i did this drawing 6 months ago and i found it whilst i was looking through my DA gallery XD http://fc09.deviantart.com/fs27/i/2008/161/c/9/Ruri_Sarasa_by_ShinobiOfTheDark.jpg if you dont know who she is I'll tell you. Her name is Ruri Sarasa and she's from an anime called Tokyo Underground. If you want more information just look it up on wikipedia >_> and yes i realize that the flower petals look like potato chips
Yeah, but the head is way out of proportion. It's a bit too long vertically. That's all. Everything else looks incredible.
I love the detail, and the hands, but she looks.. kinda weird. Like she's stiff, yeah stiff. And I think you should make her hair flow more. But otherwise it's adorable, and I think you should color it!!! <333333 Awesome job!
I really like it. I think it's really cute! Well drawn...Very good job here. Only thing I can suggest is to try and make her look a little more relaxed and natural. It's very good though. ^^
;~; And DA is still not working... I can't see your work right now... but since I've seen your others before I'm sure this is another success :]