I'm sorry to say it but the game is pretty ******. The Story is good but the online is basically like mw2. The same maps, weapons, killstreaks, emblem, title, everything. The difference is that you can no longer use the nuke not can you see anyones title when they do something special. It's basically the downgraded version of mw2, I don't see why people made a big deal about it. It's the same thing but higher graphics. Alot of my friends told me to get it and said "It's the best game ever bro, it's better than halo 4". Plus most of the people at my school make a big deal about mw3 so I rent it and honestly I'm disappointed :/
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Modern Warfare 1 had a good story. 2, eh, it had some moments, but was kinda bland all around.
1. There's only one MW2 map in MW3 and it's free DLC. 2. There are only a few weapons from MW2 in MW3 and they have all been changed, plus there are tons of new weapons. 3. Same goes for killstreaks. 4. Do titles and emblems even matter? I haven't even seen any from MW2 and I got the game on release. 6. There are actually a lot of graphical improvements. 5. MW3 Isn't a good CoD game. Play World at War, CoD 4 and Black Ops II, you'll see.