are sick to have sex before 24 and when theyre not married. in my opinion everyone should practice abstenance.
  11. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    What's so sick about it? It's the deepest form of showing love for someone. It's also what gave you and everyone else here life. There's nothing sick about it, it's a beautiful thing. It may not look pretty, but that doesn't make it sick.
  12. Senbonzakura Kageoshi Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 11, 2008
    Kyoto, Tsuzuki-gun, Ujitawara.
    dude you dont understand. people are getting stds harmful for health. thats true its how we show love but theres is a limit. young people dont need to have sex. wait until your older and married!
  13. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    I think it's wise to wait.
    what the heck? whats with the steamy little bit in there?
    lies! that's just sexual propaganda.

    I feel that you are very immature to think that if you go and screw your GF. seriously, that's showing that you don't love her for who she is but for how good she might be in bed. you don't need to have sex with your gf/bf to show that you love them. and you don't grow up in any way, your just being childish and stupid for doing so. Waiting until your married just show's that your strong enough to with-stand temptation. Meaning your strong enough to love your spouse. And who wants to marry some girl/guy who had already given up there virginity to some high-school lover that they won't ever see again?

    imo if i marry someone who's already had sex, i'd hunt down her partner and kill him. Sex is something that should be shared only with the person you truly love, not some high-school crush who's probably just having sex to have sex.
  14. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    I respect your opinion, but I must disagree. It is not immature to think it is a beautiful thing. It is immature to think it is disgusting. It brings about the creation of life. There's nothing wrong with it. Everyone here was created through someone having sex with someone else. And just because someone doesn't wait until they are married to have sex doesn't mean they don't love their partner any less then someone who does. If they both are ready, then why not let them as long as they are responsible about it? I agree that you don't need to have sex to show you love someone, but it can either destroy the relationship, or make it stronger. I wouldn't care if I married someone who had already done it. That would just mean she has experience and would be that much better. All that would matter is if she was faithful to me.
  15. Senbonzakura Kageoshi Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 11, 2008
    Kyoto, Tsuzuki-gun, Ujitawara.
    im getting a little sick with some of replies on this thread although listen to soccer jenkins he know the answers. anyway i think im going to throw in the royal blue flag on this thread.
  16. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    if your not faithful when your in high school, what makes you think she'll be faithful in marriage? i never said it was gross. yes, sex is beautiful when done right (they're some perves who go and have perverted sex) but it's just not right to do so BEFORE marriage. imo that is.
    it's SORCERER not SOCCER. thank you though. lol
  17. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    First of all, people can change. Second of all, you are entitled to your opinion, but saying that people who do it before marrige don't love eachother as much as those who wait until after they are married is not only false, but you are also trying to force your opinions onto others, which is wrong. Everyone has thier own opinion and there's nothing wrong with that.
  18. Senbonzakura Kageoshi Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 11, 2008
    Kyoto, Tsuzuki-gun, Ujitawara.
    dude its not in my philosophy to do something wrong like that. im just making a statement.
  19. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    Azure, i respect you as a worthy RPer, a good friend, and a trusted ally, and i respect your view on this. But this is just one subject that i want to shove unto other ppl. SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE IS CRUEL!
  20. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    I respect that, but telling people that it's sick and that they should wait until they are married is forcing your beliefs on them. It's their choice. I can't argue about the STD's, but that's one reason why they should wear condoms. That's why I said they should be responsible.

    How is it cruel? It's the same as sex after marrige.