So I work in a Wetherspoons kitchen (for those not in Britain, it's one of the biggest pub chains in the UK) which is fun but since I started 9 months ago 5 people have left and 2 have joined and with it being summer people are going on holidays or whatever else. Our kitchen can accomodate about 10 staff members... next week we have 3 fully trained kitchen staff. I will basically be living at work next week, I am going to be knackered ;-; and I will leave soon to go to uni, they are going to be screwed 0.o This is why I haven't been on much, so how goes everyone else's wonderful summers?
Ha. I know the feeling. I'm dreading what my schedule's going to be like when the teenagers go back to school. I cannot handle working more than 8 hours a day. I just can't.
I love this song so much, when it comes on the radio I have to turn it up because it makes me feel happy inside. I agree, I have had 11 hour shifts before and I just die. I curl up and die.
Enzy, ask the bar staff to make you pitchers of Purple Rain- that should keep you chipper! ;D I feel your pain though. We have different jobs but I'm constantly having to cover for a load of people at a time and it sucks. ;;
Purple rain is like liquid sherbert. I love it so much <3 and I want to be bar trained just so I can learn to make it myself! It sucks D: sucks majorly, especially when you get to the point where you live expecting work to phone you up and call you in.
Ahh yes, it's amazing! I actually know how to make it, it's quite easy; 1 shot of cherry Sourz, 1 shot of Blue Curaçao (Blue Bols) and top up with lemonade. Though this doesn't usually do much for me and my mates so we generally add like a whole bottle of sourz and top up with copious amounts of vodka eheheh. :X It's hard, but try to focus on the fact that you will soon be free. Also the extra cash for all the hours worked! :D