Welcome to the Velvet Room

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Plums, Feb 23, 2012.

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  1. Krown King's Apprentice

    Aug 28, 2011
    Candy Land
    "It's great to meet you, Chie." We then got continued walking until we met up with Cuttle. He wanted us to join him. "I think I'm game for some icecream. But I think we should see Plums first." I looked at Chie then back at Cuttle. "Do you know where he is?"
    Before Cuttle could reply, another young man had appeared; one that I had not noticed before. "Oh... not at all." Was my reply to him. I then raised my hands some-what defensively. "Is there any chance that you are looking for Plums too?"
  2. Chie Satonaka Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 10, 2011
    "EH? Wait... who's Plums, and is there anything wrong?" I was confused again. "Oh! By the way, I'm Chie. Chie Satonaka." i introduced myself to the boys i didn't know, "What're your names?"
  3. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Wingly opened his eyes, startled that he almost fell asleep. The only thing that woke him was that he heard someone mention ice cream. Now that he thought about it, he was kinda hungry for something. He went over to the group of people that were gathered. When he got close he heard one of them introduce themselves that Chie Satonaka. He didn't want to be a random person that introduced himself, so he tapped someone on the shoulder.
    "Excuse me, what's going on here?"

    OOC: Ok, I've given enough hints for someone to interact with my character. Could a random person please just take this cue already?
  4. Chie Satonaka Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 10, 2011
    Someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Huh?" I turned around. It was a boy. "Excuse me, what's going on here?" he asked me. "We're going for ice cream. You in? This guy's paying." I told him pointing to the boy would had invited us for ice cream.

    OCC: Um... why's it turning out to be a harem over here?? cuz like wingly, krown, and cuttle are dudes....
  5. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    OOC: I'm not asking how you're getting that idea

    IC: "Sure, I'll go." Wingly was glad he had finally gotten to talk to someone. He wasn't ever very good being the first to start a conversation.
    "My name's Wingly by the way. Nice to meet you. But, umm, do you mind if I just call you Chie?" Wingly didn't want to sound rude, but he felt that he would forget saying both Chie and Satonaka
  6. Chie Satonaka Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 10, 2011
    "Sure!!" I said to Wingly. "Let's head out now!!" I smiled, my heart racing because I had just made three new friends on the first day!

    We headed over to the ice cream shop in the mall close to the dorm.
    "Hmm... What should I get?" I said looking at the many tubs of ice cream in the case. "Cuttle, your treating right?" I said with a sly look on my face.
  7. Cuttlefish Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 23, 2012

    OOC: No was messin being that it two ppl talkin

    Squid looked at Krown and said that's our teacher right.... Krown replied saying yes. Squid looked confused n just replied he will be fine. After that conversation a kid walked up, asking what's going on... Chie fill him in on the ice cream situation. Squid pulled out his wallet and realize that the ice cream trip could hurt, he kept a calm look on his face and smile. As they all walked to the mall, and the wondered what she was gettin look over at Squid to make sure he was paying. If Squid didn't know any better, he thought she looked like a fox with the face she made....

    "I said I was didn't I"

    Smiling from ear to ear. And now instead of two others now its three. Squid laugh and order his ice cream, and told the cashier..

    "I'm getting the Sour Apple Shebert, and what ever they want......"
  8. Krown King's Apprentice

    Aug 28, 2011
    Candy Land
    I was grinning from ear-to-ear. If there was anything that made me happy, it was definitely icecream. I walked up to the cashier and requested my icecream. "Hi, one double-scoop Reese icecream, please." "Sure thing", was the cashier's reply, as he scooped out my icecream and then handed it to me. "Thank you!" I then turned to Cuttlefish. "Thanks Squidy, I owe you one."
  9. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    "I'll have a double-scoop mint chocolate-chip please," Wingly told the cashier. He looked over at Squid, "Thanks for paying. Wish I could have helped a little with paying. Unfortunately, I used up more money getting here than I thought, and now I'm waiting for my family to send me a little more."
    Wingly laughed a little awkwardly. He didn't like taking loans from his family, but they insisted that they helped him if he ever got too low on cash. It always seemed strange to him.
  10. Chie Satonaka Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 10, 2011
    "HEH HEH!! Don't worry Squidy..." I said, slapping him in the back. I turned to the cashier, "Um... I'll have a scoop or green tea please." Yes... the Asian-ness... The guy at the cash handed me my ice cream and I dug in. We went outside the shop and sat at one of the outdoor tables, enjoying our ice cream. It was kinda awkward, just staring at each other, so... SOMEONE PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!!
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "I'll take cookies and cream." Key said to the cashier. Once he had his ice cream, he head back to the table where he just realize something. "I'm Key by the way. Guess I forgot to mention it earlier." He said before he started eating his ice cream.
  12. Chie Satonaka Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 10, 2011
    "Nice to meet you, Key!!" I smiled. "I'm Chie. Chie Satonaka! Hey... tell me about yourselves. For me, I'm 16 years old, and I love watching anime and reading manga. I also fangirl over my favourite bishounen characters. I love to sing and love J-pop and J-rock. So, how about you guys?"
    OCC: You can make it up if you want... My stuff is mainly true...
  13. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Well, I'm 17, I like to watch anime and read manga as well. I always find the stuff that's out of the ordinary really cool. Daily life is sometimes a real bore for me, and it would be nice if there was a way to escape it, even if just ofr a while. As for music, my favorites vary all over the place, but I keep away from things like Rap, Hip Hop, Hard Rock, and Classical. For me it has to be fast, but it can't be something that's impossible to understand." Wingly took a breath. He nearly said all of that in one breath, which seemed kinda silly.
    "I also have a passion for swords. But not stuff like fencings. I'm more of a kendo, or Medieval-style of fighting. I'm actually self-taught, but I don't consider myself all that good. My best record is cutting 5 leaves falling from a tree."
  14. Chie Satonaka Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 10, 2011
    "OOH! That's pretty cool!! My specialty is kicking people and back-hand slapping them, so you better not piss me off!" I told Wing. "What are your favourite animes or manga? Mine are Uta no Prince Sama, Acchi Kocchi, Sket Dance, and lots of shoujo manga."

