Welcome to the under dome continued

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dexnail, May 21, 2009.

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  1. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Yami: *pulls Hikari up to a bench and pushes her down* sit down!
    Hikari: *gets slammed into the bench and falls back* gee thanks.. I could have sat down myself.
    Yami: *sits down* yeah I know but it's more fun that way..
    Hikari: *punches her arm playfully* you little!
    Yami: *grabs Hikari's head and starts giving her a noogie and pointing her in direction of the fight and laughs* watch the fight!
    Hikari: *laughs playfully* wish I could..
    Yami: *lets go of Hikari's head* sorry..
    Hikari: *smiles and turns in direction of the fight flashing back and forth from her to Kaze*
  2. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel watched Xeol's next move and even witnessed watching Amber call Xeol Leo. That was his real name, but still the guy didn't even listen to her. "So how much longer are we going to do this? I can fight for a very long time as my element allows me to do so," He warned. He wasn't lying either, the only real weakness Axel had was water and that was a hard time to give it his all in that fight. This was his last obstacle and he had to win this, it would destroy the bond with his organization if he lost this fight if not reputation. Everyone would hate him and shun him if he did in fact lose to a newer member. That guy wasn't Roxas so this fight was different. He has lost several fights to the pass to a keyblade wielder, but he knew he wasnt going to give in to Xeol. He would fight until he no longer had any strength in his body.

    Axel observed the clones and smirked openly as his chakrams clashed when even more fire shooting up from the sky in every direction that was possible in that arena. After doing this the flurry rose up in the air and began riding on his fire as if it was in fact a surf board and then banged into the ground causing more fire to spew out. Spurts of lava began to do leak out as well as the slam on the ground caused it to erupt.
  3. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Xeol wanted to test something as he tried his best to dodge the barrage of flames and attacks. He made a ball of fog in his hand and threw it up in the air the tempitur made the fog turn to water. The fog wilder made an fog cloude and rode it as he flew above Axel leaving trails of fog behind. The fog trails got affected by the heat turing it into water he smiled as water started to fall down near Axel. "axel i wont give up untell my body is unable to move" Xeol said to the flurry without smilling with an emotionaless face. The fog clones charged towards the flurry but he made two stand back cause they was filled with daggers. "Amber i will show you i never changed this is the same man you fell in love with" he said to himself

    Amber saw Hikari and Yami she went over there and sat by them. She waved to them trying to give them a smile but it faded and she looked down at the ground. Amber could not watch the match it was to painfull to her.
  4. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel saw the fog erupt and then the vapor became water and it was very disturbing to the fire wielder as he rose more of his power. His anger was getting deadier and so was his davasting element. "I have the same desire. Unlike you I have people who find me important. If I lose to you then I will lose everything. Which includes my sanity," The flurry replied his expression completly void of any emotion except with anger. With a wave of his chakrams he easily destroyed the clones that came towards him. He then lashed at Xeol attacking him relentlessly.
  5. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Xeol got knocked off of his cloude and he got slashed a couple of times. The fog wielder jumped back and looked at the ground the last words hit him hard worse then the attack itself. Minuts passed as he said nothing looking at the cracked areana ground "Tidus Amber those days i miss the most the day our time was so importent to us" he said to himself sadly. The fog wielder caughed out some blood he looked at the flurry then up trying to see if he could see stars in the land of the dead. Xeol raised his hand in the air all of the fog that was in the areana went to his palm. He looked at the flurry "Importance that is what i truelly want to have while i existed" he said to the flurry. Xeol thew the gient ball of fog up into the air the ball disperse covering the air above them.
  6. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel watched in wonderment when Xeol didn't do anything for a bit of time and then suddenly began absorbing fog into his hand and then dispersed it into the air. Axel knew that once again they would be covered in fog, but the fire wielder knew how to shun it away. He let his heat explode rapidly as it circled Xeol as trying to suffocate him. The flurry concentrated with his power to make this whole arena the hottest and an unbarable and sufferable heat wave. That meant that even the ground were grow hot and start to burn under their feet. The humid enviroment would not affect the flurry one bit as he was immune to it. "Everyone is important to a certain point, but the fact is I will rejected out of society or even out of existance if you win this," he replied.
  7. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: heya fire mage can this match be a draw so our character can share a wish and it would benefit them both cause i got a plan for a final attack

