This is how I pictured it went when they were making the Press conference show: Sony: How do we beat MS this year in E3? Employee: We focus on the games and lights and montages? Spending money on what matters instead of trying to stop the competition from beating us? Oh yeah, and make sure everyone knows we're not doing what MS is. Sony: You just got promoted. Wow, I just saw the moment when he said: "It's your game, you can do whatever you want with it." The place is going nuts.
I can also imagine at one point they said Employee: We should also focus on our console competition instead of trying to compete with Apple for who knows what reason.
I thought their motto was, "Let's make Microsoft suffer" then proceed to bash Microsoft every chance they got. Was it professional? No. Was it a great strategy? Hell yeah. That "How to share games with PS4" video Sony got out was hilarious.
Yeah, I heard that a lot recently... About MS and Apple. Maybe because Apple is so popular, but there's other reasons to that and it sure as hell ain't a gaming system reason. They really dug a rusty spoon into Microsoft.[DOUBLEPOST=1370997198][/DOUBLEPOST]I think if they went out there and said: "We're doing NOTHING that sony is doing, now watch two hours of dancing kittens." they would've won. I heard halfway through the show a lot of people were saying they won.
I really like that they took shots at Microsoft. It shows character and personality in a company, and shows that they know what the fans like and don't like. They are saying as blatantly as possible without using names that they are not going to make the same bad decisions as another company. I find that to be in good taste and probably the best move they could have made.
Wow, that is one small console. Fun fact: Microsoft had a committee design the Xbox One. A committee made what the Xbox looks like. You can go weep now.
If it wasn't for the DRM, I still wouldn't get it. I live in a country area. North of where I live there's barely any Internet, and I don't have space for a Kinect. Basically, there's no way I could USE the system. But I'm sure they'd get more fans than they have now.