Well then, you might want to check out this new vest that let's you feel the blows in the game. Source Sounds kinda fun
Then you'll know what it feels like to be whacked with giant keys. xD But it does have a lot of potential in both areas.
Yeah.. So, you're playing a racing game, crash and feel what it's like to have a crushed spleen? xD It'd be cool if it was a full-body suit. Then you'd get to experience what it's like being punched in the balls while playing fighting games :3 I'd like that >D
Or you're playing SOTC and get stomped on. Then you'd know what it feels like to be a pancake. xD Where's the fun in that?
People play games for entertainment. You would only find pain fun if you were a masochist -__- But I do like high levels of realism in games.
Yeah, imagine playing Resident Evil or something with a vest like that. Being hoarded by zombies probably won't be fun. Losing must suck.
Well the range of games would probably be limited. Not every game could support this technology. Unless they included a neck extension so you can feel the zombies gnawing on you.