    Xeol watched as the heat increased he could feel his feet start to burn. The fog wielder wiped off his forehead as he started sweat, "rejected eh" Xeol said silently as he looked at the ground thinking. The fog above them started to turn into water the water fell down making it look like it was raining. The fog wielder looked up as the rain hit his face and droped to the ground turning into steam on impact. Xeol looked back at the ground as the water went down his cheeks and his hair got soaked from the falling water drops. "i was always rejected from life the way i could survive was to steal at least two people accepted me" the fog wielder said to himself sadly.

    Amber looked at the fight she noticed that it was raining in the areana. She saw Xeols face as he looked up then at the ground she seen it before. "dont do it" Amber said to herself trying to find the curage to tell Leo before he did it.
  8. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Hikari: *looks at Yami* so what are you going to do while i'm alive?
    Yami: *smirks* i'm gonna try and get my house back. the one by the river of the dead. it's nice there because it's the brightest Area in the underworld.. and a lot of people once they die don't like color.. so it might be easy to get it back.
    Hikari: *turns her head back towards the fight and she holds her head in pain*
    Kaze: ah. so you decided you were going to be my vessel to the real life after all.. don't worry. we both will end up getting our own bodies once it's all over. then you can enjoy you life from there.
    Hikari: *nodded and whispers* okay.
  9. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    OOC: Since road hasn't even signed on for three weeks now, I'm just going to do a finisher without an IC call. Unless you want to godmod it in, Dex.
  10. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: you can go ahead do your finisher :)
  11. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel forced his eyes to observe the water that was falling down around him. The water began to evaporate off his body as it began to sizzle off the ground making a popping sound. Steam was rising as well making it more foggier than ever. This didn't bother him as he used a fire ball to see through the fog and it began to evaporate until he saw his opponent and the arena that wasn't in a cloud like substance. "Join the party then, my life was avengeful and was put into vain anyway after I became a heartless and then materailized into an nobody," Rain began to fall once again. His hair was soaked, but it didn't suppress his power because of his anger was still in his vessel though he was not showing it. It was getting quite annoying for the water, but he needed to try his next attack. His body began to errupt in flame again as an reddish bluish fire ball seemed to surround the arena as it began to make an fire like symbol of a ring. The flames dancing around in the center of the arena, but it seemed like it was in some kind of trench as the flames had risen to about 5ft high and still rising . This would be a devasting attack the flurry closed his eyes letting his chakrams curl around him smoke was over taking them now, making it unable to breath more besides of the humid atmosphere. An explosion was then heard.
  12. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Xeol got hit from the blast he slowly got up and limbed over to the man. He had one move left it was an move that could destroy him he did not care he would do anything for Amber. The fog wielder clossed his eyes and appeard infront of the man he longed foreward and hugged the man holding him close. "Axel you was my most hated person but now your my best friend" Xeol said to the flurry then clossed his eyes focussing on the fog that was inside him. Instead of one of his clones exploding making daggers fly he would use his own body. Xeol made all the fog in his body turn to daggers then he made the pressure build up. The process was so painfull he winced in pain and held on to the man tighter. The last moments he looked up to look at Amber looking into her buetifull eyes thinking about his past and her life she was gona get.

    Amber was silent looking at the scene she raised her arm out as if reaching out to him. "Leo dont please dont" she said as tears fell down her cheek as she looked at the man she loved with pleading eyes.

