the planets aligned for me a couple weeks ago and there was not only a sale on PS4s at Target, but we also got a coupon PLUS the extra 5% off with their card my oversized black eraser is just waiting for me to find inFamous: Second Son at a decent price before i use the hell out of it in preparation for the main reasons i bought it (numbered entries in longstanding series that i care way too much about)
i dont doubt that those are good games but i don't care so far the only games i plan on getting for ps4 are kh3, p5, and Battlefront and I don't know about Arkham Knight. do you think the previous 3 will be released on ps4 bc i'd really like to not have to buy a ps3 just for those
games i want for the glorious imaginary day i get a ps4: kh3 ffxv transistor the last guardian abzu no man's sky unravel king's quest
i only buy a system if a kh game is on it (hd remixes dont count i already have those games) Pokemon, KH, and Persona are the main (only) three ongoing franchises that I really care about I have varying interest in some license games, Ultimate SM is one of my favorite video games, the dbz fighting games are fun, sdggg games on psp are also some of my favorites, and I want to play Arkham so so badly. ff12 is the only ff i like, but not the only one i've played. the dissidia games are okay but playing them makes me physically ill now, and I sort of liked the 3rd Birthday. And I can't say that I'm a fan of Fire Emblem yet bc I've played so little, but I got Awakening recently and oh man I adore it and can't wait for If. I've been meaning to get some mega man collections for a year or so because that's an aesthetic that i think is sweet. other than that I know/care basically nothing about video games and have minimal, if any, desire to expand. the way we approach video games is totally opposite apparently. Video games is not a primary hobby of mine like it is for you (except for Pokemon which is literally my life). They're just things that I use to pass time and cure boredom when I don't feel like reading or watching something, or just want to turn my brain off and veg out with some music or yt videos as background noise. I don't appreciate them as art (not saying they're not please don't crucify me) and I'm skeptical at best about their ability to tell truly good stories. p3 is the only game I've played that I thought had an actually interesting/worthwhile story and even it had anime **** working against it. I've heard nothing but wonderful things about the first two Arkham games but have not played them myself so will say nothing more than that. I've played very few games so I'm sure there are good stories out there, but I think many vg fans confuse compelling and engaging with good. awesome
I view video games the same way I view film and television and other visual mediums (and to a lesser extent, comics, since I don't like to buy separate issues.) Visual storytelling, but video games are a lot more immersive, especially horror titles, because I'm able to influence the direction of events to some degree. Of course, there are the many games I play without story, but with those games, they're a form of socializing. Pokemon (which to be fair also has a story), fighting games, Gary's Mod, etc. And then there are single-player games that are just really damn fun to me. Character action titles mainly, basically interactive action movies. They're great because they make you learn, just like the protagonist, how to kick ass well. This isn't meant to come off as a persuasive essay or anything; just giving my perspective a bit better. I dislike the idea of doing something just to kill time. I could try recommending some games I found to have really great art styles and stories if you'd like?
K I'mma try PS2: Silent Hill 2 (seriously, play this, it's one of the best stories in interactive media, don't play HD Collection) PS3: Shadow of the Colossus (no dialogue, little text) Okami HD (super long) The Last of Us (do I need to describe this one? Also on PS4) Multiplatform: Transistor (I bought the soundtrack, it's that good) Bastion (same team who did Transistor, great narration, simpler combat) The Wolf Among Us (it's literally animated graphic novel stuff) All I got so far.
Type-0 is also nice. The digital edition doesn't come with the FF15 demo anymore, but it is really easy to get physical versions that do (just be wary of used ones if you care about it, because they could have used the download code and stuff)