What are your thoughts on 'Midnight'?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Axel's#1fangirl, Nov 26, 2007.

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  1. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    That is crazy
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    Exactly the point I was making, there is no point where it is nothing, there is always a small fraction that can be calculated.

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  3. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    Really interesting...

    Of course time can't stop. It would just go against so many laws is time were to just stop...

    I'm saying that, as time continues, is it possible for the absence of time to continue, if it even exists? I honestly have no proof that anti-time exists ^^; but it just makes sense to me. Really hard to explain, though...

    I see where everyone's going with this but then, how can we call 12:00:00 midnight 'midnight' if it's really the transition between night and day?

    So, either 'midnight' is the name for that "nothingness" that occurs between 11:59:59 and 12:00:00, or is 'midnight' the name for the actual transition, the "process" of night turning into day?

    And I agree, Midnight is probably the coolest time of day :)

    But have you ever considered that there could be an even SMALLER fraction that "can't" be calculated?
  4. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    In the end, the digital clock (or even analog) is simply a man-made creation to mediate themselves with a natural constant.

    There's no connection between 11:59:59 - 12:00:00 and the actual element of time. Time as we know it, is continuous.

    Those who use the lunar calendar celebrated Chinese New Year on February 18, 2007. That was the start of the new year of the Lunar Calendar. Most of the other cultures celebrate the New Year according to the Gregorian Calendar (the 1st of January).

    Now let's consider then, is there any 'true' New Year? Is there any real distinction between 2006 and 2007? Is New Year's on the 1st of January? Or was it on February 18th? In the end, there is no relation between when we celebrate the new year and what the new year actually is.

    Same with this issue of time. What if 100 years down the road, we change 'midnight' to what would've usually been 3PM in the afternoon? Therefore the new day would start with absolutely no distinction between night and day.

    There's no supernatural/spiritual/otherworldly connection between midnight and day and night.

    Just as how we can't see an atom but know it's there, there is a fraction of time we can't calculate. Not being able to calculate something doesn't mean it's not there. We humans just don't have the capacity to calculate it.

    There's no connection between the two. Mankind just picked a random interval and called it the end of the day. Why does a day have to have 24 hours in it? Why not 25, 26, 27? My point is they're unrelated.
  5. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    If it DOES exist, then there is no point in having a discussion about it, because it would be so short, if it did exist it would be called an attosecond, atto is the shortest unit of measurement, meaning 10 to the -18th power.
  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    Time is infinite, you can keep on dividing it into smaller fractions for an eternity, there is never a point where it cannot be calculated anymore. Midnight is the name for the transition between night and day, but it is not nothingness.

    I can see why you would be likely to think that, and your ideas do have some valid points, but I really am very strongly disagreeing with this. There can be NO nothingness, for there to be nothingness you would need to define that moment of nothingness, and to define that nothingness you would need time.

    I also see where you have your idea of anti-time from, BUT even if there was such a thing, it would be seperate to time and not occur within time itself.
  7. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    ...so, are you saying there could possibly be no such thing as Midnight?

    Wow. Never thought of it like that.

    That's something that's sorta always bothered me: Why are certain things the way they are? Like, I know this is very random, but why is the sky 'blue'? Who said the color 'blue' was 'blue'? It could've just as easily been that the color 'blue' was defined as the color 'red'...right?

    Does anyone get what I'm saying here?
  8. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    It is okay. I am more of a fan of 2:14 A.M myself. Don't ask me why Because i don't know
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Time is just a man made way of calculating the natural motion of things that exist and also can be used to describe how we age and components break down and the stimulation of cell movement such as with freezing or weather, decomposition and how even the land changes etc. We denote numbers, calculations etc to expressing this movement to understand how the universe works, our world moves, cellular structure of objects etc changes etc. Even if there's no necessary 'word' to describe 1 billionth of a second, we can write it out numerically.

    As for 'anti-time', I would say I don't think there's such a thing except to express null or a void where nothing exists and no motion happens because of it.

