I think the main problem is that the entire body looks too flat. You should take the opportunity to look at tutorials on how to build up a human shape - but since this is a werewolf you should also study how the animal shape works as well, the differences are huge. For starters, try drawing a human, along with any object you see around you. Variation is the key to advancement. Here's one that helped me out in the start - it mostly contains the basics, though that's what everyone starts with. http://www.polykarbon.com/tutorials/ Good luck. :3
Why must Coco beat me to the CnCing? *shakes fist* o:< Anyway,beside the flat body structure,try to make her hair realistic,put some flow in it and as for the clothing,try to draw some wrinkles.
Well, the arms seem a bit short. If you try redoing this drawing, try to make the arms just an inch past the hip. Take a look at the link Coco gave you and try to work your way from there. It's ok, but you could do better.
The proportions are off- the head could be bigger and rounded more at the top, the neck longer and the shoulders should be moved down and not as rounded outward. The hair is a bit stiff, try adding more sections of hair and some shading. Her arms should be longer. Arms also get thinner as you move closer to the wrist.The hands could be brought out of the sleeve more. Find some referances or tutorials on drawing human bodies and animal bodies, there are lots of those on deviantart. Nice effort otherwise.
Everything what coco said, and i wouldn't have the shoulders so broad next time, except for that its okay.
The proportions are a bit off especially for the head...but the idea is great I like the way you can't see her eyes =3
Sorry for this slight interuption, buut.. Add more content when you post in this section, please. Everyone will appreciate it so much more when you take the time to tell what it is that is good with a picture or what can be improved on. I'll keep an eye on your future comments in threads here. << >> Sorreh.. Be faster next time? OK guys, pretend I wasn't here. :3
I love the idea of not showing her eyes because I can't draw eyes to match, one will end up more crooked or up too high lol... I decided to go with the tutorials and I got another drawing coming out soon, the tutorials helped ALOT :) Thank you cocohints ^_^