What´s up with Obama?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Vanitas, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Okay...you guys seriously can't think of anything wrong about him? He has only been in the senate for two years, and he is an un-experienced leader (yeah so it's a good idea to let his first leadership to be the leader of America?).
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    1. Find something wrong with McCain and please don't say you can't.

    2. the loling really doesn't help anyone take you seriously.
  3. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    haha. Ouch.

    1. He left his wife when she got paralyzed.

    2. He isn't president when he should be!
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    You found bad and semi good,lol.

    So why should he be?..and don't say "Because Obama is--" this is just about McCain.
  5. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007

    He is associated with terrorists and he's gonna tax your ass.

    Not much more to say D:

    At least that's all I heard, but I'm 13 and I'm not that into politics excuse meh."/
  6. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    Well I'll just talk about the main issues. I'm not really great on politics, but from what I see, McCain represents working people. His tax plan is basically, the more money you make/the harder you work, the less you have to pay to the government. Obama is the opposite, his tax plan is, the more money you make, the more you have to give to the government, and poor people, mostly on welfare see a tax deduction for not working hard. Obama's tax plan is will create less jobs, while McCain's plan will increase jobs. Also, a lot of small businesses won't be as successful because people who make around 2.8 million dollars will have around $705,000 more taxes to pay. My mom works for the government because it's not safe to work anywhere else, and it shouldn't be like that.

    As far as the war, we need to finish what we started. If everyone comes back home, everyone in the world will think we've gone soft and can't even beat a poor country like Iraq, thus weakening our powerful reputation. If you ask most soldiers overseas right now, they'll tell you that we need to stay.

    But it doesn't really matter about McCain's policy anymore because he's not the president. I personally think he would've been a better more experienced fit. But I guess we'll just have to see how Obama does.

    Good. Never become obsessed! lol

    It's crazy how people go all out with it sometimes.
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.

    ..That sounds like assumption + what your merely saying.No offense
  8. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    Well not about veterans, I have friends that have brothers and sisters in iraq, and they talk to them frequently. They keep saying they don't want to be over there cause they're afraid, but they also say that we shouldn't pull out now.

    About reputation, that is assumption, but look at the way we viewed the french as cowards. It's a little different situation, but the same concept.
  9. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    Sorry, but that's what McCain said. It's 5% truth and 95% propaganda.

    Just because someone's on welfare doesn't mean that they don't work hard, and just because somone's filthy rich doesn't mean that they work at all. We're in an economic crisis, so the highest priority is making sure that the people under pressure (the Middle and Lower Class) can stay alive. As far as I'm concerned, having to give up MAYBE an extra 1/100th of your salary (if you are rich, that is) is just petty crap when put in perspective to the rest of the world. Once the economy is stabalized, we can go back to the normal tax plan, but in a time of crisis, people need to make sacrifices, and the people making the biggest sacrifices should be the ones who can afford it.

    About the war, first of all Obama isn't saying "all right, I'm President now, time to bring our troops home". He said he will end the war in a responsible, gradual way, in maybe a year or a bit more. Second of all, it's really only America who thinks we'll be looked down upon by leaving Iraq. We just look like total b******s by staying in Iraq for so long, when they aren't even the biggest threat. Maybe the American soldiers want to stay in there because they feel as if their job isn't done, but at least 70% of Iraqi citizens want us out.

    And yes, it really doesn't matter right now, because the election is over. The only reason I'm still talking about it is to try and make people feel more secure about our President Elect. I guess I can't say for sure, but based on his policies, we don't have anything to worry about.


    No, it isn't. Well, not really. He said that if we know where Bin Ladden is, and the country he is located in does not feel the need to go after him, then America will enter the country with the intention of finding Bin Ladden.

    Here is a clip of what he said:

  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    and you still don't give me an answer,lol!

    Famous..idk if that counts because you only heard it XD

    and gratz to J.D for coming up with reasonable responses I can respect.
  11. zexykupo Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 20, 2008
    Somewhere dark... Where I can be alone...
    'Kay, thanks I understand.
    But if I'm correct, there was some kind of an election between Bush and that other guy, Jonh Kerry, if I remember. So in the future, there might be something like that.

