An old man was lyin' face down sleepin'. Began moanin'. Stopped as a guy walked in. Continued when he left. Then i thought he had died. He continued to moan only louder...then he started thrustin' the bench n' kickin' his legs wildly... i left. o_o 5 minutes after i left to sit in the steam room he comes in. I leave again to head back to the sauna n' he comes back 2 mins later... Mental.
You'd certainly have nightmares if you had seen it. D: Glad my nasty encounter brin's a smile to your face. xD
Don't get me started on weird sauna activities. Seriously. But, wait, unisex sauna? That's just not right..
You have to wear swim wear. xD Weird activities in same sex saunas? o_O That ain't right! N' i didn't think it was weird to have same sex saunas. It's just like the swimmin'...but sweaty! xD