
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Daxa~, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Daxa~ #stalker

    Feb 20, 2011
    Near, far, Jafar.
    Well obviosly,this will be about war.
    War,as Im sure lots of people will agree,is awful.
    Millions die for nothing.
    Millions more are left without loved ones,left to greive.
    So I ask,why do we still fight?
    Though Im not saying I want world peace,and for eveyone to get along.
    No that would mean a very boring life for eveyone.
    But why cant we just stop fights with guns,with bombs?
    I mean,when everyone fought with swords,at least people had a chance to defend themselves.
    And while I do accept that death happens to everyone some time,I just dont think it should be in fighting for someone you dont even know.
  2. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Wars are fought for one out of two reasons, I'd like to believe; greed or religion.

    I am religious myself, but we all know there has been fought countless wars because of religion.
    Greed, well, that is sort of self-explanatory, people want more of something, therefore they take it by force.

    Also it seems some people are too dumb to use the pen instead of the sword (or as in tech terms; some people are too dumb to use the keyboard instead of guns)
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Ah, this is one of the times I can explain my choice of username, Peace-and-War.

    War is more complicated then simple killing. It is not the objective of a war to kill, but it almost always occurs since it is an easy means to an end. War happens for countless number of reasons, tyrany, rebellion, hope for a better future, politics, religion, policing and so on and so forth, though I believe they are most common.
    War is terrible, true, death and famine, loved ones lost, homes destroyed, cities razed to the ground and culture lost. But War is not just destruction. It can bring hope to those who use to have none, topple tyrants, unite peoples once enemies into allies, bring about love that never would have been known before and the one thing I truly appreciate about war is that it shows us the extent of what humanity can do, many great things both terrible and beautiful, but great things all the same.

    But I make it sound so poetic, like a storyteller recalling of a great war in the past. I will stress its utter soul destroying nature, it can break men mentally and physically. The harsh reality is that most wars now and for the future will be for resources such as oil reserves, metals, fossil fuels, nuclear material, etc. Politics will also be a likely reason, but I find these days to be more tense then they were in the past. It will only get worse if we can't find a way to sustain ourselves for future generataions to come.

    And as terrible as it may sound, we need war. Without war, there will never be peace. War is what we must accept. This is the reason for my choice of username as Peace-and-War, because they balance each other out, since one can't be had without the other. It really reflects why I'm so interested in history, because their the main two states human civilisation has been in, and it fascinates me bow dependen they are on each other.

    Guns and bombs are used because they are effective at killing. If you want to kill someone don't you want it to be effective and unreliable? Otherwise what's the point in having an unreliable weapon when your life is on the line. Plus they are easy to use and handle, requiring just the ability to aim and pull the trigger, meaning little training is required for people to use them. I'll admit I would rather go back to the old close-quarters combat on a field of battle, since it's much more dependent on someone's skills and talent as a soldier then using a gun and therefore the win er can be judged on their ability and not simple luck. But we have to move with the times, guns are here to stat and has also won many battles helping create peace for people, an as such they can't be discredited completely since they have helped as many as thet have hurt, i'm sure.
  4. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I'm a pacifist (in philosophy at least, I'm human and slip up sometimes, I admit that), so I am of course against wars. But I understand why they happen.

    For one thing, there is the noble cause of a humanitarian effort. When you see a dictator exploiting his people, I don't think that a lot of people can sit aside and just let it happen. Intervention is necessary on the part of all nations, not just the one involved. Unfortunately, that often degrades into violence.

    Noroz is right though that many wars are started out of greed and religion. And sometimes this is unavoidable. We're human. We can't always get along.

    I think the biggest issue is the lack of patience and empathy for others, the lack of a person or group of people's willingness to compromise, and the mere fact that there's some crazy people in this world.

    For me, the tolls that a war has does sometimes outweigh the good that they do. But standing by and doing nothing when there is a real and present problem is just as bad. What we need is to be able to sit down and talk and sort out or problems, but I get the feeling that's a bit too optimistic.
  5. SirFred131 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 6, 2011
    there are crazy people who will do crazy things and start wars for stupid reasons, and the only way I see for us to stop them before they can start wars is to make a strong enough power that they have no chance, and will recognized that fact. Unfortunately because people disagree about so many things, the main way of doing that (in a timely manner) is with wars.
  6. hikki_kairi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 7, 2006
    inside my dark heart
    Everyone comes to a point when he/she feels superior and powerful than all of us because they have the money and power. Other than that, it's because of their beliefs that turn simple protests to acts of violence. The simplest of fights can turn to battles and evemtually, war because of simple misunderstandings. It is in human nature to feel a sense of power over others because of an advantage he/she has that no one else has.

    I believe that war is important (but I don't support it) because it sends a message for us to keep our sense of humanity.