    Also, Axel's#1Fangirl brings up another good point to this. The way we perceive colors is how we label them. We give them names too and even colors right now can be 'coded' numerically. Even our number system in itself could be changed and there are quite a few ways to do things. Most often we use the 10s system to count but there are measurements of numerics also done commonly in 8s, 12s and 16s which are used for computers, sciences and different scale measurements of time etc.
  10. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I get exactly what you are saying but that is a matter for a different discussion and not relevant to this one.

    Do not spam please.

  11. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    I see exactly what you're saying.

    But, nothing is absolutely infinite. From breaking apart paper to time to even space itself, NOTHING is infinite. Everything has to end, at one point or another.

    If time was infinite, then our time would be infinite as well. If time were truly infinite, then we would live infinitely, for 'our' time would be infinite. (But that's something completely and totally different...)

    There has to be nothingness in the world! Just as there is matter, there must be the 'absence' of matter! Like light and dark. Dark is the absence of light. Light is there, and dark is not. Darkness IS nothingness.

    (Oh wow I sound like Xemnas...*gonk*)

    yea, Sorry for bringing that up...

    *writes it down for a different discussion for another day*
  12. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Why did mankind need to mark the end of a day anyway? Why couldn't we consider time itself as a day that never ends?

    Mankind needed to end the day somewhere, and I guess they so happened to decide on 24.

    No. We die, but time goes on. By your logic, time would end the moment you died. But what about the people who live after us? Are they not also living in time?

    The time of your life ends, but not time itself.
  13. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight

    So, in order for 'anti-time' to exist, then there MUST be some sort of void or nothingness in existence.

    *nod* Makes sense.
  14. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Yes, now all you need to do is prove it.
  15. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight

  16. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    TIME is INFINITE, we as humans are not time, that is why we are not infinite, we exist WITHIN time, but we are not part of it. Darkness is not NOTHINGNESS, it is as you say, just the absence of light, but there is still something there.

    In order to define nothing you have to have something there to even know what nothing is.

    There does not HAVE to be nothing, and nothing does not exist, there is never a true absence of anything for it to be classed as nothing.

    Numbers are infinite, you can always ad more and more, never ending numbers. Time is numerical so follows similar rules, there is ALWAYS time, maybe not even the way that we measure it, but it is always there, if there was an absence of time then everything would be frozen unmoving, for everything moves with time. Take away that time and we would be at a standstill.
  17. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    Nothing doesn't exist, eh?

    Explain Space. Explain Vacuums.

    You do have the upper hand here. I admit we DO exist within Time, but it is us who represent time, is it not? Then, if we represent time, then why aren't we 'infinite' as well?

    Maybe the truth is that both of us are wrong.

    Maybe there is no such thing as 'nothing', and maybe there's no such thing as 'infinity'.
  18. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Um, space is real. We fly spaceships into it all the time. And there are satellites that have been up there for decades.

    No vacuum ever created has been completely without matter in it. It's never been done in practice. Quantum Theory says no, Axel's#1fangirl. There's only a theory behind empty matter vacuums, but none have been empirically produced.

    We don't represent time. You put too much emphasis on human importance. We're species that exist in a realm of time. That's all there is to it. Time existed before you were born, and so will after you die.
  19. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    erm we don't represent time, I am sorry, but I really am struggling to see the logic in your argument here. Space and vaccuums do exist, they are not nothingness.

    I Love you 8D
  20. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    *sigh* This sounded A LOT better in my head...


    I hate you both.

    *laughs* Only kidding! Kidding, just kidding! You two have some VERY interesting ideas and perspectives. I seriously respect that.

    I don't think Space truly exists. If it did, why is it called 'space'?

    And Vacuums are known to be real. Sure, we've never created one and tested it to see if was truly nothing, but we know it's real. So, it seriously could be 'nothingness'.

    Ugh...This is going around in circles!!

    In order to prove 'Nothing', you need 'Infinity'.
    In order to prove 'Infinity', you need 'Nothing'.

    I don't think there will EVER be a clear answer to this...
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