The villains of KH go about their everyday lives. They're all roomies, living in Villains Vale. Pete and Maleficant lead in planning evil plots they never carry out, and their rivals are Organization XIII. -VILLAINS TAKEN- Pete: The King Larxene: Nymph of Destiny Sephiroth: Chaser007 Axel: Riku_IntoTheDarkness Demyx: Gatekeeper Hades: Swordster2 Zexion: Swordster2 -No custom peoples, sorry.
ooc:ill start bic:hades slammed his hand in the wall "i hate it"he yelled zexion sat in his seat madly a bit
Can I have Vexen and maybe... the Horned King from the black cauldron??? (you know the movie disney made that was quite terrible?) if i have him he'll be more like his movie counterpart than the version in the books.