I think i might be gay. I've been having these....urges, lately, never realy had them before. How should i explain this to my girlfriend? Or my parents even? I don't even know where to start..any advice?
Are you sure you're not bi? A lot of people assume you have to be one or the other, but you could be both. I don't know you at all, so I don't want to sound offensive or anything. This might be better in the Help With Life section if you're looking for serious answers.
I'm sure if you explained it to them they'd understand. You could just be going through a curious phase, or it might be something genuine. Or you could be bi, as Amber brought up. Only real way to know is to experiment, if you have doubts.
We are civilised people. If he wants help then this works as well, we can be nice even in the Spam Zone. Or am I giving too much credit to the populace of KHV? There's some very good advice in here so far though, Wigglz. Listen to them.
If you are serious, as Misty said, experimentation would probably do good to see if you likes males, females, or both. Just make sure to do it safely.
Well I wouldn't just tell your girlfriend that you're gay because that could really hurt her. Start opening yourself up to your new feelings and try to sort things out in your own time. I'd start opening up the conversation with close family or friends, but if anything I wouldn't do anything extreme. I mean are you attracted sexually to your girlfriend? There are a lot of different sexualities besides homosexual and heterosexual. You could also be pansexual or bisexual.
This might help Alright, after you've seen this. (If you don't see the humor, screw you, I know Glen.) Might just be curiosity. It's really not that uncommon. But hey, try kissing a guy, see what you think.
The reason I said bring it up to your girlfriend is because I assume they're close, and imo she kind of has a right to know if you're questioning your sexuality? But I do agree, being all "well I'm gay so," before you're even sure would be... a bit tactless.
I've gotta agree with this. If you had actually lost all romantic feelings for your girlfriend, then it would be terribly mean to just lead her on for a while after that. Situations like those are the ones that can hurt someone the most. But yeah, some tact is definitely required as well.
If your "urges" mean you're scratching your own balls, don't worry. All guys do that to some extent. Seriously though, you don't have to choose between men or women anyway, and you obviously care about your girlfriend, so it may not really be that much of an issue.