Welp, that's it.

Discussion in 'Departure Hall' started by Hiro ✩, Sep 9, 2013.

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  1. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    I'm gonna be leaving now. I really feel unwanted around here and don't see a reason for me to stay. The members here treat everyone like total crap and it's overall just a place I don't want to be in anymore.

    I'll be posting in my RPs of course because they're what I enjoy doing, but besides my friends and the RPers, no one will be seeing me anymore.

    So yeah, peace out, I've clearly made this a much better place for everyone.
  2. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Well, I'm sorta-ish relieved that I'll still get to see you in the RP arena. However, I know there are a LOT of people here I personally can't stand, but if those kinds of people don't make it worth it to visit the site, then I'm really sad to see you leave. The non-RP part of KHV won't feel the same without you buddy ;~;
  4. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Don't say that. You leaving doesn't benefit anyone so don't think that way. By this point I know I can't stop you from going but I don't want to see you talking like that, please. At least you will still be in the rp arena. That is the one thing about this thread that I am happy about
  5. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Sad to see you go.

    I know that we recently had a disagreement, but I've always respected you and considered you a good friend, and I still do, despite our differences. After all, the world would be a boring place if everyone thought the same.

    You know I'm mostly always available, so please do not hesitate to contact me on Skype or KH-Flare if you're ever feeling down or just want to chat.

    Stay strong, mi amigo.
  6. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    NO! :eek: You're leaving? I'm so sad now... Well, at least you'll still do RPing... I only have enough time for one RP at a time atm, and right now you're not in the same one as me, but I really hope to see you around when I get more time on my hands. I'm sorry if I contributed to the feelings you have right now. I try not to be mean to people, but I've been told before that I have the tendency to be really blunt and sarcastic, and adding that to my bad memory, some friends get accidentally left by the wayside. Well, sorry if I did contribute. I wish you the best of luck and happiness with your life, and I raise my glass of cran-raspberry juice in toast to you and your life. It was good having you a part of my pirate crew, and if you ever decide to return, I'll be glad to welcome you back. :)
  7. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    If people were to take a look at many of the other Departure threads then this selective departure is nothing new and is fairly commonplace. The rules on this point are a bit lax but it is nothing out of the blue and the like, and has happened many times in the past. While I have seen the lingering animosity for a good few months now I hardly believe it is the mature thing to start things in this thread when it can be dropped and over with and people can go back to their merry devices. That being said there is no one person to blame so I implore all of you to be the kind-hearted souls I know you are and cease this incessant bantering before feelings are hurt and things become worse.

    People have reasons to depart and the like; it is personal. Leave it at that.
    Thank you.

    I am sorry to hear you need some time off, HoT. I hope things will become better.
  8. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    ALL of you need to just stop it. This is getting really ridiculous and should not be going for as long as this has.

    HoT, sorry to hear that people who "hate" you, voted for you in the "worst male member" thread, but remember that you willingly nominated yourself for that catagory. If you didn't want it to be open for someone who "hates" you to vote for you, then you shouldn't have nominated yourself.

    And in the end those awards are STILL just in good fun. Do you really think someone is going to walk up to you some day and say "Aren't you that guy who won Worst Male Member for KHV Awards 2013?" I seriously doubt it. you could still just take it as good fun, or you could take it negatively it is your choice in the end.

    I'll see you around the roleplaying arena I guess, but I think this whole thing went a little too far for BOTH parties involved.
  9. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    A lot of posts were deleted in this thread (posted even after Ashwin posted above) and I'd like to say something:

    To people feeling like Hector right now, I am not at all trying to blame you, only to help. We're here for you guys and all you need to do is shoot us a report or message and we'll tend to the situation asap. Dragging things out in a thread is really only going to antagonize people further and make the situation worse--only this time, some of the fault will be on your hands. We try our best to moderate things on our own, and respond to situations as we see them, but if anything is getting to the point where you feel like you need to leave this site, that is very serious and we, as a staff, would be failing if we do not respond to that. We sometimes need you to say "hey, I was really hurt by this, can you guys do something about it." That's our jobs and we want to see people stick around.

    To the people who were picking on Hector, in this thread & elsewhere, it ends now. Action has been taken against some of the posts & members who have replied, and future incidents will see harsher consequences. This isn't your elementary school playground, and we will not allow this place to turn into a toxic environment. Even if you dislike a person, you still are required to treat them with respect; place them on ignore if you really can't control yourself. Don't crash their departure thread and kick them while they're down. If you can't follow our rules, you'll find yourself out of here in no time.

    To Hector in particular, I'm sorry you feel you've been pushed to this point. I'm glad you are not leaving entirely & want to reassure you that if any one gives you any more trouble, you just need to report it to a staff member and we'll take care of things.

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