War in the organisation.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by werkku6, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    OOC: So where do I start...?
  2. werkku6 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    You should start from Castle Oblivion, because Marluxia is talking to Larxene in that place.

    But NOW we will start this .

    Saix is talking with Xemnas "Xemnas, what is your plan for the Axel and his supporters?
  3. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Larxene had been sitting in one of the white rooms of the Oblivion Castle, her legs crossed, as she sighed, bored. With the division between the Organization, Axel had surprisingly ended up as leader of one, while Xemnas had his ever-still loyal followers on the other. She had always strived to have Marluxia be the Superior but now...things have not gone according to plan...in truth, did the Graceful Assassin care any more? All she really wanted was a heart, as soon as possible. Whoever could make that possible...she had hoped it was Axel.
    She had chosen to side with Axel because she had developed a bond with him during their stay at Castle Oblivion. They might've teased and argued every now and then, but they were basically on fine terms. In fact, she trusted him, perhaps a little bit more than Marluxia...as she sometimes, she felt distant with the Graceful Assassin...as if he was only using her to succeed with his goal...never caring for her truly. Axel, on the other hand, more than likely saw her as a friend...at least, as close as one a Nobody could...at least, it was like that for her.
    All the times she spent with Axel, talking with him, jesting with him...she felt as if she could just be herself around them, nothing hidden. He reacted the same she did to him and she hoped that this meant...he trusted her just like she did for him...as friends, as close as a bond the two could have she 'felt'...
    Marluxia, she respected him, truly, but as a friend...she wasn't sure if she could ever. He never opened up, never tried to get close to her really...only an order, a suggestion, for whatever could help him succeed in overthrowing Xemnas and becoming Superior. But when his ambition began to waver...he still had yet to talk to her personally. To her, it didn't really matter...she had Axel as her friend after all and as long as she was able to obtain a heart, then all was good.
    At least I hope so... Larxene thought as she shifted, suppressing a sigh that had come up in her throat.
    Hearing a soft swooshing sound close by, she tilted her head up to see Marluxia.
    Pink sakura petals fell from his long, silky puce-colored locks, as his sapphire blue eyes lowered slightly.
    He's bored...hm? Larxene thought, as she heard him speak. Suprisingly, so am I...suppose I must find a way to amuse the both of us now.
    "Perhaps we ought to...find Axel...we can ask what he plans to do now," she suggested. "Unless of course...you're still intending to be Superior...?"

    Xemnas had been at the Altar of Naught, gazing up at Kingdom Hearts, his golden-auburn eyes emotion-less and stoic.
    "Oh, Kingdom Hearts...what should we do now?" he murmured. Hearing a soft swooshing sound, and then the sound of Saix's voice, he turned, his long silver hair swirling around his shoulder slightly. "Saix..." He hesitated for a moment, closing his eyes briefly to think. "Tell me...what has Axel planned so far?"
  4. werkku6 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    "I dont really know" Saix answers. " But i am sure, that they will try to eliminate us."
  5. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Xemnas was silent for a moment, thinking over Saix's words.
    It was quite a surprise, as Axel had suddenly decided to announce himself leader, and that the members must choose between the two. Some sided with the Flurry of Dancing Flames while others, still loyal to the Superior, stuck with Xemnas. Once this was done, Axel had left with his new followers...and he had been left, uncertain of where he was going and what he was planning to do.
    In truth, he did not understand...if they wanted the same goal, wanting to be Somebodies, to have a heart, to succeed with Kingdom Hearts...why could they not work together?
    As for Kingdom Hearts...was Axel truly planning to use the same method or find a different, supposedly faster way?
    Shaking his head, Xemnas knew he must not ponder too long about that. For now, he must figure out what his next course of action was...to truly eliminate them as Saix had suggested, or to seize Kingdom Hearts first of all - eradicating any poor soul who got in their way? The latter sounded more reasonable, as it would clear the way of their enemies while at the same time, helping further their goal.
    Now...how to stop them? But of course...predict their next course of action and stop it before it comes to pass...all the while, struggling to obtain hearts for their goal.
    "...For now, we do nothing," he said, as he tilted his head up, looking up at the brightly glowing, heart-shaped moon in the sky...their precious Kingdom Hearts. "Continue collecting hearts...but...keep on eye on Axel and his followers. Make them think we do not care for them. If they make any sign of what they intend to do next, let me know. And if they attempt to seize Kingdom Hearts...do what you can to stop them."
  6. werkku6 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    "I will do it superior" "But what about Roxas?" Saix askes. "He is after all keyblade wielder."
  7. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "Roxas...the Key of Destiny..." Xemnas murmured, lowering his eyes slightly as he contemplated this.
    Roxas had been the boy he had found, wandering Twilight Town, uncertain of his idenitity, uncertain of himself. When he came to him, he had given him a new name 'Roxas' and the title of 'Key of Destiny'...being the wielder of the keyblade, he was indeed the key...to the destiny of their Organization, to Kingdom Hearts, to becoming Somebodies, to obtain their hearts truly...
    Being on Axel's side would definitely give their enemy the advantage, but then again...they were still in poessession of Kingdom Hearts. All heartless destroyed by the keyblade would head directly into their heart-shaped moon...regardless of whose side the boy was on...which gave Xemnas the perfect idea...
    "...Roxas still has yet to know what happens when he strikes the enemy with his keyblade...corect?" Xemnas glanced over his shoulder at Saix, but did not wait for him to answer. "So you must somehow trick him into fighting and defeating heartless...without letting him know how it aids us in our goal of Kingdom Hearts."

