Warriors: Rising of the Red Moon

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xaale, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Hey this is my new Roleplaying thread! It's about the book series Warriors, about four clans that live a in seperate territories and each have different customs and battle techniques. Here are the basics of the rpg:

    1) You must be familear with the book series. If not, you can look it up online.
    2) You can only play two different characters.
    3) My cat is Silverstar. I shall choose your position. You can choose your name and description and age. I would suggest a few apprentices.
    4) You can choose your own clan (Shadowclan, Tunderclan, RIverclan, Windclan) but your description should fit the clan. Let's say yo were a very kind and considerate warrior who hunts in the day and sticks up for Kittypets and loners. You would most likely be in Thunderclan, not Shadowclan.
    5) I would like it if you included an image of the cat(s) you will play.
    6) Clans should have as close as many cats as the others. Not everyone should join my clan (Riverclan) or Thunderclan (because thats the main clan in the book.) Join whichever you like but please don't let the numbers tower over others!
    7) You should not use bad language. It will really get me annoyed.
    If I have any more rules, I'll let you know!

    Please join, and tell other fans of Warriors about my RPG!


    This is what my cat Silverstar looks like. Here's my description:

    Cat's name: Silverstar
    Clan: Riverclan
    Position in clan: Leader
    Age: 4 cat years (48 moons)
    Personality: Mysterious yet bold, Silverstar is the proud leader of Riverclan. She listens to each cats' words and rules fairly. She fears badgers and Shadowclan's power. She is not afraid of foxes, rivers and dogs. Silverstar's best friend personally was a herself, and though most of the clan hates house cats Silverstar will not see them harmed. Likes to eat trout and sardines commonly found in the lake. Her fear of Shadowclan is known in every clan, and sometimes they like to take advantage of Silverstar.

    So, if you want to make a cat just ask.

    No one wants to do my RPg...?
  2. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    :( doesn't anyone want to join my rpg?
  3. DiveIntoTheHeart Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 23, 2007
    In your cupboard.
    Hmmm.. i'll join!!! ^.^

    Cat's Name: Spottedpaw
    Clan: ThunderClan
    Position in Clan: Apprentice... But almost a warrior!
    Age: 15 moons
    Personality: Outgoing and hyper. Though still training to become a warrior, she's not afraid to go into a battle to protect her clan. She'd give her life to protect the clan, no matter what. She's not afraid of many things, but when she is scared of something, she'll usually run away.
    Description: http://i4.tinypic.com/6pogysi.jpg (Art credit goes to a friend)

    If you want me to move her up to warrior rank, i can do that.
  4. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Hahaha, that picture is funny. You are in the Thunderclan. If only there was a leader for Thunderclan though. Try to advertise this okay?
  5. XxRukiaKuchikixX Merlin's Housekeeper

    I'll be thunderclan's leader

    Cat's name: Hawkstar
    Clan: Thunderclan
    Position in clan: leader
    Age: 3 cat years
    Personality: Calm yet funny, Can have a temper but would give his life for his clan, follows the warrior code but may bend it if he sees fit