What would you guys say if KHV has its very own official debate tournament? I've been seriously considering this idea for a while, since I'm on the debate team at my school. What do you guys think? Yay or nay? Oh, and if enough people seem interested, I'll go into the specifics. And don't worry either, I have everything already planned if enough people are interested. <:
Such as? I'm interested in the idea. I'm just worried as to how it would be executed and managed. >_>;
Well, it'd basically be like this: >If enough people are interested, I make another thread asking the interested persons to post with a number after the previous person (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5... you get the idea). >Then, using a random number selector, I compose teams of three: the first speaker, second speaker, and the rebuttal speaker. >I make an official thread with what it is, the rules, the members/teams, etc. >I post a topic (such as abolishing the penny, an actual debate topic I have) and give the randomly selected teams a certain amount of time to gather information, choose speaker positions, and formulate a basic plan. >When the time has been reached, teams will post arguments for the debate. Pre-selected judges will choose a winner, and that team moves onto the next round. I know it sounds ultra confusing, but I need some faith and trust. I just know it'll work. c: I don't appreciate that comment, sir. :c