"Videogames caused 9/11"

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Roxas is Hot, Dec 4, 2007.

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  1. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    That's sad, really, that people don't know what to blame, so they turn to a form of mainstream entertainment-one that has been a growing staple in American homes. Just blame al-Qaeda, please. Hell, didn't they admit they did it?
  2. KingdomHeartsMovie Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 16, 2007
    My two cents: I was really sick of this Jack Thompson bull.

    I am tired of people blaming video games because they can't bear the fact their precious society might have problems, so they blame on the lowest common denominator (to them, not to me or you. Just trying to make a point). This guy is an attorney, so he should be smarter than this. This crusade against video games is just bull. I bet he hasn't played any of the games to begin with.

    "ZOMG PoKeMoN wors1ps s@t@n111"

    It just sickens me people think video games are bad for you. Albeit, you shouldn't let a six year old play Manhunt 2 or Resident Evil 4. Still, to blame the entire market?

    Blame the people who actually did it, not a form of entertainment for thousands.
  3. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......
    Videogames are too good to be bad!
  4. Jadentheman Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    None of your business
    Damn Jack Thompson blaming videogames? What about TV or Internet?

    The media these days pointing fingers blaming it on something rather then themselves. Has Jack Thompson tried to rid of sex on tv no he goes after videogames. To me I see sex more on TV. Many people watch TV. Many children but lurking are the media
  5. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    So, video games are violent. that doesn't mean you can be all, "z0mg, these terrorist extremists are violent, too! Video games must be to blame for everything!11!!!1eleven!"

    As Repliku said, only the mentally ill or unstable would be effected that much as to commit a crime because they saw Master Chief killing people and not getting punished for it.
  6. Hummingbird Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 16, 2007
    This is just ridiculous. :x True, video games can get you aggravated, (I talk from experience, getting your butt kicked for 6 hours against Demyx on a level 1 Kingdom Hearts II save isn't fun. =P) but a mentally stable person does not grab a knife and goes on a killing spree just because he did that on GTA. Heck, I played Duke Nukem 3D and GTA when I was five, but I'm the exact opposite of violent. A sane person has better ways of stress relief than beating up a random stranger. Video games don't make psychos although they might encourage some of them. Mentally instable people have always existed and if the amount has been increasing lately it's not because of video games, but rather society itself. Irresponsible parents don't bother finding out what they're getting for their kids and violence is present in all forms of media anyway and I hardly see why video games would corrupt more minds than TV or even a violent book. Heck, even cartoons are full of violence these days, (Tom and Jerry, anyone?) but people like to blame everything on video games since it's so much easier than actually dealing with the real cause of the problem.

    Furthermore, a mental problem does not develop overnight; if a child starts acting oddly because of a video game, it's the child's guardian's responsibility to take away the video game from him and to help the child recover from it; irresponsible parents are a bigger danger than the video games themselves - if a problem is taken care of before it's given time to develop, there should be no big consequences.

    The flight simulator thing is stupid since technically it isn't a game; it's a program used for training purposes whereas games are more for entertainment.
  7. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Statistically speaking, there's more violence than sex on television.
  8. Raina Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 13, 2007
    I argree <3 tooo good
  9. Da Freak Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 5, 2006
    up your blarg
    Here's something I would like to add,how does a group of terrorists from Iraq get thier hands on Microsoft Flight Simulater in the first place?Answer that Jack Thompson.
  10. Falling Star Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 21, 2007
    a place beyond your wildest imagination
    They couldent have caused 9/11... how could they? Is it because of violence? Its just violence, violence couldent cause 9/11 and it surely couldent be caused by videogames...
  11. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    first they blame tv for violence then they blame video games , whats next thery're gannah blame books 2! I smell BS also.
  12. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......
    9/11 was a conspiracy, just a conspiracy....... Sure the terrorists did it, but theres proof that someone
    planted bombs so that the building would fall straight down......... Well, I'm pretty sure t.v and videogames
    didn't blow up those buildings..........
  13. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Eh... Video games are blamed for basically everything. As for the bomb thing, it's just a controversy, no one really knows.

    I think in some cases, parents do make poor choices. I will never forget the day I was at a gaming store at the mall and this dad bought his eight year old son Doom. He knew there was violence in it, the store clerk told him, he just blew it off saying: "The more violence, the better."

    Things like that do make me wonder if SOME parents, not all, just don't care what their kids play. Whether or not it brings them to school shootings, or 9/11, or whatever, it doesn't matter. What does matter is what happens with these kids playing the M rated games at such a young age.

    Ironically enough, I'm an adult and my mom still plants her feet about M rated games because of GTA and several other things that she has heard about it. Even games that aren't like GTA. There's two sides to everything.
  14. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......
    You live at home with your mom? OOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Anyway M rated games aren't the cause of 9/11 or school shootings......
    Have you ever seen the most popular guy in a school shoot everybody?
    Its always the person who was shunned....... It not games thats doing it...
    Its sadistic classmates who torture kids until they get so stressed....
    They don't think right anymore..... They lose their minds...
    They only want revenge..... They want to pay back
    everyone who laughed at them and anyone
    who didn't stand up for them.... Its not the videogames, its uncaring people....
  15. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Hey, I live with my mom and dad too, cowboyclucky. Nothing wrong with that.

    I kinda agree with some of the points you made. On the other hand, the person should know that you won't make things better by getting 'revenge'. You won't solve hate with hate and it won't happen. It's like mixing cereal and water.
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