What do you think about Mods, Admins, Forum Helpers etc.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Chad Thundercucc, Jan 16, 2007.

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  1. ??? Banned

    Oct 10, 2006
    Nope.....you barely post when im on/around so...nah.

    Also that lawery thing i did last post i learned from playing Phoenix Wight: Ace Attourney for Nintendo DS
  2. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    FH are NOT useless. FHs USED to be a nice position. In fact, I was the 3rd FH to ever exist on this forum, and I was constantly working my *** off for the members.

    FHs help make major desicions on this site, and can be trusted with jobs and info unlike other members.

    Also, for any of you who don't like the way we do our job; trying being in our shoes. Unless you ARE a mod, you will never know how stressful and hard it is. You guys don't give us enough credit, and most fo the time no respect.

    Please try to see through our eyes and htne you may udnerstand why we're "snobby".
  3. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    i think that the mods/admin/fh work a lot to keep this site running smoothly. they deal with problems that would otherwise make this site a crappy place to be. they take care of excessive spam, flaming, and other things that can be troublesome. sure, they sometimes make mistakes or do things that others do not agree with, but they do it with the best interest of the site in mind. i respect them for their hard work and the fact that most of them still prance around the site like normal members.

    as for the forum helpers, i dont think they are useless. even though they technically do not have any power, they work hard for the staff. they can reprimand certain members and have the right to do so. if a normal member tries to reprimand someone, it could get ugly. also, im sure they help by working to find threads and forums where rules are bring broken and then report this to the admins/mods. this probably relieves a lot of the admin/mods work.

    i repsect all of the staff on kh-vids and thank them for making this an awesome site to be on.
  4. 1winged_angel Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 25, 2006
    Couldn't have said it better myself, all the positions that are here now needed to be here, which is why they are, we took alot of thought into this idea of "forum helpers" a while before KHVids version 1 moved here, and decided to implement it for the forum's good, I see no reason as why they aren't needed, nor do I see why others don't want to have them, more staff there is, the more time span is covered with a staff member on the site (I'm not on often anymore ): but I'll get on more progressively).Anyways, my opinion is that the helpers on this site, every position here, is vital to the progression of KHV and the interactions that all of u enjoy as KHVids
  5. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    I think all of the staff at KHV are, in a word... "Pimpin'."
    But, seriously, I think they're doing a great job with the site an' all. =3

    I've been a mod on another forum before, and, let me tell ya, it is a LOT of hard work. @_@ And, while the site didn't have forum helpers, I think it would of helped it along some. ^-^


    *dodges Mom's knife* Agh.... X.x Caught! See ya guys laterz! >=D

    *cartwheels away*
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