Viva la Console Wars!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Jube, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    Yeah, i always enjoyed KH's graphic style. Anyways, im to tired to continue this discussion, so im done for tonight.
  2. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Who says it need sot be 'realistic' to be a graphics powerhouse? Games like Agency, Team Fortress 2 and LittleBigPlanet look eye-popping without having 'realistic' graphics like Devil May Cry 4, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune or Grand Theft Auto 4
  3. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life
    God of War 3??

    hi guys, any1 know when God of War 3 will come out????
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Wrong thread. Anyways...back on topic. *looks at the topic* Well...not going to stay on subject with you guys. I personally like the PS3 better than the other consoles for a few reasons.
    1. It has the most potential(graphically and probably with its games too)
    2. Free online gaming(even though the Wii also has free online gaming...right?)
    3. I like its games better. Ratchet & Clank and Resistance are two of them...let's not forget Final Fantasy and KH3(it will most likely be on the PS3)
    4. Blu-ray has more memory than normal DVDs(I believe DVD has 8 gigs and Bluray has almost 50gigs correct me if I'm wrong).
    5. It's almost obvious that the Wii won't have KH3 because we all know that SE will NOT let you swing your keyblade around using a wiimote. Nomura would want to keep the "KH feel" of gameplay. Therefore PS3 it is.
  5. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life
    oh, srry:sweatdrop:
  6. sXe Roxas Moogle Assistant

    Jun 11, 2008
    I own the Xbox 360 and wii. I never have played the wii more then ten minutes at a time. Maby because I dont own many good games. So, in my opinion, the 360 wins.

    I am getting a PS3 and maby it will be better. Ill have something to do when my 360 red rings.
  7. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    PS3 finnally found it's running shoes and is finnaly gonna catch up (in my opinion)
  8. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Well, sales have picked up for the past week because of MGS4, but the PS3 isn't really "catching up" to anything any time soon. Even if we were optimistic and the PS3 were to somehow retain it's MGS4 sales (300,000 units worldwide a week), it would be 2009 before the PS3 caught up to the 360 (which is basically all the PS3 can compete with at the moment, the Wii is in a whole different stratosphere)
  9. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    All the consoles have their strengths and weaknesses. The Wii has innovative controls and free online play, but a lot of crappy third-party games and almost no games that support the free online play. Xbox360 has a very user-friendly yet still functional interface, as well as the most high-quality games, however Xbox Live can be fairly expensive for people (the red rings aren't really a problem anymore, it was mostly with the first few shipments). The PS3 has the best graphics and free online play, however it has very few high-quality games.
  10. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    The only reason the Xbox is cheaper is because it came out before the PS3 which is because sony likes to get to kinks out of the software.People say you have a better game's choice on the Xbox which is because most software companies can't get the games onto the PS3 because it's software is very complex.The PS3 hasn't been hacked to date(Chances are that it will be very soon)On top of all that the online functions of the PS3 are better.It hasn't crashed once or been shut down once while at christmas Xbox online cut off about 500,000 people.On the Xbox you can close a server while on the PS3 the servers aren't and that is why they allow Xbox in Prisons and not PS3's.One other thing that PS3 has is region free games so you can play games from japan on your own PS3.
  11. Marluxia13579 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 13, 2008
    In my opinion, the Wii is the leader of the console war thus far. The Xbox360 and PS3 are basically just upgraded versions of their predecessors, meaning they haven't technically expanded their target audience at all since the last generation. But the Wii is completely unique, and because of that it appeals not only to hardcore gamers with titles like Metroid 3 and Twilight Princess, but also targets an entirely new demographic that the other systems have neglected, people who don't generally play video games. My brother hated videogames (yeah, he's weird) but loves the Wii. Plus, the Wii has sold more than the other consoles almost every week since its launch.

    Don't get me wrong, I adore the PS3. It's so powerful and impressive. But the Wii will probably be the overall winner of this generation's console war, for the reasons I have stated above.
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I have always been a Nintendo/Sega fan, due to the bright characters. Sony and Xbox have far less characters of their own, while Nintendo has Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Wario ware, Cooking Mama, Pikmin, Nintendogs, smash bros, Animal Crossing and a whole load more.

    Sony and Microsoft do not give me too many games of their own. Most of their stuff is 3rd party. When they do make thier own, it is a shooter, and I am not so fond of them.


    As for the graphics, Nintendo can work with theirs fine. Look at Twilight princess. that's a gamecube game, and I think its graphics are superb. Brawl is great too. Sure it may not be ps3 quality, but it is a long way from an eyesore. I find that important,

    One thing that does irritate me is the gimicks of Nintendo. R.O.B, Virtual Boy, Wii, DS. Some of these work, others crash and burn.
  13. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
    I've always been a Nintendo kinda guy (Now more than ever). The reason is there originality, Space Animals, City Animals, Pocket animals, rinse and repeat. The reason I like Nintendo now more than ever is because of the lack of originality of all the other consoles, seems like all you ever do on the Xbox 360 and Ps3 is:
    1 Shoot some thing
    2 Blow some thing up
    3 Curse at people online
    (With some exceptions)
  14. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Nintendo is very unoriginal in case you've never noticed. All they ever seem to do now is create novelty games that won't get you through or steal ideas from legitimate game makers. Anyways, in my experience the PS3 is far superior in every aspect to the Wii and has more of my kinda game than the 360.

    Oh yeah your list is wrong. It only applies the the 360.
  15. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
    So is No More Hero's unoriginal? Is Wii sports unoriginal? Wii Fit? The Wii Wheel? O I'm sorry that's right , you can swing you 360 and Ps3 controllers around to hit a tennis ball , Stand on a 360 and Ps3 controller to chech your weight and snow board or just swing you 360 or Ps3 controller to slash through enemies...

    Your turn :3
  16. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    If it was stolen, chances are Nintendo were just stealing it back. They were the most successful game developers.

    Now, as for superior, I take it you were not talking about the price tag?

    Meh. Show me a game that had pokemon before Nintendo. Show me a (Successful) game that had a female protagonist before Nintendo. Show me a game that had a plumber before Nintendo.
  17. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Nintendo do too much necromancy on their old franchises to me. I mean, the only good games out on the Wii right now are their usual franchises i.e. Metroid, Mario, Zelda, etc.

    Don't throw the Wii Fit and Wii sports at me. They're not real games in my eyes. From where I'm standing, the Wii is a cheap piece of hardware for you to screw around with some mates with or have parents play with their kids. All actual games end up seeming tacked-on, especially how developers obsessive-compulsively throw Wii motion controls in, otherwise it isn't worth bringing out on the damn thing.
  18. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    I dont know if you can call it necromancy since none of those games are dead. At least they arent killing it like whats happening to FF and Sonic. And you may not consider them real games, but enough other people do that they're selling a ton of Wii fit, Wii play, etc. Those games are still all over the top sales charts lol.
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Hardly necromancy. They have successful franchises. Brawl seems certainly fine enough.

    I am prepared to admit that many of the newer games, such as cooking Mama appear to be rather lame, but I like Wii Sports, especially considering it was a freebie.
  20. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006