Apparently there is currently no running water in our house right now. My sister and I were able to take showers just fine this morning, and I only noticed some time around 15 minutes ago, but I have no clue what's going on. I've tried all the faucets to see if it was just one, but it is quite literally everything that runs water. I called my sister, who I was told to call to ask someone else if there's any house issues, and she of course gave me problems, but I don't know why this is happening. My family gets back from the cruise tomorrow, but I'd prefer having running water for a shower and such tomorrow as well
This is probably a little extreme, but if there's a YMCA nearby they're pretty cool about that stuff. If there's not one in relatively close distance, it probably isn't worth it but they've got clean showers and etc.
maybe they didnt pay the water bill on time or somethings wrong with one of the pipes in your city. that's happened to us once or twice that or you used up all the water. way2go
Most likely water bill. depending on how long your families been gone for now. But water companies are lenient with payment deadlines so I can't imagine them to go extreme and cut off water just like that it'd seem pretty stupid.
Uh, yeah, I can say that wasn't it for sure. Because my parents would freak if they missed a deadline on bills, so they never miss them. My sister would be likely though. But luckily, as I was hoping it would, the water came back to normal when I got home from work. I don't know why, but at least it works again. Though I still think I'll let my parents know, in case it happens again and there's something wrong in the house
If this happens again, just call the water company and tell them that they're gone and you can't pay it. They'll usually give you a break about it and turn it back on. And probably it's a good idea to mention it to your parents and maybe suggest next time to pay it in advanced, emergencies do happen, but when it comes to normal things, they should pay in advance. =3 Oh yeah, and usually gyms allow you to shower with no membership, either. I had that happen during a huge flood and our water was shut off due to all of the water coming back up in the basement. :/
I already said it had nothing to do with the bills. The bills were already paid for, because like I said, my parents would not allow them to go unpaid. Trust me, there is no such thing as a late payment with them
I hate the times when plumbers turn off the water or if the water pipes are broken or something. All I drink is tap water, I don't like to use anything other than water to shower in ;-; My day gets completely messed up if that happens.