Viva la Console Wars!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Jube, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    Because we all know its obviously goign on the 360. Definately.
    and just because its not in development doesnt mean its not coming out. you KNOW it is.
  2. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Yes, it's obvious that it will be coming out eventually, but the inevitability of it's announcement doesn't mean that you can make assumptions on what platform it will be on as if it were a fact.
  3. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    oh wait, i THINK there WAS some proof that Nomura was considering it for PS3 actually. this is not solid evidence but i vaguely remember reading an interview with Nomura saying that he hasn't developed Kingdom Hearts 3 yet because he wanted to see some aspects of the PS3 using Final Fantasy XIII first before doing anything with KH3. it's unclear if that means it's for PS3 but we dont' know what will happen because maybe he'll find that he doesn't like the Playstation 3 for whatever reason. i personally hope it DOES come to Playstation 3 because i certainly do not like Xbox 360, in my opinion, the only good game 360 has is Halo.
  4. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    So uhh... what the hell kind of logic suggests it will be on the 360, which square enix doesnt make games for, or the wii, which has ****** graphics and no hard drive, and no online (kh3 might have DLC, but i doubt it)
  5. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    not to "get" at you but you JUST said it would in this quote

  6. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  7. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
  8. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Uhh, you seem to be unaware that Square-Enix has developed/published 2 games for the Xbox 360 already, and has 2 more games in development for the console.

    You also seem to forget that the Wii is more than 2x more powerful then the PS2, which is what past Kingdom Hearts games were on (which, according to you, means that every Kingdom Hearts game was ******), that the Wii does have Internal Memory, and does allow for Downloadable Content, considering that today Square Enix just released a game for the Nintendo Wii that runs entirely off of the Wii's internal memory, not to mention the fact that the game already has 3 downloadable content packs available
  9. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    Because Wii was obviously out when kh1 and kh2 were made. definately. and wow 3 games. it WONT be on 360.
    Online meaning bigger DLC, not online play
    Yeah, Wii's hard drive is miniscule compared to the other next gen systems.
    Dude, you KNOW its going to be on PS3, just get over the fact.
  10. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  11. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Well, considering the fact that you said "Square Enix does not make games for the 360", I do believe it's relevant to the discussion that Square Enix, in fact, has developed 4 games for the Xbox 360.

    And, as I stated, Square Enix has already released a game for the Nintendo Wii that supports Downloadable Content

    Since when is the size of it's Internal Memory relevant, I do believe you said outright that it had none, which is incorrect. And the fact that the 360's and PS3's internal memory is larger does not directly affect KH3's chances on the Wii, because regarldess of the Size the Wii still has the capacity for Downloadable Content, which might I add is something you seemed to have invented as a feature for Kingdom Hearts 3

    No one knows what platform kingdom Hearts 3 will be on, because nothing is announced yet, therefore nothing is a fact.

    Indeed, but we don't know for sure if DLC is even a feature for Kingdom Hearts 3, so it's not directly relevent to the game's chances on the console. Either way, it's highly unlikely that Nintendo will have not released an external hard-drive for the Wii by the time KH3 is released (we're talking like, 2011 here?), Nintendo already said a few weeks ago that they were going to have a solution to the Space issue to satiate the need from both Developers and Gamers for larger space.
  12. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  13. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    Dou you honestly belive it will be on the Wii? I almost garuntee it will be on ps3, and Wii's internal memory is pretty damn close to nothing. And yes it DOES affect kh3s chances. You DO realize SE is big on graphics right? well, wii doesnt have graphics comparable to a ps3 w/ HDMI.

    I see your leaning towards wii here. I just dont see a kh game on Wii, one reason being:
    Kh Battle system + Wiimote = O_o'

    Its not impossible, its just unlikely.
  14. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  15. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    Yeah i know kh isnt big on graphics, i was just saying random stuff because this is keepign me occupied. but some of its true at least.

    like i said in my last post:
    Its not impossible, its just unlikely
  16. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    I never said that I believe it will be on the Wii, I was simply defending the chances of it being so, and dismissing the notion that it is "impossible". Square Enix has already shown that they know how to do Downloadable Content on the Wii, and that's the end of that as far as I'm concerned.

    Square Enix is big on the cinematic experience, not pixel-by-pixel superior horsepower and hardware, if the system allows them to make what they envision, they do everything they can to do their best. The Playstation 1 was weaker then the Saturn and N64, the SNES was weaker then the Neo-Geo, the Playstation 2 was weaker then the Gamecube and Xbox, and the Nintendo DS is weaker then the PSP. Regardless, Square-Enix has never simply gunned for whichever one is pushing the best hardware, they simply choose what can give them what they want.

