
Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Arch, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    There's all sorts of launch trailers and TV commercials out for this game but none of those show anything really new. So I thought of the many videos to come out about Watch Dogs I'd put up a totally legit and official review of the Conan O'Brien.

  3. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    HAH, beautiful. He makes a good Let's Player. Not to mention he really makes it look like GTA with hacking.
  4. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    Just thought I'd report in and let everyone know that the game is pretty rad. There's not a whole heap of things to hack, but there's also not a tiny amount either. The city is nice and big without being overwhelmingly large, and missions are spaced out so you can kinda go sight seeing on the way to the next part of the story.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    So I've spent a lot of time with this game now(and attempted to put on the mask that came with the Limited Edition) and took some time to gather my thoughts about it as well as the complaints some people have had before and after its release.

    Don't worry, no spoilers.

    The "Graphics Downgrade": If you're playing on next-gen(current now?) consoles the game will look beautiful. I've looked at a lot of PC footage of the game running on Ultra and I can honestly say the PS4 looks really close to it if not, identical. A lot of the people out there whining about the graphics are either trolls or just upset that the PS4/Xbox One versions of the game don't look like they're running on $2000 rigs. It's silly really. Watch Dogs is a beautiful game even during the daytime.

    The Driving: Cars have weight. If you speed everywhere and think that just a little bit of breaking will be enough to get you around that tight corner, you'll find a little thing called inertia will get in your way causing you to lose control and slide. The amount of complaints I saw about the driving had me worried. Fortunately it's easy to see that it's a simple case of people either being bad at the game or being used to having perfect control of their cars. Admittedly, driving takes a bit of getting used to especially since spinning out of control could lead to sliding onto the sidewalk and killing everyone. Take it slow. No need to rush.

    "The game forces me to shoot": I've seen this floating about in a few places. Something similar being said in Kotaku. This is just another case of people being bad at the game. It's not easy to get through all the missions with just hacking but it's totally possible to do most without even killing a single bad guy. If you screw up and get forced into a gunfight it's almost certainly going to be your fault. I managed to do so many of the missions without firing that I never even knew where the reload button was until I screwed up and fought my way through most of the mission I was on. Hacking is much more satisfying though. Even while driving.

    Now that all of that is out of the way, here's my spoiler-free thoughts on the game.

    I'm not a fan of the strict morality scale. I thought reputation would be kind of...invisible in a way. Maybe that it would be deeper than a simple scale of how the public views you. Of course, I think it really does do a good(or at least decent) job of telling you how the public sees you indirectly. I hacked into a text conversation of someone saying they thought they saw the Vigilante and how cool it was. Maybe the conversation would have been a little had my reputation been in the dumps. I might do a second playthrough just to see how things change with a low rep. I'm pretty sure I'll have the cops around more often if I do that.

    Aiden as a character isn't the most interesting man in the world but he is pretty cool and he doesn't brood all the time. He has some humorous moments and however slight they are makes a huge difference between a good character and a one-dimensional character.

    The story so far? It's kind of what you'd expect. No big surprises, nothing too deep, not much that'll get you emotional. It's probably the game's big weak spot but the story isn't bad. It gets the job done for what it is.

    The profiler(the thing that lets you spy in on everyone's lives and get a look at what they do for a living) is more fun than I thought it'd be. I found a gunman who was "sexually attracted to musical instruments".

    All in all, the game's lots of fun, it's pretty to look at, and hacking is really damn satisfying. I honestly think Aiden Pearce should be the new Batman. Taking down enemies one by one when they don't know what's coming after them is textbook Batman material.

    tl;dr: If you love feeling like you're Batman, get this game.
  6. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I didn't buy the game nor do I plan to, but this showed up on my tumblr dash & I found it pretty entertaining.

    Not sure if it's a case of someone looking for stuff that's broken or if the game is just... broken itself, but it's a good laugh.
  7. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    As far as I'm concerned, I don't think the game is THAT broken (or maybe I didn't look close enough at each individual thing .-.).
  8. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I've had no technical issues at all. Isolated issues it seems and not a total fault of the completed game.

    Fun game, almost too much to do in some ways. All the hacking has good feedback to it, you always feel like you can have control of a situation. Missions are good, repetitive, but I always look to try something different each time. Car chases whether being pursued or pursuing, just feels fun. Multiplayer is tense and very Assassin's Creed like blended with GTA. It's a very good new IP, still doesn't immerse or impress you as GTA does, but a fun alternative that's trying to do its own thing. Sequel will be terrific, when some verticality is added to the mixture like helicopters and such, as well as make some expanses to the hacking abilities and how you can manipulate the world with it.

