
Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Gwen, Oct 15, 2008.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    I'll admit. If I were staff here, then I would probably not hesitate to ban a really annoying member here at first, but still, I KNOW I would be able to stop myself, since I know that everyone deserves the same chances as everyone else does.

    I doubt I can say much, but still though, lets face it, their are plenty of people who feel the same but won't say anything in fear of getting banned. Still though, if one person here ends up gettin banned for speaken their beliefs, then dun worry. Might not know everyone in the spam zone well still, but none the less, I sure as hell know that I'd make sure that the staff would regret maken any bans, even if I am a good friend of one of them >.>

    Oh hey, I was just readen up a bit more, and now that ur mentionen Final, is this Finalform that we are talking about here?
  2. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    Yes, Final was the one who inspired this.
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Lmao. Dam. Idk. If it is him, then it is sort of different. I will stick to what I said about starten up somethen if anyone here gets banned for speaken their beliefs, but still though, finalform really did do a lot wrong. I'm just gonna say, in the rp section I rped wit him for a good few months, and he REALLY did some low down things which ruined a lot. I personally never have and never will like him, but, none the less.

    Depends though. what did he do to get himself banned? Though I don't like him, I need to know if what he did was really bad enough to get himself a permaban
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    lmfao because of course you really know all the details surrounding that permaban.

    You know what I am sick to death of members *****ing about this and *****ing about that, so for once I am going to ****ing take a leaf out of the normal members book.

    Rules are rules, when he was banned the last time he was told it was final warning time and lets face it, he has had enough warnings.

    As for people picking on Emma, the staff have bent over backwards on trying to fix that whole mess, a mess that you were involved in right from the start I would like to add. Though admittedly you have attempted to redeem yourself.

    Your idea that the more well known members are given extra chances is pure and utter bullshit, your basis for that accusation is that one of your best friends was just banned.

    Also, what the **** we do not ban people for voicing their opinions. That person that FF was a ****** to was a PERSON, you know how you just preached that no-one realised that FF was a person with emotions? That kid he harrassed is a ****ing person too and NOT a troll.

    In fact the entire ****ing site lately is pathetic.

    I am sick of the damn pack mentality of this website, there is so much bullshit with people accusing people of being trolls and members harrassing one another, sometimes I swear to god I am workin as an admin on a forum for ****ing five year olds.

    All of you need to grow the **** up and stop complaining all the damn time because seriously if you think things are so ****ing bad here then piss off and find another place to whine and moan because I for one am sick to death of every day it being drama drama drama and BAAAAAAAAAAAAW ****ing BAW.

    The staff here, we are HUMAN you know, those things with emotions. We have to work in the best interests of the site and what is right for the site. Maybe he was trying , maybe he loved it here, but him being here and acting the way he was was not in the best interest of the site.

    I personally do not give a **** if this post loses respect for me from people because it is about time that a lot of this was said.

    Maybe if you guys pulled your heads out of all this drama **** day after day after day you would realise that we have a job to do too, have you seen how many ****ing banned accounts there are every day? We are banning upawards of like 40 accounts a freakin DAY to keep this place and you guys safe, we work our asses off fixing things and sorting things and trying to resolve issues and keeping this damn place together and what do we get for it? We get **** all, we do not get paid for this you know, we do this because this place matters to us.

    I am pretty damn sure some of you will be rolling your eyes and laughing as here I am creating drama that I just *****ed about, but damn :/

    The staff are not your personal slaves, with a site that has so many members of course there will be times when some people disagree with the decisions we make, but hey, that is life.

    Give us a ****ing break because we do not need this ****.

    I'm locking this, if you want to reply about or sound off or ***** about it then feel free to PM me and I will happily discuss it with you.

    Otherwise, this concludes your lates episode of KH-DRAMA.NET


  5. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Well if CTR is done.... I'd just like to say I specifically told FinalForm on his last ban "You are welcome back after your one month ban, but this is the final time we are allowing your smart-ass remarks and trolling. If you make an alt account during this ban or get a warning after your return, you will be permabanned."

    He understood his conditions, and failed to comply. Therefore he's no longer welcome here.

    We gave him more chances than anyone with great paticience would have, it's not the fault of the staff. He has no one to blame but himself.
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