Kingdom Hearts II What do you see...

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by Goofy, May 13, 2007.

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  1. Goofy Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 30, 2006
    Simple question: What do you see when you watch any Disney movie or feature that includes characters or themes that are found in the KH-series? In my case, I've watched Aladdin again a few times and everytime I do, I imagine parts where Jafar sends off Bandits, Fat Bandits, Pot Centipedes, etc... I imagine Aladdin w/ Three Wishes even though he couldn't even wield a Keyblade in the KH-storyline... sometimes imagine Sora coming out of nowhere, pushing Aladdin out of the way, picking up Jafar's lamp, and doing what he did in KH in place of Aladdin... Uhm, when I heard Mickey Mouse Clubhouse thing was going to be on Disney Channel (mornings) I wanted to get a peak, lol cuz I kinda imagined the King putting on the XIII coat, whipping out his Keyblade, and hurting the other characters on a episodic basis... lol Also, when I see Donald & Goofy anywhere, I imagine Donald doing magic, and Goofy with the whole warrior/knight look with his shield.. lol Reminds me of when I spent almost the whole time @ Disney World (or was it Land..?) playing Chain of Memories... LOL A grown woman asked me if it was Kingdom Hearts, and when I was in gift shops I wondered to myself why there were no KH merchandise...
  2. Emo Pengwin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 5, 2007
    In your underwear
    LOL, my firiends and I sit there and look up pictures, then alter them. It's quite hilarious..

    (we have a Keyblade-wielding Tarzan with clothes as an added bonus!)
  3. Goofy Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 30, 2006
    Ooh, can I see? lol But if NOTHING else, when I see Disney in any form that reminds me of KH... I immediately think of two things: the associated Heartless, and the Keyblade with the associated keychain(s) preferably wielded by a main character in my mind. (Example: The Little Mermaid = Sea Neon, Sheltering Zone, Aqua Tank, Screwdiver, & Ariel dual-wielding Crabclaw & Mysterious Abyss) and if I can, for certain ones I think of non-appropriate characters who've been there and did something, such as XIII members... (Example: Hercules = Cloud & Sephiroth, or Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl = Luxord) lol And in doing this in reverse, I gave myself the idea of how well PotC: DMC will likely fit into the next KH-installment...
  4. Sce13 Banned

    Jan 28, 2007
    In darkness, with Riku
    Well, how bout this....My friends and I were watching Pirates of the Carribean in class...and we kept talking about kingdom Hearts...We were like,....
    "Sora pops up here" and "This is where they fight the big heartless"...and my other friend Justin, is like
    "Where is Luxord..." He thought it was the game and me and Cassie, (my friend) were cracking up...we then explained to him it was the movie, then he got mad cause we were laughing at him, but, he then started laughing at it...
  5. Emo Pengwin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 5, 2007
    In your underwear
    LOL, I find that my firnds and I do that sometimes...
  6. Goofy Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 30, 2006
    Ha ha, that's good... lol Around like... 8th grade I always wanted to like, make a recording of the cutscenes, and bring it to school and see if we could watch it.. lol .... yeah, but when I think about it... lol that'd be NOTHING like a KH-anime or cartoon movie... since the cutscenes skip bubble-text, and actual fighting and stuff... lol
  7. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Heh, KH inspired me to watch Alice in Wonderland again. It's one of my favorite movies now. I remember thinking Sora was going to pop out and say, "Hold it right there!"

    And now I want to go to Disney Land/World and have all of the Disney characters sign my copy of KH/KH2. I don't know why, I just do. The people there might think it was a little....Weird....But hey, what do I care? I'm weird xD.
  8. Goofy Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 30, 2006
    LOL I kinda wanted to do something like that to... Maybe see if any of the Disney mascots are actually FAMILIAR with Disney characters (hey, you assume everyone who gets paid to dress up like Walt Disney characters has actually ever watched and enjoyed a Disney cartoon?) THEN see if any of them are Kingdom Hearts fans.. lol
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