Terrorism is not a person or a country, but instead an action. With that in mind, how is there supposed to be an end to this "War on Terror", that began in the Bush era, if we're fighting something that cannot technically be controlled or stopped in entirety? Was this war designed to last forever?
It is nothing more than a fear campaign designed to pacify the feelings of the american public. to say that a war on terror is naught but fallacy would be stating the obvious. bush was not really a good president and it is impossible to fight a war on a concept. even then if we really wanted to end the "terror" we could likely simply annihilate the countries that terrorize us. The war on "terror" is nothing more than saying "we are too scared to do anything but sit with our thumbs up our asses and slowly chip away your rights because we are afraid to execute antagonizers and their un-aiding homeland."
Good point, yet I think the idea was to just fight the threats to the U.S. itself. It just gave the president the power of the people, what he needed to go to war. What he needed to fight the war. It helps the higher ups sleep at night knowing that there underlings believe in the cause. I believe in justice, I believe in hope, but one thing I don't believe in is needless violence. Where is the justice in that?
It's a buzzword. Pretty simple. If you ask someone what is "terror" in the context of the "war on terror," nine times out of ten your only profit from that exchange will be a blank stare and wasted time. That's not to say the efforts of the "war on terror" aren't noble, at least in part. The wording is just ludicrous. How about we just say it's the "war on those guys who are f#@king with us," I doubt that would be staunchly opposed. And that has a clear end. "Oh hey, those guys who were f$&king with us are gone. Guess the war on those guys who are f@%king with us is over." Unfortunately, such prudent honesty is beyond politicians, it seems.
I wanna say that this 'war' will last forever because I believe there can never be world peace. When world peace comes, it will be when every human on the planet has been wiped out, there can't be one or two left because humans are what cause the terror. There will always be someone to take over. bin Laden's dead, sure, but there's someone to take over after him. Kim Jong Il will die some time around soon, there will be someone to take over. There will always be someone, and there will always a people who hate another people and decide that "Hey! Making peace with them is no fun since we don't like them anyway, so let's just blow everything of theirs up because the world is our playground and all this time we have is recess!"
I'm channeling Makaze here, but I simply can't abide a defeatist attitude like that. One should never let alone a system until it's perfect. Even if that goal is unachievable. If it is impossible to fill the vacuum of power with anything but a power-hungry dictator, let us make him miserable for his trouble, and in the meantime enjoy a relative peace. I notice also that you only mention Osama Bin Laden and Kim Jong Il. I guess you're not of the opinion that there's some stagnancy in our own government as well?
This is splitting hairs. Honestly, you all know very well what the point of the "War on Terror" is, because there is an eminent threat to our society. It may not be a person or a country as a physical entity, but that's why there's a little thing called "terrorism".
There is always a threat to society. Although I don't pretend to know as much as I'd like to, I do believe that if there is need for a "War on Terror", it should be waged against the governments of most countries.
Isn't the idea of a 'War on Terror' terrifying in itself? Wherein people feel the need to be kept on the edge of their seat with their eyes looking everywhere to be ready for the moment when a terrorist strikes? By looking for terror everywhere won't you eventually find it? Whether it's a real threat or not? It's a hypocritical concept that was obviously put forward by the Bush intellect.
Oh, no no, don't get me wrong, the government of the United States is the farthest thing from perfect, but at least we can say that we the people have a say in what goes on in our country. Sometimes we fail to get things done, that's just the way we are, but at least we don't have dead bodies of opposers lying about. (most of the time?)
When you think about it, war has been going on since people first came up with the first weapon....A stick and a rock. There have always been fights, and war is just an escalation to a stupid way to solve the fight. I don't think war will ever end, we just need a way to make war a little less....violent? It's a hard word to come up with right there.