Apparently the stupid people at Verizon never disconnected my old phone from my number, even though I specifically asked them to do so when I switched over the number back in California when I first got my new phone, so now my mom has been paying $300 each month, because Verizon thinks there's 2 numbers on the same phone.........WHAT KIND OF BS IS THAT!? So now I'm going to have my phone disconnected and have to get a new number, all because they couldn't do a simple thing. Hell, I asked the guy when I got it done and he told me he had disconnected the old phone............. On the up side, I've got 5 games for my 3DS now, and going to see World War Z when it comes out with my friend......but that's not going to help all that much with this annoyance
pff, probably not, since they never reimburse anything when it comes to them. They basically say "Oh you did this, so you give us money", you find out something wrong, and they think "Oh, well you still owed us this much, so we won't give you anything back"
I then proceeded to read this as "Is there anything you wish to share with the ass?" no i didnt but its my joke now
Hm In my experience, going on the phone and sounding agitated, and maybe kinda sorta suggesting you might take legal action works
Oh yeah, I'm never using Sprint or T-Mobile. I don't know why people like them, but my dad had to use both of them at least once because his job made him use them as his phone provider, and he hated it