I'm wanting to buy a video game for the PS2. I'm looking for something action/adventure-like. Since I beat Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles, I'm wanting to buy the sequal, but then again, I might want to get Devil May Cry 4, God of War, or Tony Hawk's Proving Ground. So, is there any suggestions that you guys think I should buy other than the games I've listed or one of the one's I've listed?
If you're looking for an Action/Adventure game, go buy Shadow Of The Collosus. SOTC is just waay too awesome. With great replay value. If not, then you should get the God Of war series (like you listed)
lol Kingdom Hearts. Jak and Daxter series. I'm pretty sure there's a few Castlevania games for the PS2. Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness. Those are quite good. Metal Gear Solid? :3
D'oh, Metal Gear Solid lol. How could I forget that D: How about Rachet and Clank? :3 Prince of Persia?
Prince of Persia, DMC, GoW... ...I'd go with DMC 3 or GoW. DMC if you prefer stuff with demons or GoW if you're into all that Greek mythology.
The Devil May Cry bundle pack is your best buy right now. Metal Gear solid is another great one, along with Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, and of course the God of War series.