What’s your “SHADOW†like?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jayn, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    i believe in shadows.

    i would not know for sure what my shadow would be like, but it might be drak, evil-minded, and enjoy other peoples misfortunes etc. etc.
  2. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008

    I think my shadow would be shy.
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Sounds incredibly derivative of Freud, but nonetheless, it's a neat idea to mingle with.

    If I had a shadow, it would be far more outgoing, far more understanding, thorough and patient. It'd probably be equally as egocentric, to be honest. My ego only comes out when I'm having a great time with my friends and/or if women are present. <_> Speaking of women, I'd probably be more flirtatious and willing to take risks.

    That's just me. <:
  4. Mimiru Banned

    Jul 15, 2009
    The World, Japan
    Ruon has a shadow. It's....kind of......evil, murderous, and abusive.
    Ruon almost never gets angry due to his autism but when he heard about what his dead girlfriend's ex did to her. His “SHADOW” took control of him resulted in the ex-boyfriend's arms being permeantly paralyzed.

    I have one too but not quite like his. My “shadow” is all my pain, stress, bad memories, and grief. Normally when it gets out I have a panic attack that puts me unconscious.

    Ruon wanted me to talk about his. feel free to pm him if you don't believe me.
  5. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    My "Shadow" I would say is a narsacistic, angry, person. I hate people like that but I know that I can be that way sometimes. Sometimes that side of me kind of scares me in that I wonder if I'll lose everything. I remember once that I was having a bad day and lashed out at my girlfriend and she didn't speak to me for a couple of days. Or one time I got really angry with the guitarist in my band and he left to "Work on his solo stuff" for a little over 2 months before coming back. My "Shadow is very threatening to my life which is why I tend to act very, as described by a friend of mine, "Stoner-ish". Because I like to keep very cool and calm so as to avoid my Shadow. Anyway, I'm rambling.
  6. ReebokR32 Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 30, 2008
    you know that little voice in your head.... go fig
    My shadow would kill on command and wouldn't have any respect for women. sounds like O.J simpson.
  7. Sora March Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 10, 2008
    A band hallway. TRUMPETS!!!
    I think that the SHADOW exists in everyone. Sure everyone has a physical shadow, but the SHADOW you're talking about isn't bad thoughts, feelings, or anything else in a person. I think that its what that person doesn't want to be. Whether that person wants to be a dark figure or some everyday working man, or something more. Everyone has a different SHADOW.

    I would think my shadow would be a strong, evil dictator thing, that wants to be disconnected to everyone around itself.
  8. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    I think the shadow represents our true selves. Strip away the inspirations, motives and other things that have made people what they are, and you'll see the person who's really there.

    Over time, people mold their personalities after people they admire, thus they go through psychological changes that mirror that of their idol. However, no matter what you do, you can't just throw away parts of your personality, so they cling on to your subconscience. That, I believe, is The "SHADOW".

    To be more precise, "The shadow of your former self".

    You may not realize it, but everyone in the world wears a mask. These masks are thrown on us by the media, although unintentionally. Once we see fault in ourselves, we try to eliminate it by trying to imitate beings who we think have no flaw. People who we would like to be. That is what I call, "The Mask".
  9. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    They exist. Everyone has a dark side to them.
    I know what mine is like.
    It would be really mean and horrid, she would be rude to everyone and be thick. She would have no friends too.
  10. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    I don't think that's completely the case. The example "mask" is a pretty accurate one, I think. These masks seem neccesary to face everyday life, and protect against it.

    I myself would think them layers, like an onion. Each layer holds something different, some are merged together, some are thicker than others. Perhaps the "Shadow" is a layer created from everything we push back, and ignore. Perhaps this layer is one of the lasts. It isn't neccesarily the evil in us, but everything we neglect. And it's not our opposite, either.
  11. Mimiru Banned

    Jul 15, 2009
    The World, Japan
    Ruon's shadow- Michael Myers
    My shadow- Larxene

    everyone has a shadow.

    My Definition of a Shadow- The other half of us that we use for help in desperation or under deep emotional stress. Kind of like adreneline.
  12. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    Ah the shadow...Some people relate it to dopplegangers...think its potentially able to become one...Personally I do think that shadows exist..If I have one It's either extremely emo and depressed or its really hyperly energetic and competetive or full of love for everyone
  13. int2646 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 5, 2009
    The &quot;Other Side&quot;
    I don't know why but this "shadow" sounds awfully lot like a split personality....
    Anyway my "shadow" would probably be cheerful, popular, and talkative.
  14. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    I consider it our split personality. Yes we have these sides. We can't really stop these thoughts. It's either a martyr or devil depending on who you are.
  15. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I've pondered about this last night, it was just one of those things that suddenly came to mind. Maybe this other part of you, this "shadow" is the collection of all the choices and options that you have considered but not chosen?
    They are not engraved in your path of life since you rejected them, but they still contain valuable information on your personality.
    It could be a mere extension from your surface personality, for example not wanting to cross a certain line, or it could be something different altogether.
  16. Ah eff. Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 10, 2009
    Plank Epoch.
    I think the theory seems plausible. If I had a shadow, I think it would be everything that I've grown up trying to repress. You know, little things such as touching EVERYTHING in the store. Or maybe my shadow wets the bed. Who knows. I think it's a cool idea.
  17. LoneWolf Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2008
    Google Earth
    I think my shadow might have a huge ego and have a cocky personality, always trying to impress people and look good in front of others just to make a good first impression.
  18. Dark_dragon_heartless Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 21, 2009
    My shadow would be popular, over-friendly, annoying but soft-centered, confident, always happy and well loved and like popular music.

    Opposite of me.

    Makes me feel like my shadow would come out a bit more. My friends are dropping away from me, slowly. It's not fair... they all change so quickly, and I'm left standing the same as always.
  19. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Ah, Dr. Jung, your such a funny fellow...

    Anyway, yes it is a possibility that the concept of a SHADOW exists, as much as the chance we have an alter ego within our mind, whether it be created from 'paths not taken' or 'suppresed memories' the chances it impacts our lives is most likely small, but it will occur at some point in everyone's lifetime.

    I also wonder that this other aspect we call SHADOW is really the dark part of ourselves. It could also be the hidden potential that humanity has for care and understanding beneath our layers of aggressive and negative emotions which are held by many people. It could be our LIGHT that is hidden, and we, our conscious, is instead the SHADOW that darkens the LIGHT part of ourselves.
  20. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.
    Not entirely sure what you mean. Do you mean subconscious thoughts and feelings that we aren't aware of or can control, an opposite of ourself, or what? Styx's idea sounds good.

    Well, if a shadow is a 'darker' side of you, I tend to embrace it. In my view, embracing dark thoughts and feelings, and overcoming them, allows you to be more appreciative of the light.