So last night I dreamed that I was kidnapped by Rothbart from the Swan Princess. And he was forcing me to marry him. And I was wearing this super ugly wedding dress that was all poufy, and like, had a bright blue and green weird pattern on it. Anyway, I was all dressed up and ready to go, and really starting to panic, when a whole bunch of you lovely KHVidians broke into the castle to rescue me. ^.^ So all the guards were fighting you guys, while Ghost and Midny were trying to help me sneak out, but I was like "Where's Nova? You guys can't go against Rothbart without Nova, you all need to work together to beat his magic!" And then Nova came in and the fight started to go in our favor and he totally punched Rothbart in the face and knocked him out. So then we all were like "YEAAAH WE TOTALLY BEAT ROTHBART AND NOW MARUSHI DOESN'T HAVE TO MARRY HIM!" And we were all happy. And then everyone dropped me off at home, and my family all went to Walmart, where my youngest sister was having a fit because my mom wouldn't buy her a treehouse. And, my youngest sister is 17 now, so... yeah, idk why she was having a fit about that. XD But anyway, my mom was like "Can you talk to her, please? I can't deal with this right now." So I went to my sis and was like "So, here's the deal: If you want a treehouse so bad, why don't you save up your money and buy one for yourself? Mom can't say no to you spending your own money." So my sis was like "...Yeah, okay, that works!" So we finished our shopping trip and went home. Where we were suddenly Amish. And the Amish community we lived in was being stirred up against us- by Rothbart, who was getting his revenge by posing as the reverend. Anyway, he'd not only convinced the community to shun us for being too worldly and- no joke, baking our pies with berries purchased at Walmart instead of fresh ones picked in the wild, but he also had everyone convinced to throw rocks at us and steal all our stuff. So we were trying to pack up a moving truck pulled by a horse, with all our stuff, and the community was starting to mob. (And yes, I know this isn't how being Amish works, but it's just a crazy dream.) XD While the crowd was starting to mob, Celty from Durarara showed up on her motorbike and started zipping through the crowd, effectively causing all the Amish people to panic... But further proving that my family had to be shunned, as apparently, she was friends with me in the dream, and being friends with someone as modern as Celty wasn't allowed in this dream-state Amish community. So my fam started to leave amidst this confusion, and then the dream shifted and I was Celty as me and my fam drove away, so I was the one zipping around and scaring all the Amish people. And then I helped these two teens fall in love, and then I was all sad because I missed Shinra, so since my job was over, I rode off into the sunset to somehow drive back to Japan on my motorbike and get home in time for dinner. And that was one of the craziest dreams I've had in a long time. XD Thank you, Little Ceasers. XD
I wish my dreams were that coherent. Mine usually go from standing in a field, to Net Battling (a la Megaman EXE) outside my old 1st grade classroom, to finding myself sitting in a Wright Brother style plane being flown by a Koala dressed as Amelia Earhart. All in one sleep. I'm flattered, really.
My dreams are usually very shippy, depending on what I'm currently into. However, I very rarely remember any details, just vague impressions. For example, last week I had a dream about Riku and Sora. Bugger if I can remember anything beyond that, but there was some definite shipping happening.
My dreams are usually peppered with elements of what I've been most into recently. So when I was binging Doctor Who, I had lots of Doctor Who dreams, and stuff like that. XD Sometimes I'll purposefully binge a show in an attempt to make myself dream about it. It works sometimes, but not often. One time I had a dream that was a weird mixture of Pride and Prejudice, and Broadchurch, only Hardy turned into the Tenth Doctor after awhile. XD That one was weird. XD