I already know you all missed me, so I wont say anything <3 Shiz that went down; 1. It poured. Almost all week. FFFFF. 2. My fellow counselor Murphy, who was like 3-4 months pregnant, had a misacarriage. ;_; 3. I got attacked by 9 year olds. 4. SO. MANY. EFFING. DISHES. 5. On Monday night, we had a campout thing in the Nature Center. We watched Road to El Dorado. Then me, Texas, and Kit-Kat made a pillow fort. X3 6. 3 Homesick kids. 7. Last night of camp, Kit-Kat comes into the tent, laughing/crying, followed by 3 of the girls. Texas: What did you do to Kit-Kat?!? One of the girls: She came into our tent and killed a really big bug and she got freaked out 'cause it went squish and white stuff came out! Cue the counselors dissolving into giggles. 8. I basically survived on cookies all week. 9. I beat the Elite Four in SS. In one try. c: 10. Texas knitted me a Roxas wristband. ^_^
1. It has been hot here ALL WEEK. It finally rained today though. 2. I feel so bad for her ;; 3. I get attacked by a five year old and a 10 year old on a daily basis. Gtfo. B| 4. IT'S YOUR JOB AS A WOMAN COUNSELOR. 5. EL DORADO <3 6. I bet you were one :lolface: 7. So many jokes to make. 8. COOKIES <3 9. I beat them in Silver with my Pokemon in the 30's and my starter in the 40's. On my first try. With hardly any useful items. Gtfo again.