Here is the story A peaceful planet inhabitit by humens and other cretures in the year 3111 All seems peaceful until 3 factions rise The Red sky,The phazics and the horde The red sky are a group of tyrents who have started an empier that will conqer everything The Phazics are a group who say they will clense the land of the non belevers Then the horde alien like cretures that lived under the grond for years and plan to destroy the world all hope seemed lost until the rebelian called the Chronas rised and were trying to restore the planet to its origonal state Rules No god moding No power playing No killing other players without permission No taking other players charecters Name: Age: Faction: Species: Apperance: Biography: Age:20 Faction:Chronas Species:Faris Apperance:with armor Biography:He lived in peace until the horde took his home so he joined the Chronas to save this world
Name:Nny Age:14 Faction: The Red Sky Species:Human Apperance: Biography: Nny was sick of the normal life he lived. He was a trouble maker and always wanted to do something differnt. He wanted to be in power so he decided to start The Red Sky.
Your in I am posting another charecter Name:Zelon Age:1000 Species:Hord Faction:The hord Apperance: Biography:He was planing with the other hord lords now there unleashed he rules the hord as the leader