    OOC: This is somewhere in between the time before Sora goes to Castle Oblivion, right...?
  8. werkku6 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    ooc: Yes

    "I will do it" Saix answers. After this he teleports away.
  9. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    When Saix was gone, Xemnas turned, looking back up at Kingdom Hearts.
    "Please...protect us," he pleads, softly, yet a trace of coldness within his voice, as he looks up at the heart-shaped moon. "Our enemies...they've multiplied...and they have come from quite an unlikely source...our own Organization..."
    Closing his eyes, he tilted his head down, a lock of his silver hair falling over his right shoulder.
    This war...it won't be easy...but I will succeed in the end...with Kingdom Hearts' help...I am certain...but I still do not quite understand...what is it that Axel hopes to gain from this? The Superior thought, exhaling jadedly. It's not as if he wants anything much different than from what I want...or does he? In fact...I do have quite another goal but...he couldn't know that...then...what is it? What could it be...?
    Opening his eyes, his golden-auburn eyes traveled back up to Kingdom Hearts, as he requested once more, "Please...protect us..."

    OOC: Gotta go, so 'night! Tomorrow, I may not be able to come on too early, but I will be on at night...just to let you know. lol
  10. werkku6 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    Saix teleported in the twilight towns clocktower and kidnapped Roxas.
    Saix appeared with Roxas in the Hollow Bastions Dark Depths. Saix took out his Claymore and attacked Roxas. Roxas barely blocked attack with his Oathkeeper. "What are you doing?!" Roxas asks from Saix.
    "I will kill everyone, who betray Xemnas" Saix answered. Roxas hits Saix with Oblivion. But then heartless appears. Roxas starts to kill heartless, while Saix just watches.
  11. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    isn´t it too long?

    ´´Sure, i am´´Marly said with his usual voice and looked throught window
  12. OrginizationXIII Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 16, 2007
    ...parent's basment.
    OOC: Morning everyone [​IMG]

    Axel sat back and sighed. "Time to tell everyone about plan A." he said.
  13. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    morning? for me afternoon

    Marly sat on his chair and looked around ´´I think that this place needs changes´´
  14. OrginizationXIII Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 16, 2007
    ...parent's basment.
    OOC: I'm in mountain time zone.

    Axel teleported to Ansem's computer and began typing
  15. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    i don´t understand

    ´´Where are the others?´´Marly asked himself
  16. OrginizationXIII Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 16, 2007
    ...parent's basment.
    OOC: Never mind.

    Axel finished typing and looked at the data. "Interesting... well, better go find some people, lets start with Roxas." he said.
  17. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007

    Marly stood up and walked out of castle ´´And i like it here more than in Castle´´he said (not CO, but second castle)
  18. OrginizationXIII Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 16, 2007
    ...parent's basment.
    OOC: Gotta go! see ya!
  19. werkku6 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    Roxas kills even more heartless, but when he kills one, there comes two more to replace fallen one. "Why he makes me doing this" Roxas thinks. "This is enough" Saix says and then all of the heartless disappears. "You have done well Roxas" Saix says and then Saix teleports away.
  20. OrginizationXIII Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 16, 2007
    ...parent's basment.
    Axel teleports to Roxas. "How's it going?" he asked. "You look like you just came out of a fight."