    And yeah, I guess I should have said there's always gonna be republicans...
  12. Shady Trace Merlin's Housekeeper

    People say that Obama is in some religion, and a woman said it publicly, she said because he was that, she won't vote for him.
    Sucka. She got out voted.
    Most people want to assasinate Obama, so....Mcains wrong.
    Obama's still in a tough time. He has to prove himself, going against Racism, (citizens) and grudges (Mcain).
    Like all of us, he's GOOD.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    He may not have a ton of experience but he has a lot of commonsense and he is also able to be put on the spot, can have a commanding presence and yet be benevolent. He's rational and a -thinker- instead of going with cowboy diplomacy ala Captain Kirk. We've had now 8 years of that. He has had a number of years that he served as a lawyer, public servant, community helper and he also served time on the senate. He has made moves to do things in the senate and did not just sit there as some hard Republicans want to declare. He also has been to other countries as a child and grew up learning about how to integrate and live with other people; not just have tea parties with them. He has a different kind of experience with his mom having volunteered to help other countries and his views will be different based on the fact he has been around in a way that wasn't for 'negotiations' or 'fun time'. His experience is called 'real life' and being with real people. I would say it's more than enough to get into the White House considering the Fathers of this country had just as much experience and the greatest changes happened from them. Also other presidents down the line had as much 'experience' as Obama did or less and yet some of them are the amongst our greatest presidents.

    He's a realist. He wanted to ensure that he did not get over cocky and assume things were going to go his way. When he started the campaign he knew his chances because he was not even considered a serious candidate for the Democrats for some time. McCain also was not the serious candidate for the Republicans, who thought that Rudy Guliani would take it. Also, he was calm and collected throughout the campaign, not assuming he was going to win and so he worked continuously hard. McCain thought he had it in the bag after Hillary lost, but didn't and so was often frustrated, gritting his teeth, glaring, and then he made his greatest mistake of bringing Palin in for her rallying abilities and I believe the decision was also to get females to warm up to her since Hillary was taken out.

    He has some foreign relations having lived a life of integration in some other cultures. He also knows a lot of things because he is well read and informed. He put Biden on his ticket because Biden is a genius when it comes to foreign knowledge and made up for this lack of experience. Also, for someone with no foreign relations, a lot of the world seems to be happy he is now the president and are happy a president is actually willing to sit and -talk- about things first, before doing actions that could be detrimental. Much of the world has seen us lately as even potentially moving to the way of being a threatening country to our -allies-, let alone enemies. For a guy with little foreign relations under his belt, he makes sense to not just many Americans but also people in other countries and bringing in Biden, talking to Generals etc in Iraq and Afghanistan and other places, he's doing the right moves.

    Drill baby drill, eh? You do realize that for one, he said that he was willing to offshore drill but not to the levels McCain was. For two, offshore drilling will take around 10 years for this country to actually benefit from it. Looking into other resources as well is a plus and oil will not last forever. It is a dying reserve and if you saw the science for drilling as it is, you'd know that. Finding oil is not so easy anymore. Whether people like it or not, 10 years is a long time to wait to rely on one type of energy source. He -did- say he would move for it, but again, he wants other types of energies to be sought after too so that we aren't just destroying the ocean. Also, did you realize that -EACH- off shore drilling post has to be designed specifically for the area it will be set and will cost a ton of money? Imagine if something goes wrong. We then would have wasted a ton of money on what we can't even barely see yet. Oil should not be our dominant resource. Nearly any scientist who is not working for an oil company would say so.

    His 'race' is not an issue but with some idiots with an IQ of 100 if they are lucky, that have swastikas on their bedroom walls and are the 'good ol boys' with confederate flags still swinging on their properties. For the rest of us, Obama is an American. He is black and his father is from Kenya. He is white and his mother is from the U.S. He is of a line of immigrants and also from a line of people that have been here for some time. Also, quite a few people are 'mixed' in this country. I am and know many other people who are half this or that. He represents a growing portion of Americans in that regard and if some people can't take it, that is -their- flaw; not his.

    Even if we don't, so what? We do need to balance this country out. Bush's handout money helped worsen things and really should have been put back to the Federal Reserve to try to balance a god-awful situation. We are tremendously screwed right now because of how much money we owe to literally ourselves, let alone China. I think people need to stop being so selfish so we can fix some things. Taxes for anyone who makes less than 200k are not going to increase. Businesses that make less than 250k a year are not going to increase in taxes. The wealthier people can afford to give out more since most of them do tax write-offs and get around taxes anyway they can as it is while middle class and poor Americans cannot do that route. The Republicans made horrible mistakes giving tax cuts to the wealthy, let alone turning out the 300 and 600 bucks to single and married families respectfully. Their economic growth plan by this method failed because most Americans took that money and paid BILLS with it instead of going and spending it on businesses as was thought they'd do. Ironic that the Reps figured people were dumb and would just go spend money foolishly and their whole plan banked on it and...it didn't happen. Simply ironic. When people are desperate, they stop being stupid for a little while.