    Xeol smiled at her while he held on tight to the flurry "Amber I love you" he said to her. The fog wielder closed his eyes then he made daggers burst out of himself peircing throught his skin stabbing the man right by him. Xeol blinked a couple times as blood poured out of the holes that was now in his body his sight was becoming blurry then he closed his eyes.
  13. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel couldn't break free from the hold as he tried his best to get out of the tight lock. He heard all the words which was shocking and left him completely speechless. He had known that Xeol was up to something, but didn't know what until he witnessed the pressure and the daggers popping out of the guy's body. It seem almost like a suicide attack and he was going to take him down with him. The flurry clenched his teeth as he felt the stabbing in his body now, but he wouldn't cry out no matter how much the pain was triggering into his body. He coughed up blood because of the pressure of the daggers deepen in him which was weakening him now. His strength was slowly leaving him. Then finally he just collasped eyes closing completely his body becoming cold.
  14. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Amber stared at the scene seeing both of the men lay on the ground bleeding. "Leo you moron why did you do it why" she said crying as he hands tightly gripped the bars. It felt like her whole life was crashing "stupid stupid stupid" she said to Xeol as the tears continued to fall.

    Xeol looked at her as he began to feel numb and cold he smiled at her. "dont cry im already in pain i dont want to feel worse" he said weakly as he looked at her. "the wish will be made and you can have your life again" the fog wielder said clossing his eyes then appeard at the medic room in a bed.

    Outside the door an demon held an box that had the power to grant the winners their wish. "its time" it said as it walked into the room carrieng the decorated box.
  15. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    He saw Axel laying on the ground, but Demyx knew he couldn't intervene and it was making him upset. A tie? How could it be a tie? Someone had to be the winner. It wasn't right that when he and Axel fought there was a winner and a loser, but in this fight Axel and Dexnail were evenly matched? There was no way. Tournaments were not supposed to have ties. It was either fight to the death and that was it. The last one standing would be the winner. "Hey wait a minute? Who won?" Demyx shouted from the stands.
  16. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: alright the winners are Xeol and Axel now the wish needs to be made then thats the ending for this story i thank all of you for this and i posted the second underdome pleaze if you want to join just post your char info cause its not too late to join :)

    The demon that was watching looked at the demyx. "strangely it ended in a tie now who want to be there when they make their wish head to the medic room now" the demon said to all that was present and headed to the med room to congrat the two winners.
  17. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Hikari: *got up and ran*
    Yami: *follows* WAIT UP! I have to say goodbye to you!
    Hikari: Goodbye then! yell it now! they could wish it any minute!
    Yami: *stopped running* then goodbye! i can't wait to see what will happen to you in the future..
  18. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Mixt turned to walk away but as he did a demon ran up behind him and said "Where are you going? Don't you want the prize?"

    Mixt stopped but did not turn "I still haven't been told what it is"

    "It's been decided that you get to return to life"

    "I'll pass" Mixt said as he walked off. The confuzed demon followed for a while trying to figure out why but Mixt remained silent. Eventually the demon gave up and turned back to report to Braxen.
  19. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel was still asleep in the medic room and seemed that he was almost back to normal. He stretched a little in his sleep and knew that it could be disappointing to Demyx that the fight was an tie. The flurry was surprised as well, but then it was better than him losing the fight at all. His biggest regret was that he didn't know what happened afterwards.
  20. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Xeol oppend his eyes and turned his head he could see Axel. A smile appeard on his face "well i guess its a tie im glade we both won" he said to the man then he noticed the demon with the box. "so i guess we are getting our wish now" The fog wielder said to the flurry.

    Demon nodded and walked towards them "now open the box and there should be an crystal" he said to them. "this crystal has absorbed all of the life and energy from the underworld what you wish will come true but you guys will have to share an wish" the demon said to them.

    Amber ran towards the medic bay she was missing Leo. She flung open the door of the medic room ran towards Xeol's bed and huged him tightly "im glad your okay now" she said happily as tears went down her face.
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