    OCC: I'm serious about the kicking thing... like in real life too...
  15. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    OOC: Make sure if you're going to say something out of character you put OOC. When you put parenthesis it just seems weird. And would someone please join this conversation? Otherwise I feel like real life is going to seep into this RP

    IC: "My favorites are a little of everything, so it's hard for me to find something I don't like." Wingly felt a little uncomfortable talking about his favorite stuff. He always was the sort of person that liked to keep his private life a secret for the most part. He would tell his friend and family a few things, but all in all, he just liked to keep his favorite things to himself. Not wanting to talk about this stuff, Wingly tried to change the topic, "So, how are the classes here? I hope I didn't sign up for anything too strenuous." He laughed a little, knowing he didn't make the joke all that funny.
  16. Chie Satonaka Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 10, 2011
    "Well... I just transferred here while everyone was gone. I probably ditched like two days of classes, cuz I didn't know where anything was... But tomorrow, I'll get to know how it's like here... My friends, What? and Cookiie are here too, so I think I'll be fine. At least I know people. I'm not the loner..." I looked down at my hands, completely embarrassed at what I was saying. NO! You have to be strong! I told myself. I looked up and smiled, "But I'll be able to make new friends. I just did too!"
    It seemed like everyone was done with their ice cream. "We should head back. It's getting dark." I got up and threw out the garbage.
  17. Soap Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 10, 2008
    Soap finally comes too from his unconscious and sees plums lying on the other couch in the living area and no one else is around. "........I really hope for their sake, that they are getting a nurse or doctor for plums, otherwise, I'm gonna beat all their asses. All right Plums, let's get you into your bed......all the way up on the top floor.........I hate you so much right plums...."Soap picks up Plums and puts one of plums' arms around his shoulders, and they stumble up the stairs to plums room. Soap jiggles the doorknob until it opens."Thank God you left the door unlocked. I really wasn't wanting to go look for your room key." Puts Plums in bed and heads out and closes the door quietly. Soap stumbles on down to his room and gets into his bed and just lies there. ".......I have to get stronger........I can't let myself get like this again.....looks like finding a girl is gonna have to wait.......hpmh, like that was ever gonna happen anyways." Soap chuckled to himself softly, and then some pain started to kick in and he stopped laughing.
  18. Chie Satonaka Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 10, 2011
    We walked back to the dorm, screwing around. When we got back, I just remembered that I still needed a room. I turned to the guys, " Does anyone know which room I'm supposed to be in? Did Plums mention anything about me?" I really needed a nice hot bath and a warm bed to sleep in. I was really tired and my neck hurt from sleeping on the couch.

    OCC: Someone please assign me a room!!
  19. Soap Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 10, 2008
    After lying in bed for awhile, Soap just now felt the throbbing headache come about. He decides to go get a thing of ice from the cafeteria downstairs.He stumbles some down the stairs. When he gets to the bottom floor he sees a girl asking about rooms. "Hey, I couldn't but over here that your needing a room. I might be able to help you..."
  20. Cuttlefish Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 23, 2012
    Squid looked up and saw his borther talking to Chie and decided to but in,....

    "Since Plums isn't feeling good or anything n im still kinda new how about you crash at our place,..."

    He then realized how weird that sounded then replied.

    "Just until Plum is feeling better and can assign you a room, and I'll make sure Soap doesn't do anything to you. Only if you want to though. "

    Squid smiled to reassure Chie trying not to make thing awkward. He then kinda just laught at the idea.
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