    Of note, the sex stuff is annoyingly common with its attempt at being funny just failing, leaving everything being a bit awkward. I mean you get several moments of guys masturbating or couples having sex or mention of sex toys without any reasons other than as a joke that that's all the internet is about and that's all that anyone does behind closed doors. That stuff works in GTA because it's a game completely about satarising American society. It just takes me out of the experience, I realise then that it's just a game and not a Chicago I can prowl around in and experience the world of a truly powerful and interactive hacker. I just feel like i'm watching the badly scripted sex bits in a tv show. The unfortunate result of a disjointed writing department, but that's Ubi for you. Good writing and characters here, but terrible stuff over there that distracts you from the good.
  9. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    (About to play it for the record)

    I've heard a ton of negative things about the PC version due to the fact that it is very poorly optimized (its more of a port, nothing more than that) so I am glad that I picked up the PS4 version.

    Now unlike most people on the internet it seems, I am not going to go into this looking for every little problem (I thought games were supposed to be about having fun, not being an asshole) so from what I have seen I will get a decent amount of fun out of this game, which is fine by me.
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    They had the same issue with AC4, PC version of Ubi game is usually under par or difficult to deal with at launch. They usually patch problems.
  11. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Plan on getting this on Wii U first since it seems fitting to the gameplay. Too bad the release is "2014. Probably." for that. I get it takes awhile to port to Wii U and give the gamepad that level of power, but c'mon...

    If I like it, I'll grab it for X1. Excited to hear from @Aiden Pearce that you can hack your way through missions. Really addresses the problem I've had with the Assassin's Creed series (you know that stealth series with no stealth)

    Can't wait .[DOUBLEPOST=1401406475][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Ha! No no, that's what the internet's FOOOOR. People to communicate about every game release and crap over it.

    Trust me, I've been pushing that idea (just have fun you wanks instead of trying to all be yahtzee who they ironically hate idea) around here for awhile. Absolutely no one ever realizes that ten seconds after they say this because the big bad internet is being mean to something they like, they themselves go in a thread and harp on a different game. Not realizing they're pushing people to be the same level of defensive. Not realizing they've become a hypocrite. Not realizing that if they were never excited about it, then it's not in line with their taste but it will for others. Some people don't like mushrooms.
    Last edited: May 29, 2014
  12. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    No they don't. Every Ubisoft game I've have ever owned runs shitty to this day. I have an overclocked 780 and I shouldn't be getting any problems.
  13. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    Buying the most expensive parts doesn't = always good.

    NVidia cards every now and again has a bad run in with games. Every few patches or so on League of Legends I (and other people with NVidia cards) get terrible frame drops. I can also recall Crysis 3 being terrible for anyone with an NVidia card (I have a 680)
  14. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Really? Could've sworn i've had patches before. For Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon at least, I mean i've not got AC4 or 3 on PC and I presumed their statements of releasing patches were true for them too. Not to say they ran better all the time, but the bugs were reduced a lot more. Crashed a lot less too.
  15. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    They do release patches all the time, but they never fix optimization. Stuttering and framerate issues always stay the same, with maybe a few exceptions.
  16. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    So someone actually seems to have found the original PC graphics that were showcased at E32012. Here's a link.

    Here are some shots people got with the mod:

  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    That's awesome. It's a shame there's no massive explosion mod like what we saw in the demo. Aiden reacts to explosions but I don't recall him ever rolling when a nearby one happens like in the 2012 demo.

    Saving people from cars and that "slide over car and shoot" takedown are still in the game though. I've only done the former twice though and have never tried the latter before.
  18. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    No it's not awesome, Ubisoft for whatever reason locked the E3 graphics out, whatever their reason, they intentionally downgraded their game
  19. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    From what I've read about it, it was to (apparently) keep the graphics for the PC version on par with, or close enough to, the console versions. But yeah, I agree. It's still a silly thing to do imo because this doesn't apply for the PS3 version compared to the PS4 version. They shouldn't downscale one version just to be able to laud another as 'amazing next gen quality''.
  20. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    That's the theory a lot of people are going with, but Ubisoft made no official statement.
    Basically the options are that they were trying to make the console versions look better (whether the reason was to boost console sales, make console gamers feel better, or a deal directly with Sony or someone) or that there's some sort of issue with the new graphics that nobody has been able to find yet (nobody has seen any loss of framerate or any other performance problems so far)