    Offshore drilling will take 10 years to implement to the point where we see anything good come from it. Any plan will take time to do. Solar and wind will be amongst the fastest energy changers to put in place. Nuclear plants will take time etc, but McCain was also motivated to use this option. Anything done to change our power grid, cars etc over to new power is going to take time whether under an Obama administration or a McCain one. To believe anything else is the fact you are buying into propaganda.

    Iraq was a foolish thing to do in the first place. Plans to withdraw with a time scale is better than 'let's stay there and -win-.' It's not our country and from the moment we went in, we lost. You aren't a soldier. You don't know the scenes over there. I was in the army. I kind of know the scene more than what people are told. The goal is to try to move people out of there over the span of a year and a half, keeping only some people there to help with training and monitoring, giving support. The Iraq government is not doing enough to control things and the Iraq -people- want them to instead of having to listen to Americans and British people all the time. The Iraq government has a surplus of money that it is not using, while -we- are paying for things over there ridiculously. Corporations like Haliburton were given open cheques to spend on things and well over spent and lied on expenditures. Obama is not calling for troops to immediately leave the area. He wants to move soldiers from Iraq, ensure the Iraq government is stronger, because we -have- been training soldiers and police there for some time now, and get them to finance themselves since they -do- have oil and other things to use to gain money from. We won't be 'abandoning' Iraq for some time but the reduction of soldiers and letting the Iraqi people govern themselves, make decisions etc, it's better than us sitting around there. There -is- no win to the war. I don't get where people think there is.

    Afghanistan IS our one legitimate place of war we were SUPPOSED to be at in the first place and we do have to deal with Pakistan. It is believed that Bin Laden, by pretty much -all- security sources, American and not, is hiding in the mountains lining Afghanistan and Pakistan. Obama has said -only- if he has sites on Bin Laden directly, would he demand Pakistan take action to apprehend him -or- we will be forced to go in and catch him. I do not see how this is unreasonable. He has said he will work with Pakistan so long as Pakistan shows it is willing to work with us. He has even said he will offer up assistance for them to aid in hunting for Bin Laden but also some aid for the citizens of Pakistan for the cooperation. I think he's being smart here.

    Obama isn't calling for actions against other places. In fact, he wishes to talk with other countries and McCain has actually been more harsh on issues with other countries, not declaring he'd even -talk- with them. Obama wants to open up the table and discuss things with the leaders of countries we have some issues with and see what can be done -before- we take actions. The problem with Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan is already going on. However, Iran, North Korea and Russia are problems at the moment. Obama never declared he would just attack. Matter a fact, it's Palin and McCain that had their little joke saying 'Bomb bomb, Iran'. To me, this stuff isn't so funny.

    Misleading speeches? Palin's speeches were awful and she was the white queen at KKK rallies, if nothing more. Obama's speeches weren't that misleading. As a matter a fact, go to news sites such as CNN and go to 'fact checks'. You'll see more often than not, McCain's information was skewed more than Obama's. This is not to say either candidate that said things was trying to be on purpose misleading, but both did so with the information they had on each other's policies and platforms. Quite a few things were misspoken by both candidate but most amusing was that Obama was more often on target than McCain was and Palin...she was the worst candidate to speak at all. The funny thing is that Obama used some 'big words' in his speeches and it seems only those who have no vocabulary don't actually get what his plans are and yet they say he's being misleading. Seriously, I understood his plans more than McCain's. I actually had to go waste my time researching in deep on McCain's because he was too busy attacking Obama to hear anything constructive.

    You do realize that McCain also was 'paling around' with terrorists by Palin's standards and Palin herself was doing worse than that. I would go into the whole thing but I can see I've already written a novel here so I will wait until next time to explain Obama's, McCain's and Palin's little terrorist buddies that really aren't their 'friends'.
  14. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i just have ONE disagreement about what you said Repliku. the experience thing. experience is important in my opinion. also, EVERYONE has real life experience with real people. that's not good enough to get into the White House. experience isn't the determining factor but it's is NOT something you just ignore either. that's all i have to say.
  15. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    the day i support Obama is the day a piggy gives birth to a ducky and i sprout wings and fly. and he brings the 80's musik back.
  16. [​IMG]


    He's our next President already, give him the chance to do something, before complaining. And I can't believe we're talking about inexperience since Palin has absolutely nothing to reach for, and if McCain ever died, we would be stuck with her as a leader.

    I'm just going to continue drinking my Obama Kool-Aid :D. Yum. Cherry.