I just saw something... triggered me to remember me my whole dream. Wait... was that even a dream? I might of just been thinking of it... Or did it really happen? Or part of it? Wait... what? Hate it when this happens. >_>
Right Forgotten but not Lost /lolKHQuote This Happened to me Before But only With REALLY Old Dreams Like Childhood Dreams u.u
Thats happened to me too! I swear I remember this one memory from when I was like 1 or 2, but my parents tell me its just a dream cause they don't remember it. But... I dunno :/
LOL No I Mean Childhood 4-9 Years old I Can Remember Some Random Stuff Of When I Was 3 but that's it u.u
A scattered dream that's like a far off memory. A far off memory that's like a scattered dream. Sorry I couldn't resist.