It' s worth a Chang. So far I' ve only watched season 1&2, it' s junk TV at its finest : very nerdy, quite funny, self-aware, and sometimes surprisingly ingenious. Not all episodes are great but it' s never boring.
It's a great show. I agree with Patman, I love the fact that it's self-aware of itself, too. It's relevant to me because I also go to a community college, so being able to relate to it and the characters is what makes it special. I haven't watched the entire thing, only seeing about 5-6 episodes per season, but I believe a lot of the episodes are free on hulu, so be sure to check it out. c:
I couldn't have said it any better. Donald Glover <3 The show's great and one of my all time favorites.. The characters and stories are well-written. The show is very self aware so if they can milk a cliche, they do it and do it well in my opinion.