Well this is embarrassing to say but...

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Sumi, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    I need a little, how do you say.. help ;D
    so earlier I asked about getting some help getting out of a crush. Well I resolved by instead of thinking lovey-dovey thoughts about him... I think gorey thoughts of his death and how much I hate him. I've had dreams about this kid... and they aren't gorey or hateful as my concious thoughts. I've never had this kinda reaction to anyone... and even thoug I've always been kind of out of control of my emotions, It's never been apparant to me that I am.
    And no matter what anyone says- NO IRL TALKING. I've haven't told my closest friends..​
  2. gintasthebest Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 15, 2008
    Sorry to tell you this but there really isn't any way out of a crush.
  3. KaiXIII Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 16, 2009
    Between love and hate
    Maybe your emotions have changed into hate and rage, it's normal you just need to stop thinking of him.
  4. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    It's normal to like someone and it's pretty much impossible to getting out of a crush. Everyone goes through this feeling. The only thing you can do is pretty much stop thinking about him or see if you like someone else.
  5. Cyanide King's Apprentice

    Mar 31, 2007
    There really isn't a way "to get out of it". It's not that easy. The only way you're going to get over it, if you want to do that, is with time.

    Focus your time and energy into something you enjoy. Or just keep doing whatever it is you do.

    Eventually, it fades away. Even if it does take a long time. Trust me. For me, it took over a year and moving away to get rid of a crush. Whether it takes anywhere near that time for you to move on depends on a number of factors, to exactly how much you really like him, how often you see him, etc.

    Alternatively, you could try and get with him and see how that goes, but I'm going to assume you don't really want to pursue that choice for your own reasons.
  6. Senbonzakura Kageoshi Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 11, 2008
    Kyoto, Tsuzuki-gun, Ujitawara.
    i hate to admit it but ginta is right. if your feelings for an other are true and bright like the light, theres no way out of the ar of your heart
  7. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I had a girl break my heart three times in less than a month. she didn't turn me down or anything. no she actually liked me too, but she never thought about her actions. It was her actions that broke my heart. I hate her now, well maybe hate is a tad too strong, but even though I dislike her now, I still feel the crush I had on her whenever she decides to write on my facebook.

    crushes stay with you for life, at least most do. nothing you can do about it really.
  8. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Actually there is one way, just live your life on normally and let time pass. If possible, try to befriend your crush, you'll either end up getting the courage to admit to him that you like him, or you'll just realize that it's better off if you stayed as friends. Your still that young that you'll probably get over the crush pretty soon. And even if you don't, you'll be more sure of your feelings, which might make telling your crush easier.
    And you can always merely fantasize of a relationship, sometimes that's enough ^^ ​
  9. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    actually there is. you have to catch the crushee doing something completely revolting or something that really turns you off towards em.
  10. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Had you thought of embracing these feelings and maybe asking him out or something or is there something else to this situation?
  11. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    It seems like everyone already has it covered, but I'll just say what I experienced. Crushes stick to you like glue for a while. There's no way out of it right away, it takes time for it to ware down. Eventually, you might find someone else that you like. And don't focus on it too much if you don't want to have feelings for this guy. Keep yourself busy doing stuff; reading, hiking, etc.

    And like daxma says: Maybe you should confront your feelings. Tell him that you have a crush on him. He may or may not think nothing or something of it. You just have to wait and see. But if you don't want to, then just try to move on with other thoughts in mind.
  12. Senbonzakura Kageoshi Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 11, 2008
    Kyoto, Tsuzuki-gun, Ujitawara.
    i was thinking the same thing bro.
  13. riku lover Banned

    Oct 25, 2008
    none of your buisness
    no way out of a crush. its pointless trying to get out of it
  14. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    that's the stupidest thing i ever heard

    i got over my biggest love in like a month i never i thought i would at first but it happens
    i mean look at all the people they all had to get over someone once and it worked you don't see them moaning about someone they used to like years ago
    the person will always feel somewhat special to you but it won't hurt you anymore i'm sure
    just continue your old life and try to think about something else :l

    good luck it's tough
  15. Repliku Chaser

    It can take varying times to get over crushes. I will say that imagining up reasons to hate someone probably won't work because hate and having a crush are both extreme emotions and it can be surprisingly easy to flip back between the the immense liking of someone and next hating the person and vice versa.

    The ways I have approached it were to try to not see the person through the rosy colored glasses that crushes put on you automatically and see the person for who he/she is. Also, trying to divert attention elsewhere and doing other activities helps to cool it off. In time it will fade to being more manageable as through life you end up having at least a few crushes. Another thing is to realize that if the relationship isn't working, or going to work, you are wasting your time feeling things for a person who will not reciprocate and well, there are other people out there who would so there's no use getting stuck on a person emotionally who doesn't have interest in you. It doesn't make the person bad so hating the person is rather pointless to me. It just means the person doesn't feel the same way and learning to accept this is difficult, but it's part of life and it is giving you and that person a respect in a way to move on and go do other things. You don't have to hate the person. It is natural to feel some sort of resentment but this too can be overcome with time. In myself, I just resolve the fact that though I really like the person a lot, we won't work out that way and if I do respect her at all, I must take into consideration her feelings. After all, there's a reason the crush happened in the first place and I do like the girl. For her good as well as my own, it's always seemed best to let myself move on and well, sooner or later those feelings do quell with the realization that there will be other girls to meet and that I can be content knowing that hopefully the girl I would have a crush on would be fine with her own life.

    It's hard to get in that mode of thinking, but it does work. One thing to know is to try to keep your self-esteem up if you can. Just because someone who you really like doesn't find interest in you the same way you feel for that person, it's no reason to look down on yourself. Crushes are not just 'love' but very strong emotion and hormones. It's these we have to get a control over and if anyone's methods don't work above, they are suggestions and you may yet find your own way of making peace with the turbulence of it all. I wish you luck and hope things get better for you.