    Kingdom Hearts was never a graphically intensive series, so it's not like the series simply needs HD realistic graphics and to be able to see the sweat dripping off of Donald's beak. The Wii is more powerful in than the PS2, which it has enough available power to give the series a nice boost forward, and it doesn't go crazy with the HD, because the series doesn't need that anyway. No matter what platform Square Enix works on, they make their games look fantastic, so saying that the game couldn't look good on the Wii is saying you doubt Square-Enix's ability to make video games.
  17. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    I never said it coudlnt look good on the Wii, im jsut saying if they decided to make this one graphics intense (and who knows, they may use CG level graphics in it, but i honestly have no idea) Then the ps3 would be a better logical choice. It could look good on the wii as well.

    edit: and if i DID say it c ouldnt look good on the Wii, then disregard it.
  18. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    I've already got a big write-up I did on KH3's chances on each of the 3 consoles, so I'll just copy/paste my opinion on the matter:

    In my opinion, the likely choices for the next main entry for the KH series (and why) would be these.

    PS3 Exclusive - Nomura loves the PS3, Sony is the very reason Nomura has a career, so from a director standpoint Nomura definitely wants it to be on the PS3. Nothing more really needs to be said, as I don't need to go convincing anyone that KH has a chance to be on the PS3.


    PS3/360 Multi-Platform - Let's face it, there's no way the 360 would get it exclusively, that would just be a bad business move, but the chance of Square Enix putting the game on the 360 in addition to the PS3 has a chance, as Square Enix said they would like to support all consoles evenly. So a Multi-Platform release would be supporting the 360 as well as the PS3, and honoring Square's vow to support everyone with even distribution of their hit titles, not to mention getting the game to a wider audience, and the fact that KH does very well in America, which is the 360's strongest region


    Wii Exclusive - The Wii sells exponentially to the exact demographics that Disney and Square-Enix target the KH Franchise for, so it's an extremely safe bet that the majority of Wii owners are the kinds of people who would love and buy up the KH series. Plus the fact that the Wii is the highest selling next-gen console on the planet, in addition to the benefits of the console reaching the same demographic as the series, there are many more Wii owners than there are PS3/360 owners, which means as a financial decision this is even more potential money for Square Enix.

    Kingdom Hearts is not really a graphically intensive series, so the Wii gives enough extra power for Square-Enix to give the series a nice boost upwards (just not super-HD), and giving the title to the Wii would be showing Square's faith in spreading out their big franchises to all 3 consoles

    Reasons any of these respective options may not be likely

    PS3 exclusive - As said before, in 2006 Square Enix stated that they no longer wished to support Sony as exclusively as they had in the past (not over-support the console, but not under-support it either), as always keeping to one platform really limits the demographics and audiences they could reach for their games, so Square Enix stated they wanted to support all Next-Gen consoles and all Handhelds with an even distribution of their hit titles.

    So, as the PS3 has Final Fantasy XIII and VsXIII, Square has already covered the bases with the PS3 in giving the console a huge hit title, giving the PS3 the next huge entry in one of their other huge franchises would be over-support for the PS3, and under-support for the other Next-Gen consoles, which is what Square-Enix said they wanted to avoid. So with Dragon Quest IX on the DS, Crisis Core and Dissidia hitting the PSP, the 360 and the Wii are ample consoles left for Square to give their support.


    PS3/360 Multi-Platform - Well, there's not much here to say that this is necessarily a terrible decision, Multi-Platform releases are pretty much safe-bets as the game is simply reaching more people on more consoles. Well, the main detriments I can see would be splitting the fanbase up, or that perhaps the 360 audience are not the demographic that would buy a KH game and may simply result in the game having lax sales on the 360, which would end up with Square's advertisement money for the game going to waste.

    You could suggest that perhaps since it's multi-platform the game may have sacrificed quality in order to properly function on 2 consoles, instead of being developed exclusively and tailored specifically to one, but imo Square Enix is really not a company that skimps off on something like this, if this is Square we're talking about here they're gonna blow us away with whatever they do, so having the game on 2 consoles isn't something they're going to allow to hurt the overall game.


    Wii Exclusive - The Wii is an unknown element for Square at the moment, they haven't ventured from Sony in quite some time, so it's probably an awkward situation for Square here as they haven't tested the Nintendo console waters in over a decade. They may be unsure of how well the game can perform on a console that really tries and sets itself apart from the average console, and thus has a completely new and untested audience buying the console that Square really doesn't know what to make of.

    Square's newest effort on the Wii is the Wiiware title "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King", which may be Square-Enix's testing of the Nintendo waters to see if a game of theirs can perform well on the console, so depending on how well that game sells on the Wii may be the deciding factor on whether Square will commit to Nintendo or not.

    There is also a similar situation to the PS3/360 scenario wherein the Wii's unique controls being a new element for the series, it may be something that could go either way for the game, either make it completely awesome and a new experience for the series, or end up really awkward and you wish you could just play with a normal controller again. My feelings, like previously, is that if this is Square-Enix we're talking here, Square Enix isn't going to give us crappy controls, Square-Enix is going to work their ass off to do with the controls what no one else is bothering to do, and Square Enix would be the one to really work at the controls and make it great for everyone playing.
  19. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    Yeah, every system has its strengths and weaknesses.
    Wii: Not sure how controls and battle system would work well with Wiimote
    360: Square doesnt really support microsoft, and it just doesnt seem like a 360 game to me
    PS3: Not too many ps3 owners at the moment.
  20. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006